Looks like a nail

| May 24, 2012

Ben sends us a link to an article in the Navy Times which tells us the story of a Master Chief Engineman (SW) Christopher Gary, who is an equal opportunity adviser at the Naval Academy and he’s sending out messages that the term “Indian run” is offensive. if you don’t know, an Indian run goes like this; A unit is running like they normally run in formation, and then on command, one or two runners from the back of the formation runs to the front of the formation, sometimes after making a complete circuit. Well, the Master Chief thinks, somehow, that’s offensive to call it an “Indian run”.

“The term ‘Indian Run’ is used … at various levels here at the Academy, and it is widely used among the public,” Gary wrote in the May 14 email. “I hope all can already see the problem with this, but let me be clear, this is a form of stereotyping.”

Stereotyping? Really? Because Indians are always breaking formation to get in front?

I guess it’s true that a hammer thinks everything looks like a nail, and when you’re an equal opportunity adviser, everything sounds offensive.

Category: Navy

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Having attended EOLC a bunch of years ago [and laughing my way through the course] this doesn’t surprise me. The institutional mindset that seems to come out of DEOMI is that if you’re not finding instances of -ism’s…you’re not doing your job.

This has come up before, at least in the Army. We decided to play along, and started calling them ‘Native American runs’.


Above was me……different workstation.


The ratchet effect in action. Once you create a position to ferret out injustices, injustices have to be ferreted out to maintain the position. I wonder if the now fully PC Navy will make a point to issue a directive to support the observation.

Maybe someone who can get ENCM Gary’s e-mail address can ask him just what is specifically derogatory and stereotypical about the term and why his perception is not based solely on the fact that there is a racially identifiable word in the phrase. BTW, we are paying an, I assume, perfectly capable E-9 to hand out this drivel instead of mentoring and training enlisted sailors and midshipmen.

David M

Well lets be thankful that very few in the Navy actually go out into Indian Country! Yikes!!!!


I’m waiting for the Flat Earth Society to declare that compass readings are offensive.


Wait…Pinto! That’d be the “Tin Foil Hat” Society….


guess I’ll have to give up my dream of a Chief from the Indigenous North American Residents Motorcycle Company now.


Oh no way, Dave. Petition our fearless leader “PSG” Lilyea to promote you on up through the ranks, from “Dickweed” (DW) to “Master Chief, INARMC. (MC-INARMC) That my friend should do the trick….Why be a Chief when you can be a Master Chief? Eh?

Yat Yas 1833

Cheese n Rice…I think I’ll have a bunch of beers!?!


On a serious note, it’s OFFENSIVE to talk about “native” Americans (fake for INDIAN) — when I, myself, was BORN IN AMERICA .

Zero Ponsdorf

I kinda expected the AF to lead the charge (sorry OWB).

PC run rampant anyone?

I am SO glad I’m old and out.

You young folks need to be concerned. This will bite you before it reaches me.


Be nice kids…after all, he IS a gearhead snipe, and this may be his one and onky chance to sound “smrat.” But nice try Master Chief. Really, nice try.


Why would the AF care? How much running in formation ya think I ever did??

Guess the guy should also give up his rank – surely “Chief” offends someone.

(Why have the Village People now taken up residence in my head? The Indian Chief, the Navy dude and a bunch of their buddies dancing down the street, fighting for who gets to be in front of the “formation.”)

Good thing not being offended is a protected right. Oh, wait…


Supposedly the email:

From: “ENCM (SW) Chris [redacted]”
Date: May 14, 2012 10:05:10 AM EDT
To: [redacted]
Subject: Seriously Folks – This is Stereotyping

Good morning all,
The term “Indian Run” is used to describe the alternating sprint exercises at various levels here at the Academy, and it is widely used among the public.

I hope all can already see the problem with this, but let me be clear, this is a form of stereotyping. I also wanted to offer a broader perspective:

A SGT tells his soldiers that they will be doing Navy runs.
A soldier asks, what’s a Navy run.

Another soldier responds, it’s associated with the Navy, so it’s going to be an easy day.

The soldier’s curiosity about the Navy run probably goes beyond what it is. That simple question may also be seeking an answer to why another service is referenced, or seeking validation of what they may already suspect is something inappropriate.

To the broader point, look beyond the simple questions that may be asked by those under your charge. The simple question is often the tip of the iceberg; as with icebergs, its what’s underneath that has sunk many ships. I am asking everyone to revisit practices that may have caused you to pause, so we can keep our ship afloat.
I’m also seeking input on an alternative name for these sprints.

ENCM(SW) Christopher [redacted]
Equal Opportunity Advisor
US Naval Academy


We’ve been calling it Last Airman Up or Airman Runs for a while now. I guess I’m ignorant (I’m also part Indian – Apache) but what’s so offensive? It’s a difficult exercise, if anything they should be proud something so tough is named after them.


God damned right, No. 15 .


Part of the problem is that so many of us have no idea that term X or Y is derisive of anyone. I wasn’t brought up to use the word Indian for any reason other than to describe a proud people indigenous to this continent. Yes, we even played Cowboys and Indians – sometimes the Cowboys won and sometimes the Indians won.

On the other hand, since we are not given an explanation of what about the word Indian is offensive, we may even be making an unwarrented assumption. Perhaps he’s referring to the country in Asia?

It’s all so confusing. And unnecessary.


Dictatorship REQUIRES confusion and the unnecessary .


The Navy must have really lowered standards to be a Master Chief.


Maybe he’s just trying to be proactive(I hate that word), and head off hurt feelings down the line. Those in charge of pc-ism are charged with making sure no one’s feelings get hurt by something that someone, somewhere, may, sometime, find somewhat offensive.


I find the Navy, with a few exceptions, to be offensive.


I personally find his rank very offensive. Not offensive to me, but offensive to others.

Master Chief.

The term Master might offend Black soldiers as they would have to call someone “Master” even though their ancestors may have been held as slaves.

The term Chief may be offensive to Native Americans as they would have been raised to call only the head of their Tribal Council a “Chief.”

I propose that we find a new name for the rank, at least for this guy. Perhaps, head asshat!


How is the Navy still using the word “Chief”? Don’t they know how racist that is?

Hack Stone

I remember when the Marine Corps banned the term “flip chart” because it may be offensive to Filippinos.My wife calls her friends Flip all of the time. Time to send her off to reeducation camp.

Hack Stone

As an Irish Catholic, I take offense to “Irish Pennants”. While we are at it, lets get rid of Black Ice, White Rice, Mexican Jumping Beans, Canadian Bacon and English Muffins.


Hack Stone: Dinnae forget Scotch and Irish whisky, laddie.

Just Plain Jason

Wait a minute…so people from south asia are offended? No vision quests in wrestling practice? Im so damned confused…I give up.


@14 thanks for the email in its entirety. It looks like the Mast Chief may have been responding to somehting else, either a previous email (yes, I know it doesn’t say Re:, but not everyone uses Re: For all responses) or a more formal conversation. I see the point, but think the Academy probably has bigger fish to fry.

For what its worth ten years ago my BAS was told to stop calling in an Indian run and to call it by the proper name “Fartlek Run.” This was of course translated to Fart Lick Run, which made its use knid of un popular. I thought it was stupid then and think its stupid now.


No. 25 — I met an ENGLISH MUFFIN in London years ago — she was quite pretty.


I’m offended at whoever gave Christopher Gary the Stupid Waiver he obviously needed to enlist.