Yeah, like you’re going to vote for someone else

| May 21, 2012

TSO sends us a link to Gordon Duff this morning who begins an open letter to Barack Obama by puffing out his feathers to convince us that he’s some kind of political boss di tuti bosses;

We supported you four years ago, my estimate producing about 50,000 votes. We are much more than ten times that now.

Yeah, if there was a mental stability test for voting, he’d be influencing several hundred thousand less. But, wishful thinking won’t get us there.

We don’t even hate you. You made sure of that by cleverly manipulating the GOP into nominating the most hateful, criminal and abysmal candidate in its history.

A Mormon bishop whose religious beliefs are totally inconsistent with freedom, equality, peace and honesty, as president? What could any of them have been thinking?

Yeah, some kind of slight of hand made the Republicans nominate Romney, the same kind of candidate they always nominate – the one they falsely think Democrats will elect for them.

Don’t you know we are sick of your continual lying?

But, here we are asking you to lie to us again, so we can think up an excuse to vote for you, because you’re the closest candidate to Ron Paul, our candidate last week.

Start recognizing you are surrounded by half baked advisors who are tied to special interest. Your set of morons aren’t much better than the last group.


You have a CIA director, DOD Secretary and Chairman JCOS that are top rate. Congrats. Now listen to them.

Which is it, moron? Are they half-baked or are they top rate. Should he listen to them or ignore them?

Please arrest at least two Supreme Court justices. Put in Jews, I don’t care….

Really? Arrest judges on the Supreme court? For what, exactly?

“Occupy” is an honest voice of your backers, the ones you have, to some extent betrayed, and you are allowing a police state and the insane “terror” rhetoric of the Bush regime to still control the country.

Yeah, Occupy is an honest voice, despite it’s stank-ass hippie rapists, thieves, murderers, vagrants, liars, phony soldiers, vandals and visigoths. Just a few months ago, Duff was pushing Ron Paul on the world as the savior, and now suddenly, Obama is our last hope, well, if he can stop lying. Am i the only one who thinks that the Ron Paul campaign was all about getting Obama elected? The way that the Paulians are continuing their childish behavior even after their candidate has stopped spending money?

This should be the moment the lights come on for those poor people who shoved their money into Paul’s pockets thinking that he honestly wanted to win an election. Apparently, and judging by my emails from the Paulians, their intent all along has been to reelect Obama – and Duff spells that out rather well in this POS he published today. Because, why else would anyone who supports Paul, like Duff did, then turn 180 degrees to Obama.

Duff continues the discussion in the comments, but just reading this much exhausts me.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos

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Oh man there is some high quality crazy in the comments: “The Jewish Zionist elite, the Israeli Lobby and others decided Obama is going to president again…”

Have some Walter Russell Mead as an antidote to that nonsense: “The rise of anti-Semitism is a sign of widespread social and cultural failure. It is a leading indicator of a loss of faith in liberal values and of a diminished capacity to understand the modern world and to thrive in it. Societies that tolerate anti-Semitism take a fateful step toward the loss of both freedom and prosperity. People who think “the Jews” run the banks lose the ability to understand, much less to operate financial systems. People who think “the Jews” dominate business through hidden structures can’t build or long maintain a successful modern economy. People who think “the Jews” dominate politics lose their ability to interpret political events, to diagnose social evils and to organize effectively for positive change. People who think “the Jews” run the media and control the news lose the ability to grasp what is happening around them. And people who think “the Jews” control America’s Middle Eastern policy lose the ability to understand, much less to influence, American policy in this vital part of the world. Emancipation from anti-Semitism is thus one of the necessary steps that many individuals and cultures have to take before they are able to act effectively and participate meaningfully in contemporary life.”


Ha! Politics! I know you couldn’t resist…..


Gosh, silly me for thinking the race for president of the U.S. is political.


Joe always has something so insightful to add to the conversation. As for Duff, what can you say? I think he must have gotten hit with a load of Agent Orange right to the face.

joe alcott

Gone from political to survival, me thinks! More ass hats on the way though,


“I am just a writer, by decent standards not even an activist” – actually, reading what he wrote, “by decent standards” he’s not much of a writer, either. Better try for activist…. apparently being a writer is out of reach.


Adam, I think Duff inhaled Agent Orange his whole time over in the Nam.
Wow, I went over and read this rant, there’s some real gems in that rant. “We have state governors who are crooks, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin minimally. They can and should be arrested, tried and convicted”. So, if you don’t cave to unions, you should be arrested? Well, it’s better than the union alternative, I’d guess.
But, Duff can’t be all bad, can he? He’s calling for the arrest of Kagan and Sotomayor, right?


This Duff guy is… for a lack of a better word, a complete assclown. I checked out the original piece and the comments…wasted about 5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.


Duff is a dumbass that never ceases to make some fictitious Zionist conspiracy the meat of every piece he writes. He even managed to make the Trayvon Martin shooting somehow about ze Jews.

I’d love to introduce Duff, Mr. Clerk Typist-lead-troops-on-hundreds-of-patrols-in-Danang to a Hebrew paratrooper can of whoopass, but I’d only validate his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in so doing.


Dear Joey,

Gordo blogs on a site called “veterans today” – thus he purports that his drivel is representative of some large group of veterans. Thus, this blog, which represents more veterans, takes a stand to say “Yo, jackass, you don’t represent us.” Ergo, it is a veterans issue.

Not being a veteran myself, all I can say is that I ceased reading the crap that man spews becasue I always feel like it unnecessarily kills brain cells rendering me stupider for the effort.



What Susan said…


Should we just start calling him “Gordon Dufus”?


Joe, if you’ve never read Gordon Duff, do so at least once. He is a leader in the Tin Foil Hat parade.


I want Obama to listen to Duff.


Between Obama and Duff, a clue will never be caught.


Joey, didn’t some kid barf up a load of succotash in the cafeteria you need to go mop up or put that vile orange powder over or something?


Sparky, it’s a good thing supper was early tonight, that needed an alert.
And, what Susan said, Joey.
PN, if Joey followed through on your advice, he’d have to have someone explain the big words to him.


Gordon Duff & Joey…mentioning both gives me an urge to break out my big jug of mind bleach.:D