Gays oppose USS Harvey Milk

| May 16, 2012

Former3c0 sends us a link to a Fox News article which tells us that gays weren’t a monolithic pro vote in the discussion whether naming a Navy ship for the murdered gay activist is such a good idea. This is about a vote that took place at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors subcommittee vote;

[Supervisor Christina Olague], the dissenter in the 2-1 vote this week, was joined in opposition by the city’s gay Democrat club named after Milk and other activists. She told the San Francisco Chronicle she prefers a national holiday honoring Milk.

Activist Tommi Avicolli Mecca wrote in a recent blog post: “The Milk who served in the Navy and the Milk who, less than two decades later, defied the taboos of his day to have sex with men, grow his hair, smoke pot and oppose the war in Vietnam, were completely different individuals.”

I guess they can be considered bigots, too.

I think it’s funny that there seems to be a tiered system of activism on the Left. Apparently, “anti-war” takes precedence over “gay issues”. Anyone want to play to play rock-paper-scissors for it?

Category: Military issues, Navy

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Al T.

Sounds like the gays found that hard to swallow.


Guess Mabus’s pandering left a bad taste.


I found this story hilarious because Cesar Chavez was a “peaceful resistance” guy and they named an AMMO ship after him. I’m all for naming a Navy ship after Milk if it pisses off the gays & lesbians because hey, activism can come back to bite you in the ass too. hahaha


A national holiday? For packing fudge, growing your hair and wasting brain cells with weed? You are nucking futz, Christina, or Christian.


A national holiday seems even less appropriate. He’s apparently already received (posthumously) a Presidential Peace Medal, and he’s been inducted into the California Hall of Fame, also apparently the Governator designated 22 May “Harvey Milk Day”.

AW1 Tim

I just wish the whole lot of these cretins would bugger off and let folks get on with their own lives, and leave our Navy ships to be named for actual heroes.

Name a ship after a homosexual activist? For heaven’s sake why? Gays are no more a protected species than Trekkies or Goths or NASCAR fans. It isn’t a civil right’s issue. It’s a damned stupid issue.

You want to be gay? Fine. Be gay. Get on with your life and leave it at that.


As TAH’s token queer I decided to poll several dozen of my fellow revelers in debauchery about this. Some are veterans, some aren’t, but the consensus seems to be that 95% of them think it’s great that they’re honoring him this way.