So Wikileaks Was “No Big Deal” . . . .

| May 16, 2012

You may have heard that yesterday, Iran hanged an alleged “Mossad spy”, Majid Jamali Fashi.

Today, published reports indicate that Wikileaks may have been responsible for exposing this individual to Iranian authorities – and thus for his demise.  From the linked article:

The Times of London reported Wednesday that a document from the US Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, seemingly drew attention to Fashi. The September 2009 US diplomatic document — identified by the code 09BAKU687 — quotes an Iranian source who was a licensed martial arts coach and trainer as describing to his American contacts pressure from the Iranian regime to train soldiers and militiamen in martial arts.

Fashi was reportedly in Baku for an international martial arts competition only days before the US Embassy document was written.

The suggestion is that the Iranian authorities identified Fashi as someone who was in illicit contact with the West on the basis of the document. He was arrested days after the publication of the document by WikiLeaks in December of 2010 and charged with carrying out the January 2010 assassination of nuclear scientist Masoud Ali-Mohammadi on behalf of the Mossad.

I don’t have any idea whether or not Fashi was working for the Mossad, or what exposed him if he was indeed a Mossad agent.  But the above theory is plausible.  Whether it’s the truth or not, I don’t know.

But it damn sure could be true.

Congratulations, PFC Manning.  You may now literally have blood on your hands.

And the next time anyone asserts that Manning giving those quarter-million classified documents to Wikileaks was “no big deal”, refer them to Fashi’s family.  I’m sure his parents and siblings will agree wholeheartedly that Wikileaks was “no big deal.”

Category: Antiwar crowd, Shitbags

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At the Metro station at Arlington National Cemetary, there’s a huge poster with the title “Whistleblower.” The poster features a picture of a young man in ACU, and at the bottom it says “See Also: …Manning” (Can’t recall if it said ‘Bradley’ or gave a rank).

So Manning can now be credibly accused of a crime leading to the death of another human being.

Free speech is free. “Whistleblower” isn’t what Manning is.


If I had to make a guess, it would be that Manning is also responsible for unmarked graves in a dozen countries, as well as the death of this man.


When found guilty, Manning should be executed by firing squad for Treason in a time of war.


Sort of makes me wonder why CODEPink and their several enablers in high places haven’t been charged with aiding and abating the “non-combatants” back in 2005? What was it 600K that was delivered AND include them in Manning’s lil fiasco. Just saying….I know, I know…unicorn farts, rainbows and skittles.


Hey Jonn. Your hyper-link appears to not be working…404 error.


Dang, HOndo. We don’t need no extra characters around here.


Not trying to defend Manning at all, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the cable leaks were from another source, and Manning leaked only SIRs (Serious Incident Report). I really dont think Manning would’ve had access to State Department cables, however SIRs makes alot of sense.

If that’s true, then Fashi’s death is on the hands of who leaked the cables, not Manning.

Either way, the deaths Manning may or may not have cause by his actions will never be measured. Who knows how many insurgents/terrorists that asshole created single handedly.


Street – I would prefer that we put Breanna and every one of those Code Puke witches in a secure location somewhere, each in a room alone with one of their precious terrorists. Let a committee of surviving FDNY and NYPD members choose the pairings.

Might be fun to arm each of those pairings with a small pocketknife. OK, make that a Swiss Army knife so they have a corkscrew with which to open that bottle of wine they are sure to share as they settle all those weighty issues like world peace.


Thanks for the info on that.

I’d love to knock that little smirk off his face as he’s walking out of the courtroom.

Doc Bailey

Once again I shall state for all to hear. PFC Manning can eat a big shit covered dick. There aren’t punishments enough for that fucking traitor. And can we please kill Assange?


Well no surprises here. I can’t wait to find out how many Afghan sources have died, thanks to him.


See people like code pink and their ilk really don’t care who gets hurt when it proves their point. Lil Bradley didn’t mean to hurt any one the wrong that we did was so bad that anyone who got hurt because he released his information is ok. The don’t realize how much pain this has caused. One soldier killing a bad guy is worse than them not seeing a bad guy killing fifty other people.


There’s one at Clarendon as well. Although… I “hear” it’s not quite… Intact any longer. I hear.