Bite Me; Iran is Bush’s fault
I swear, I’m going to miss that bumbling imbecile, Joe Biden, when he’s gone in January. But yesterday, he blamed the Bush Administration for Iran’s nuclear program, according to Fox News;
“By going the extra diplomatic mile, presenting Iran with a clear choice, we demonstrated to the region and the world that Iran is the problem, not the United States,” Biden said at the Rabbinical Assembly’s annual convention in Atlanta.
“When we took office, let me remind you, there was virtually no international pressure on Iran,” Biden continued. “We were the problem, we were diplomatically isolated in the world, in the region, in Europe. We were neither fully respected by our friends nor feared by our opponents. Today it is starkly, starkly different.”
So, yeah, the Iranians really fear us now, huh? That’s why they’re cloning our drones and they’ve all but ceased work on their nuclear program. They’re smuggling formed explosive projectiles into Afghanistan, smuggling rockets into Lebanon and Palestine and there’s evidence that they’re training Taliban in Pakistan. So, yeah they’re shaking in their boots.
And, how did all of that pressure from allies work out? Well the international community says that the inspections they foisted on Iran have failed.
A visit by international nuclear inspectors to Iran ended in failure Tuesday. Tehran not only blocked access to a site the inspectors believe could have been used for tests on how to produce a nuclear weapon, they reported, but it also refused to agree to a process for resolving questions about other “possible military dimensions” to its nuclear program.
And the Washington Post reports that Iran has stepped up it’s development of enriched uranium;
IAEA officials who visited Iran’s main uranium processing plant near the city of Natanz confirmed that Iran is operating more advanced centrifuge machines for making enriched uranium.
But, since Biden was the first decision that Obama made in his presidential career, Obama should be fired for that decision alone. How does hiring the biggest dunce on the planet do anyone any good?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Amen, Jonn.
Is it just me or does anyone else see Biden and start thinking that he’s channeling Leslie Nielsen?
AW1, I think you may have uncovered the secret right there!!
Tim, leave Leslie Nielsen out of this! The only thing Bite Me could channel is a dog turd and comrade oblowme even less.
Let’s go even a little further back, Plugs. Since the fall of the Shah in 1979, Iran has been trying (and often succeeding) at kicking America in the balls, between such things as the hostage crisis, Hezbollah (see Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut), possible (probably) involvement at Khobar Towers, shit-stirring in Iraq including Mookie Al-Sadr, etc., etc.
Now one could make a pretty strong argument that the Shah was a real shitheel, and that Carter was right for pulling the rug out from under him at the time, yet they would be wrong for that argument. Yes, the Shah was a shitheel, but only an idiot would argue that the mullahs would have been any better, and history will back up the fact the mullahs have been worse, both for their own people and the region. Had the Carter administration backed up the Shah with some SERIOUS strings attached, we would not have seen his overthrow at that time, and probably prevented (or at least significantly delayed) the rise of the mullahs in Iran.
And going back farther still, the Church Commission, of which our esteemed VP Biden was a involved although not a committee member, cut off the balls of our intel community pretty much worldwide. Nah, that wouldn’t have any effect on our intel abilities in Iran, now would it, Joe?
Basically, Democrats are good for one thing regarding Iran–they remind us how shitty they are at foreign policy every couple of decades.
Ya gotta love the skitzoid left – from one side of their mouths they claim Bush as the dumbest of the nitwits ever bred in this country while claiming from the other side that he is so clever as to orchestrate huge conspiracies and has responsibility for every bad thing that happened, probably even before he was born.
Meanwhile, for those capable of seeing reality, there is plenty of blame to go around. Wish some of those in positions to do something about it would step up and quit whining and wringing their hands.
Come November…
Sparky, come on, you’re going to make Insipid all butt-hurt. Have you already forgotten, one military act is foreign policy these days? Or, even a series of robot ninja attacks is foreign policy. Foreign policy is not a cogent, thought-out idea, applied to relations with other nations, it’s the ability to say “I got him”. Oh, and the ability to bow to various and sundry heads of state and the occasional mayor of a Florida city.
Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. He actually accused Paul Ryan’s budget of violating Catholicism. This coming from a guy who supports both gay marriage and abortion….
In my time in the sand Iran was funneling weapons and equipment to insurgents…terrorizers….and AND was sending their military into northern Iraq to attack Americans. When I first arrived the weapons and equipment had the insignia and serial numbers taken off and before I left northern Iraq they no longer even tried to hide the fact that it was Iranian gear. Their military was caught red handed when some officer and several Members of his terrorist brigade where “found” in Mosul. I remember telling my father we were fighting Iranian military after I became a Civ again and his jaw dropped. They weren’t in uniform mind you but they were uniformed if that makes since.
North–I rather doubt that insipid was even a gleam in daddy’s eye back in 1979-80.
Guys, there is a reason the Obaminator chose Biden – assassination insurance. The only thing worse than President Obama/Vice President Biden, is President Biden.
Sparky – Carter is responsible for the rise of Islamists everywhere. Even the Sunni look to the rise of an Islamist Iran for inspiration. Carter, of course, doesn’t really care because he and the Islamists have the same enemies – a strong, freedom-loving America and the JOOOS.
I don’t know that I’d go quite that far, Susan–after all, the Iran/Iraq War got started because Saddam was scared shitless that the Ayatollahs posed a threat to Iraq and they subsequently invaded Iran, not to mention the oil he would have controlled had he been able to take over Iran.
Funny how we keep coming around to oil and Saddam, ain’t it?
ETA: And even after the war reached pretty much a stalemate in 1981-82, Saddam did try to propose a cease-fire but the Ayatollahs basically gave him the finger and declared that they wouldn’t stop until the Ba’athists were replaced by an Islamic Shia republic.
And on it went for another six years. Then, again looking for quick money/oil, Saddam invades Kuwait. And so it goes.
Actually, NHSparky, there’s a good deal of evidence that – much as was the case in Kuwait in 1990 – Hussein invaded Iran as much for economic reasons as he did fear of Islamic fundamentalism. Specifically, (1) he coveted the economic resources of SW Iran, and (2) he perceived Iran to be weak as hell following the fall of the Shah and thus susceptible to military exploitation/partial conquest. For a while, it also looked as if Hussein had guessed right – until the Iranians started using human wave tactics and overwhelming the Iraqi military with same.
As I recall, Hussein didn’t really start playing up the threat of radical Islam until after the war had become stalemated. IMO, that was at best a minor contributor to his decision to go to war. Rather, he simply saw an opportunity to steal from his neighbor and grabbed it. Things then blew up in his face.
Hiring Biden as VP was brilliant; every administration needs some comic relief.
Sparky, I’d say Hussein was less scared of Iran at the time, than he was interested in taking advantage of the chaos after the revolution.
Alas, he forgot his history, in which the Persians have been kicking Arab buttocks for the last three thousand years. Whoops.
From over here the most mind-boggling part of these …insane… statements from the Obama administration is how the MSM swallows them whole, and doesn’t even think about checking the real world. Then again, that would embarrass them, given they gleefully publicized every covert attempt to contain or control terrorists during the Bush years. My personal favorite: when the New York Times trumpeted to the world how the US talked Europe into tracking terrorist money in their banking network. I’m sure the Euro-leaders couldn’t wait for the next chance to “cooperate” with this country after that.
Postscript to 15 above: one of the effects of Hussein’s miscalculation was to put Iraq in postwar financial extremis. This financial bind is thought to have been a major contributor to Hussein’s decision to invade Kuwait approximately 2 years later.