Afghan girl seeks safety from family among US troops

| May 4, 2012

National Public Radio tells the story of a teenage Afghan girl whose family summarily condemned her to death when she was found to have a cellphone and the family suspected her of talking to a boy on it. They beat her for a little while, then took a supper break and told her that was her last meal.

The girl escaped and went to the only place she knew that she would find safety and refuge from the crackpots she called her family – at a nearby US military outpost;

“I was terrified to think of running away from home, but suddenly a voice from inside told me to flee before my brothers killed me. Maybe the devil made me do it,” says Lina. “I took one of their cloaks and wrapped it around me to look like a man. Then I slipped out of the house and started walking to the foreigner’s base nearby.”

This is where the story in Afghanistan often ends: The woman is sent home, and later killed by her family to cleanse the dishonor.

But Lina’s tale has a rare happy ending. U.S. officials helped fly her to a women’s shelter in a larger city, while Afghan officials in her province agreed to look the other way.

Of course, this trust that the young girl put in the “foreigners” over that which she had in her own family won’t make the New York Times or the LA Times, because they’re too busy looking for “scandals” which undermine the mission in Afghanistan rather than looking for reasons to celebrate our small victories like the life of this child.

Category: Terror War

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NPR not just for liberals. Wish more people would listen to NPR.


They would if NPR was less blatantly biased, more objective, and more accurate.


I hope the young girl has a home. I wonder if someone has agreed to give her a place to live.


NPR – I might listen if they give up their taxpayer funded subsidies and change their name to National PRIVATE Radio…


Arby, it’s National Progressive Radio. And, they’ll give up their subsidy when we pry it from them, not before.


What hypocrisy and duplicity. You shamelessly trot out Afghan women in a lame attempt to support your hawkish position evenas you debase American women you don’t agree with. Either support women or don’t, but dispense with your charade.



Please explain how acknowledging that a woman is physically attractive is debasing women in general or that particular woman in particular. Also, please explain how an article recognizing that Afghan women are often safer when around US troops than their own family is either hypocritical or even relevant to your thesis. Cite sources completely using Chicago Style Manual format. Remember to use correct English and valid logic. You have one hour. Begin work.

Or, alternately, just STFU. You’re continuing ignorant belaboring of this point is becoming tiresome. It’s also proving you a fool fixated on a single irrelevant misconception.


So, Joe, you are OK with possessing a cell phone being a capitol offense?


Has anyone alerted that twat Mande Wilkes yet? BTW, Joe, the gratuitous vulgarity was for your benefit.


It’s called being logically consistent Hondo. It’s inconsistent to say, “I’d do her” about any attractive female you don’t agree with, and then pull out the hankies when it suits your goals. Personally, I think defending Afghan women is a noble goal, when they’re little kids, teenagers, and adults, and without ever saying you’d do them. But respect, except for fellow soldiers, is in short supply on this site.


No dice, Joe. Your entire argument here is a non-sequitur, AKA a “red herring”. Further, other statements in your original comment about Jonn also appear to be an ad hominem attack. Neither of these constitutes a valid logical argument. The fact that someone finds one particular woman sexually attractive and says so is completely unrelated to the concept of defending the principles of human rights – specifically, that individuals should be protected against summary extrajudicial execution for perfectly legal behavior. The two are not logically connected in the least. Therefore, your use of latter as support for your thesis (the former) is not valid logical argument. Rather, it is the deliberate use of a point totally irrelevant to the subject at hand in an attempt to deflect attention from your opponent’s actual argument. In other words, it’s the use of the well-known non sequitur fallacious argument technique. Further, your calling Jonn a “hypocrite” and “duplicitous” is attacking him personally rather than attacking his argument. You’ve done so without even attempting to demonstrating the truth of your assertions of hypocrisy and duplicity. Ergo, this is a textbook example of an ad hominem attack. You do realize that both the use of non sequiturs and ad hominem attacks are invalid logical argument techniques, don’t you Joe? And that they are typically used only when one is losing an argument and cannot find a valid counter to his/her opponent’s arguments? And Jonn’s original observation over which you are obsessing like a schoolgirl infatuated with a boy band singer – while arguably perhaps a bit crude – was not demeaning towards all women. Rather, it was an expression of opinion concerning one particular woman. And to most, a man noticing an attractive female and commenting on that fact is recognized as being nothing more than part of being a normal human male, Joe. The fact that you don’t realize that perhaps says more about you than you realize. Had Jonn indicated that he was in favor of saving this particular teen solely because she was “do-able”, you’d have a point. He didn’t, so you… Read more »


y’know, I have seen multiple aricles here about females and seen a lot praising something some of them did, seen a few pans for things like medals for kindergarten work. Haven’t seen one where a woman drew more incoming than a man would in a similar situation… far as I can tell, that’s pretty much equality.


“I’d do her.”

Blunt. To the point. Straightforward. No-nonsense. Clear. Concise. Plain.

Hypocricy? No — just honesty.

And honesty is the most sincere form of flattery.


Oh, and Joe? You get an F. You didn’t meet the 1 hour time limit, cite sources, or use Chicago Style Manual format.

And that’s before considering the content of your reply – which is so bad it merits a grade several levels lower than F.


When has Joe ever attacked the arguement?


As the little kid in “Angels in the Outfield” put it, Adam_S – “It could happen!”


“And Jonn’s original observation over which you are obsessing like a schoolgirl infatuated with a boy band singer – while arguably perhaps a bit crude…”

He insults women, merely for the crime of being women, all the time on this site, and I’ll continue to call him on it. You know he’s on the losing side of an argument when “I’d do her” is the best he can come up with.


And really, except for some short-lived gratuitous thrill, he only shoots himself in the foot every time he acts that way and detracts and distracts from his own occasionlly valid argument. If he wants to be taken seriously he should act like an adult, show a slight modicum of respect.


While I applaud the soldiers for their actions as well as the girl’s bravery, the cynic in me just cannot think this issue is resolved completely.

The Afghan officials in her province agreeing to ‘look away’ sounds fishy to me. How long before her family somehow finds her? She is unfortunately still in that environment.

Again, taking nothing away from the soldiers or the girl, but I am a bit wary of this situation still.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, anything “COULD” happen. The real question is ,”what is the probability of it happening?” in joe’s case, the probability of him making a rational argument is, I’m sure, somewhat less than zero.

Southern Class

Joe, you bitch. How in hell is saying “I’d do her” debasing her? Most women, of varying calibers of chastity, that I know would feel worse if someone said: “Ugh, I would never do her”.
To say falsely: “I DID her.”, would be debasement.
What do you think of the pastor who gave the opening prayer at the NASCAR Nashville race, who gave credit to “My Smoking Hot Wife”? Does not to most people, Smoking Hot, suggest that one would “do” her?
You are more of a twit than my granddaughters 15,16,17 year old friends.


Well, NASCAR pastors have never been known for their good taste…


So, Joe, you do NOT think that possessing a cell phone is a capitol offence?? (Not that you made a clear statement one way or the other.)

If that is so, then what you are probably really angry about here is that you completely agree with us that she did not deserve to be killed for having a phone. Must be awful for you to realize that we normal, healthy people aren’t as bad as you felt we are.


Logic is obviously something with which you’re unfamiliar, Joe. If you want to be taken seriously and given any respect, you should learn to act (and argue) logically like an adult rather than like an immature, flighty teen obsessing over a popular singer. Geez.

And you REALLY are out to lunch if you’re seriously claiming that voicing one’s opinion that a particular woman (or man) is physically attractive is “insulting to all women” (or all men). If you really believe that, you’re deluded enough that I seriously wonder if you need professional help.


OK, slight misstatement, you did in fact say she was do-able, then that she would ruin it by actually talking – not that you would do her. Huge difference. I’m surprised duct tape wasn’t part of the conversation.

But in all seriousness, I struggle to see what you gain by acting in that rude fashion.


A certain individual here reminds me of that lady who talked smack of the troops and reveled in the attention and notoriety she received from it.

Some people really seem to ‘thrive’ on the attention they receive online, positive or negative. Their main goal is to stir people up and focus the attention on them and not the subject at hand.

Looks like it is succeeding as usual.


Joe, you should have just put the period in your last sentence above after the word “see” and omitted the rest.

‘Course, that’s still belaboring the obvious. We all recognize that you “struggle to see”.

Old Trooper

Joe; you must really be worried about your messiah’s reelection chances if you’re getting this whipped up over nothing, already. It’s ok for you to be talking out of both sides of your mouth; we understand that is what drooling moonbat leftists do, but learn to stop digging when it’s already over your head.


I would also point out that “lack of respect” will be showcased if that girl’s family gets hold of her.

There is no doubt that they WILL “do” her — and if won’t have anything to do with the sexual variety.


I’d still like to hear Joe’s thoughts on Naomi’s asinine comments regarding boycotting Katy Perry and the Marine Corps instead of his constant harping on a two word aside about how Jonn used to find Naomi attractive. I won’t hold my breath for a straight answer though.


I didn’t get that far, Jonn’s rudeness stopped me in my tracks.


Like I said, wasn’t expecting an answer and you sure didn’t disappoint.


Yes, and now who’s being rude? This is Jonn’s site, you’ve indicated your displeasure in what he said, he’s explained what he meant by what he said, and that should be the end of it. You’re nagging, Joe. Move on.


OK Pinto, since it’s coming from you, I won’t mention it again…..until next time it happens. Shouldn’t be too long.
Off to do some desert exploring under the super moon. Have a great weekend.


Hey, Joey…Be careful, don’t stub your toe, and stay off the rocks, hero.

Just Plain Jason

This is Joe who sited an argument equating killing of single cell organism to humans ala Peter Singer. Once again he figures out that he doesn’t really have a leg to stand on and scampers away, rather than saying, “isn’t it good that a young woman’s life was saved.”. That would take too much for him to say that. Fucktard…he’s off to the bus station…wait that’s insipid.