Sorry, but I don’t see the problem
Tman sends us a link to an article from The Atlantic Wire which reports that a former CIA interrogator is making claims that the Obama Administration is more brutal than the Bush Administration was when it comes to dealing with our enemies in the war against terror;
“We don’t capture anybody any more,” Rodriguez told 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl on Sunday. “Their default option of this Administration has been to … take no prisoners … How could it be more ethical to kill people rather than capture them? I never understood that one.”
Those remarks by Rodriguez have been largely overshadowed by his more controversial defense of “enhanced interrogation techniques,” which is laid out in his new book out today called Hard Measures: How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives. But what was interesting to observe last night was the overlap in views by advocates of enhanced interrogation (a.k.a. torture) such as Rodriguez and opponents of such tactics, like your Glenn Greenwalds and Ron Pauls, who essentially agree on one important point: It’s better to capture suspected terrorists and draw out information from them than assassinate them without due process.
Yeah, well, that’s what happens when the president decides that he’s not going to give the generals the troops they ask for to fight a COIN war and instead wants to listen to Joe Bite Me and adopt his ninja zombie robots strategy. But the upside is that there are more good Islamists, if it’s a zero-sum game.
Since this administration is averse to effective interrogation, they might as well just kill the bad guys instead of having to deal with that sticky warehousing thing in Guantanamo. It might be a tacit admission that “enhanced interrogation techniques” work and not using those techniques doesn’t do much good.
There’s no word from Tony Camerino on how he feels about this yet, but I’m sure you’ll see him clinging to the wagon somewhere along the line.
UPDATE: My mistake, Alexander/Camerino has weighed in and he still blames the Bush Administration on Huffington Post;
The sad truth is that America is morally bipolar. The country that I signed up to defend with my life has become an endorser of torture, an evader of accountability, and a place where the rule of law is arbitrary, especially for government elites who craft torture programs. The accountability we preach to other countries that is so important for a just society is absent in our own when it comes to torture.
But, he doesn’t mention whether or not he likes the idea of killing terrorists instead of making them talk. He still wants to excoriate the Bush folks for stuff that’s said and done.
Category: Terror War
Maybe what got Tony’s panties in a twist was the fact that they forced KSM to drink Ensure. It certainly horrified Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes. “Along with water boarding and sleep deprivation, another form of treatment of Guantánamo prisoners includes dietary manipulation. For KSM, this meant the drink Ensure. Stahl says ”What, his Ensure? You mean like people in the hospital who will eat that stuff?“ Rodriguez called dietary manipulation ”part of these dire techniques.“ Stahl called it ”Orwellian stuff.”
Yeah, well, those who advocate that we use Geneva protocols should be jumping with joy now.
Make them drink ENSURE?! Now that’s a techinique to make the blood run cold!
We have to be careful when somebody is “captured” that we don’t mix up revenge with trying to get good intel out of them. From what I saw in OIFIII, many of the folks captured were at the wrong place at the wrong time…and if many of them really were bad guys, we had no idea BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT THEM IN REFUSED TO WRITE ANYTHING.
Torture can’t be trusted…but good old fashion “talking” to the bastard the right way can get a lot of info.
The problem with “Killing them all and let Allah sort it out” is you can’t get much intel from a dead man.
Watching Leslie Stahl is worse than being waterboarded.
It’s easier to assassinate a terrorist than to capture him.
Obama and his uber-competent Attorney General had their asses handed to them by one each Ahmed Ghailani. When the trial watchers circulated the rumour that Ghailani may be acquitted entirely, under American Due Process, our good ole Prez went on national TV to assure Americans that regardless of the decision, Ghailani was going to spend the rest of his life behind bars.
If Ghailani was innocent, our Prez was going to ensure a black didn’t get a break.
So, it’s much, much easier to assassinate a terrorist than run the risk of losing in court. Again.
“morally bipolar” — ??
“morally bipolar” — ??
Try getting both sides — of your brain,
and of your moral concepts — working IN SYNC .
I think we all said something like this would happen a while back. Wow kind of a damned if you do damned if you don’t proposition. Reminds me of if you accidentally kill an endangered species, you are better off burying it and not saying a word.