Geoff Millard claims TBI

| April 29, 2012

Jason sent us a link to a Canadian sports radio show which had as a guest, for some stupid reason, IVAW’s Geoff “Stolen Valor” Millard who we caught wearing an unauthorized CIB and three Meritorious Service Medals (and his forged DD214) after he was chaptered out of the Army Guard because he went AWOL. Geoff tells the show’s hosts (his time on the show begins at about 49 minutes and makes the TBI claim at about 53 minutes in the podcast dated April 26th) that he suffers from Traumatic Brain Injury from his time in Iraq – I’d like to know how this is the first time we’ve heard this.

First of all, Millard was a general’s go-fer because he was a whiny derelict who couldn’t do his job as an engineer. I guess he might have a brain injury if the overhead projector fell on him one time when he came out from under the general’s table. But I’m certain he would have mentioned it sometime in the past like he’s hung his reputation on some football injury in high school that made him ride sick call into the general’s employ.

He says that he lost “a lot of friends” in the war. I’d say he’s FOS – he doesn’t have many friends. Period. He goes on to say that he has to walk with a cane because of his pain – that’s not from anything that happened to him in Iraq. Again it’s his football injury from high school. But, he’s doing the same shit that Ward Reilly and Gordon Duff do – it’s dishonesty by omission.

Thanks to Jason for the link

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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I called out Millard on a post he was spewing on on FB, he insists you guys are wrong and the FBI cleared him.


Even though Millard is a has been, he still needs an ass whipping for wearing the unearned CIB. What a bunch of losers he hangs with.

Bubblehead Ray

Maybe his definition of TBI is “Total Bullshit Inventor”. In that case, he has it in spades!

Doc Bailey

Sorry my bullshit meter is full for the day


As a has been it only makes it worse for him. In my opinion the guys who actually served and deployed are the worst of all, they ought to know better!


He may have been hit on the head rather hard by falling credibility. Perhaps IVAW needs to pay him compensation – of perhaps a monthy couple of joints. And declare him officially mentally incompetent.


[…] Looks like it’s time for a quick update on that studly young former NY ARNG soldier, Geoffrey “TBI” […]

Fraud Buster

Geoff “Stolen Valor” Millard also makes fraudulent claims on Youtube of suffering TBI.
And IVAW still keeps him around as a representative. If that is the standard for their best, imagine their worst.