Update on a feel good story

| April 27, 2012

CavRick sends us an update on the case of three Camp Lejeune, NC Marines who interrupted two upstanding citizens who were burglarizing the home of the Marines and the Marines ventilated the burglars, Maurice Skinner and Diego Everette. Apparently the prosecutor is not pressing charges against the Marines who are still not being identified;

The shooting deaths were justified, said the Onslow County district attorney.

There were items found on the bodies of the two men killed and according to police, they were the same items reported stolen from an earlier car break-in nearby.

CavRick says that it went down like this;

Couple weeks ago two Marines and a friend returned to their Jacksonville home to find 2 scum bags burglarizing it. One of the scum bags had the Marines’s shotgun. The scum bag butt stroked him and then tried to fire a shot. The Marine always kept the chamber empty. He took the shotgun away and put two rounds into that POS. He looked around and saw this other POS fighting with his friend. He then took the gun and shot the other POS. [The criminals] both went to meet their maker at that moment.

Of course, the family of one of the fine young burglars isn’t buying the prosecutor’s decision;

A family member of Diego Martes Everette, who wished to remain anonymous, said he wasn’t a “stick-up kind of guy.”

“The heart is really what matters. Diego was a good guy. We all know that if you knew him personally, you knew he was a good guy and he loved any and everybody,” she said.

Apparently, he also loved any and everybody’s stuff, too.

Category: Guns, Marine Corps

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Old Trooper

“The heart is really what matters. Diego was a good guy. We all know that if you knew him personally, you knew he was a good guy and he loved any and everybody,” she said.

This is the standard answer that families give out when one of their kids gets taken deep for their criminal behavior. I see and hear it every time I read or watch the news about some gang banging little reprobate is either charged with a major crime or is ventilated. The news only shows you the grieving family and friends, they don’t tell you the whole story.


Right, OT. I’m sure that good ole Diego was just getting his life turned around.
And, not a stick-up kind of guy? Of course not, Diego was a B&E kind of guy. Unfortunately for Diego, not that good a B&E kind of guy.


We all know he was a good kid who just started turning his life around.


The families are as responsible for the death of their family members as those Marines are. Why? A simple rule I learned living on a farm: if you can’t control your animals, someone else will do it for you. Whether you like it or not.

The Marines ought to request reimbursement from the thugs’ family for expended ammo and services rendered.

CI Roller Dude

I think that qualifies for the “Expert” shooting badge.


When is our (cough cough) Commander in Chief going to come out and say if he had a son he would look like Diego?


I bet Diego was also an aspiring rapper or excellent athlete as well…..


“The heart is really what matters.” I agree…that’s where I’d aim too!


@1: Looks like the heart didn’t matter that much against 2 rounds of buckshot. But can anyone really expect a parent to say on the news that their son was a dirtbag that deserved what he got? And when it comes to your loved ones, people have blinders. Unless he was bragging about breaking into cars at the dinner table, all they probably saw was a good son that made mistakes.

@4: I disagree. It doesn’t matter how great or poor of a job the parents did. He made that decision to break into the house. He made the decision to aim a gun at a innocent man. I’ve seen alot of people come from shitty homes and abusive parents turn out to be responsible adults and I’ve seen people come from loving parents that turned into dirtbags like these 2.
My best friend came from an abusive home and was thrown out by his parents when he was 16. Now he’s about to make CPO in the Navy. He did that on his own. A few months ago I helped chapter a Soldier that came from a good family that was a straight up dirtbag. His parents weren’t the reason he stole from other soldiers, left sensitive items unsecure and wouldn’t stay awake on guard. He made those bad decisions on his own.
His parents are dealing with their sons death and. They may be in denial about what kind of person he was, but there’s no need to add to their grief by blaming them. They didn’t aim a shotgun at a Marine.

Of course, I could be wrong. His parents may have been world class dirtbags and he was following in their footsteps.


Gotta ask: does trying to shoot a Marine with his own gun qualify as a Darwin Award nominee?

Yat Yas 1833

@ 4 & 9, you’re both wrong. I’m a “hood rat”, I grew up in “barrio Homedale” but because my parents both gave a damn, my brother and sisters and I have all been to college and now all hold responsible positions with the city of Phoenix. These two turds made their own decisions to be turds and have paid the price of turdship. I feel bad for my brother Marines who were forced to take human lives, even if they were turds.


The thugs are responsible for their own behavior, yes.
The parents are responsible for theirs, too.
Getting up in front of a camera or microphone and saying what is obviously so very untrue is not responsible behavior. Only very rarely are parents completely unaware of their children’s incorrigable behavior. That they have no control over it is another matter.

Criminals don’t stop until someone STOPS them. If they’re lucky, they get stopped softly. They go to jail. If unlucky, they get stopped hard. They go to the morgue. Tough damn titty.

No pity here, at all. I’ve been on the receiving end of criminal behavior. The ONLY ones I feel sorry for in this whole worthless mess are the Marines who killed them.


I am willing to cut grieving family a little bit of slack because during raw grief we all are capable of doing and saying some very strange things.

There is no excuse for outright lies. Seeking out cameras to act stupid for all to see is also inexcusable – but seems to be standard MO these days for everyone no matter the topic.


Wait, wait, wait….These two were not turds, they were honest to goodness “wealth re-distribution agents” conducting field trials for Obama’s unannounced and signed executive order to create the Office of Wealth Redistribution!


Life is all about perceptions and the images that we hold of past and present events. Those perceptions are all framed by the brain matter that receives the images of the immediate event and then immediately stores them in accordance with what has been stored there previously. We see what we want to see.

We have some former, and maybe present cops on this site; they all know how every family tends to describe their blown-away loved one as, “a good boy.” The grandmothers of serial ax murderers tend to think of them as “good boys.”

It’s just human nature. It is also just a trained Marine’s human nature to take a shotgun away from a dirtbag and turn him into an example for all those “good boys” as to why they really should make a better effort at being good boys.

Bubblehead Ray

Fighting a Marine over the Marine’s own shotgun…

Coroner should have ruled it a suicide.

Yat Yas 1833

Ray, he didn’t?!?

Honestly, I hate this kind of story. As I said above, I’m a ‘hood rat’, I’m from a ‘gangbanger’ neighborhood yet I, and my siblings, have turned out ok. In fact, we’ve thrived. It kills me to see or read about these parents who, despite their kids having proven their turdship, claim their kids were turning their lives around or weren’t doing what was alleged. I’ve run into kids I went to school with who have said, “I knew you would turn out ok, your parents cared”. The kids are dead and the parents are in denial. It’s a sad, sad thing.


Yes, Yat Yas 1833, it’s sad. But as others observed above, it’s also human nature for the bereaved to stand up for lost loved ones.

Love can make people do heroic things. But it also can make people both blind and stupid.


As we’ve seen with people who come here to defend recently deceased.

But at some point even the most blinded need to acknowledge their loved ones weren’t the angels they wished them to be. When someone comes at me with the, “Did you know them?” card, all you usually have to say is, “No, but I know what they DID.”

Al T.

“Diego was a good guy” – if so, he’s better now.

Just Plain Jason

Parents are weird, my father (who I don’t talk to) has two sons. Me and dipshit, I have worked hard all my life, even though I don’t have a perfect past I don’t make any excuses and I have a college degree a good family and a nice home, more than anyone in my white trash family. His other son has been in and out of jail (two felonies one sexual offense) has at least two kids he doesn’t take care of and a dishonorable discharge. My “father” treats me like shit and barely give me an ounce of respect, but if dipshit needs a damn thing he is there. Any time dipshit has been arrested he has spent 1000s of dollars trying to keep him out of prison and says he is just troubled, but a good guy. Parents most always want to believe the best about their trouble kids. It doesn’t surprise me that Diego’s parents are saying that, but I bet there is a cousin or a brother thinking, Diego was a shit and it was a shit and it was only a matter of time.


Just Plain Jason: I salute you.

Ed Graham

Those three Marines saved the hard-working taxpayers of North Carolina hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars having to try, house, feed, and provide medical care for those two piles of cow droppings. HOO-RAH!!!


And the mug shots of these guys were released before the MSM could get control and ensure that everyone believed they were both caught in a time warp at the age of 12 and were only in the house looking for skittles.