David Stump’s Stolen Valor exhumed

| April 27, 2012

Bobo sends us (by snail mail) the news that David Stump who we first discovered was buried with his Stolen Valor back in August, 2010 with a forged DD214, has had his headstone replaced. The results are above. We’d heard that the stone was being replaced in December, so, considering it was the government, the changed happened fairly fast.

So the story of his 140 jumps in Vietnam didn’t hold up. His real DD214 says he was a radio repairman. It hardly seems someone like that would end up an SF Team sergeant, and apparently he wasn’t.

So this “victimless crime” ended up costing taxpayers two headstones and his family’s last memory of their “Beloved husband, dad and grandfather” was that he was a lifelong liar and valor thief who forged government documents. Another head on a pike in our village square.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Should make the friggin lefties that say it is a victimless crime, and that they are just exercising their freedom of speech, pay for this.

At least they corrected the stone. Tough break for the family.




Fuck him. Another grave for me to piss on.


Just don’t curse him for falsely claiming to be Airborne qualified when you do, Beretverde. That claim just might be true – even though the others (BSM, 3 PH, combat jumps, 3 tours in Vietnam) have been proven to be bogus. See



What a horrible thing to do to the family. To have served (presumably) honorably, then dishonor your family and country with lies is simply unimagineable.


@#4…My man Hondo- I’m cursing him for being a fuckstick liar. Being airborne qualified is not in the equation. I do see that he was “paper flashed” SF. I despise paper flashers as well. It adds up.

Thanks anyway for the heads up.


Damn….this story made my day.


I’m not sure which pisses me off more, f**king fakers who haven’t served in uniform or those indivuduals who are so weak in moral fiber that they make up accomplishments during their serivce to feed an ego…or whatever.

From a non-combat arms guy who is still in after 24 years, wether you serve one tour or ride the train to 30, be proud of what you did while you were in. Not everybody in life gets to be a rock star but at least take pride in what you achieved.

Too bad this scumbag didn’t get exposed while he was alive…

I’m new to this blog but damn, I check it faithfully now. Keep up the good work guys and gals.

Whiskey Five Tango – Out

William Fuzi

My biggest problem. He is still in Arlington!!!!!

William Fuzi

oops! not Arlington.