Teaching Old Dogs…

| April 26, 2012

You know what they say about one way of maintaining a long marriage is for the two of you to never go to bed mad? Well, there’s a sort-of corollary to that rule that applies to maintaining your good relationships in blogging: never hit that send key while you’re still mad. Unfortunately, I have made the mistake of not heeding that latter warning far too often. Like last night.

I’m reminded of Chico, the first cat my wife and I ever owned. He would slip out of the yard, cross the street and duck down behind the opposite curb fronting our cross-street neighbor’s yard where those folks had a small dog they’d let out on the porch, but with strong warnings against leaving the front yard, especially as to getting in the street, a huge no-no. Chico would huddle behind the curb, his entire body quivering, then suddenly pop up catching the little dog’s attention. Fido would at first run to the center of the yard barking but when Chico ducked down, the dog would return to his porch post. Each time Chico popped up, the dog would run a few feet closer to the curb before returning to the porch. Finally, usually on the dog’s fourth or fifth run and his closest approach to the curb, Chico would bolt across the street into our yard as if running for his life, and the furious little dog would come tearing right behind in full pursuit, barking his silly head off. Which, of course, brought his angry, yelling owner out with a rolled up newspaper with which she smacked the fooled Fido several times before putting him back on the porch with another stern warning.

I watched that cat sucker that pooch off that porch five or six times in an hour, with the dog getting his butt whacked a bit harder each time, before the owner would finally take her poor, frustrated, little mutt inside. I swear Chico would sit in our front yard while the dog was getting smacked, with his little kitty ribs heaving with cat laughter. And this went on for months. That dog never learned and Chico never gave him a break.
So why that story? Well, I’m kind of like that dog. Despite knowing I shouldn’t, I still get suckered off the porch of reasoned discourse and run headlong into the risky street of angry diatribe, barking my fool head off. And then, while still all lathered up with righteous indignation, I do the really stupid thing: I hit that damned send key.

And that is exactly why I had that jaws-quivering, rabidly righteous piece about John Kerry and John Edwards up yesterday. While the premise of the piece is valid: both are true lowlifes and the Democrats do seem to have a penchant for electing such people to the highest offices in the land, it is usually sufficient to fire off epithets like scumbag, slime ball, sleazebag, etc. sparingly in such a short submission. I’m afraid I had my keyboard selector switch set to full auto for that piece.

When I was writing for Old War Dogs, webmaster and editor, Bill Faith, R.I.P., used to keep me on the porch, well, at least in the yard, for the most part, occasionally smacking me with a rolled-up email while whistling me back out of the street. I’ll bet when I hit that send key last night, Ol’ Bill was up there somewhere looking down over my shoulder and shaking his head that another of his old dogs had gone tearing off out into the street again, barking my fool head off, ignoring the lesson of not hitting that damned send key while my muzzle was still lathered. But it’s so doggoned hard to just sit on the porch and growl when one of those Demo Cats pops up over the curb like Edwards did yesterday, blaming his wife for his own bad behavior. OK, I know, I’m a baad doggie.

Mea culpa, Bill, but you know what they say about teaching us old dogs…

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Zero Ponsdorf


I don’t have your writing chops, but I CAN relate to the rest.

Although in MY case sometimes (I swear) the technology IS to blame. Not just the enter key either. Yeah, technology is to blame for my poor writing skills… that sounds right.

Seriously though, I liked your post.

Yat Yas 1833

Poetrooper, democRATs will make anyone a little “trigger happy”. In my book you told the truth so crack a cold one and watch a ball game.

Old Trooper

Poetrooper; don’t smack yourself with the newspaper. over here, Jonn doesn’t do that, because we hid all the hardware he could use to do so. I think that’s why he has TSO around here, to keep us all off the street and in our own yard. TSO isn’t shy about sending off a personal email if he thinks you stepped on your weiner (I know, I’ve received several over the years) and that just adds to the respect we have already have for him and for this blog. Others here aren’t shy about calling you out, either, if they feel you’ve done the tap dance on your unit. So, to sum it up, we try to police ourselves, but there are some that are just begging for us to run off the porch and across the street and send them up the tree, which we will/have done many times.


Poetrooper…I, for one, didn’t see anything wrong with what you wrote. If I wanted colorless, mindless, useless untruths in what I read, I’d be glued to the MSM — not here.


If that’s an apology, none was needed. I thought the post was spot on. It seemed only mildly opinionated – but not lacking anything factual. That’s one of the differences between this kind of Blog and DU drivel. Facts are funny things.


All due respect, I think you have the protocol for this website backwards – it is highly recommended that you be really ticked off before you post.


Fuck you, Joe. You have no concept of the word “respect,” otherwise you would have stepped in front of a semi on Hwy 160 out of respect for us.


That’s just “Joe being Joe” again, NHSparky. Ignore him until he says something with some intelligent semantic content.


Got it all factually correct, the spelling is fine, and no hyperbole (really). Plus, you expressed in fewer words what most of us would say ourselves if we had your command of the language.

Anything else needed to declare it a great piece of writing? No?? Then just stuff the regret noises.

I miss Bill, too, but picture him sitting there with a well earned grin. Watching. Nodding here and there.


Poetrooper, I saw nothing wrong with “America – We ducked a bullet…” post at all. Somtimes “Fire for Effect” is the proper course of action.

Old Tanker

I didn’t see anything to apologize for….

USMC Steve

But, did you say anything in the piece that was not true? You were fine with that bit. Relax buddy.


Joe DOES respect the people on this site. Why do you think he keeps coming back, and subjecting himself to the abuse he gets here?


Uh . . . maybe because he’s (take your choice) (1) so narcissistic he can’t help himself; (2) too stupid to realize how foolish is comments are, (3) is literally masochistic, or (4) some combination of (1) through (3)?


Typo. Choice (2) should read . . . how foolish his comments are, . . . .

Al T.

What was not to like/agree with?


I had to go back and read it.

That was a good beat-down, not because of the harshness of the names you called Edwards and Kerry, but because you explained so clearly why they deserved those epithets.

Just for fun, you ought to take that piece, and edit it, by simply deleting the the words that are pure insults. I think you will find that there are not many.

It’s no big sin to be offended by very offensive behavior.


Your piece on sKerry and Edwards was great. No Sweat G.I.