Mission Accomplished
Old Trooper sends a link to The Weekly Standard Blog which links to to the National Journal in which Michael Hirsh quotes “one senior State Department official” as we get the rose-colored glasses slipped over our eyes;
It is no longer the case, in other words, that every Islamist is seen as a potential accessory to terrorists. “The war on terror is over,” one senior State Department official who works on Mideast issues told me. “Now that we have killed most of al Qaida, now that people have come to see legitimate means of expression, people who once might have gone into al Qaida see an opportunity for a legitimate Islamism.”
The new approach is made possible by the double impact of the Arab Spring, which supplies a new means of empowerment to young Arabs other than violent jihad, and Obama’s savagely successful military drone campaign against the worst of the violent jihadists, al Qaida.
Whew! That was close! Just this morning we had senior commanders in Afghanistan telling us that they can’t win the war unless they get more cooperation from the Pakistanis. I guess Obama stepped up his “savagely successful military drone campaign” over lunch.
And, what exactly is that “opportunity for a legitimate Islamism”? All of that stuff I see being waged against liberty in Egypt and Libya? Maybe they’ll just be killing each other instead of us for awhile, huh? That ought to keep them occupied for a year or so.
I hope the “senior State Department official” realizes that the whole reason that al Qaeda was so successful in the last two decades was because it was the Taliban who gave them a sanctuary in Afghanistan from which they could train and launch their murderous terrorists on the world stage, and they’re still dead set against the Karzai government being in control.
It’s like I’ve been saying since this administration embraced the Joe Biden “robot ninja zombies strategy”, the war isn’t over until this administration can form the word “victory” in their mouths. They’re only content with forming the words they think the voting public wants to hear. Their only strategy is withdrawal and if that’s going to be their strategy, they should be doing it sooner rather than later, because the only thing that will result from prolonging this mess is more dead and maimed US troops.
Apparently, the second part of their strategy is to look the other way and ignore all of that reality stuff right in front of their stupid faces.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Welcome to geezer world.
Peace with honor and all that…
Stale and misnomered semantics aside….I wish we would actually fight a ‘war on terror’. It would make more sense than fighting a ‘war on a rural insurgency’.
Ahhh, the State Department, that bastion of clear eyed sober analysis…
The MSM either needs to start printing the names of these babbling “senior officials,” or stop printing their idiocy — and at this point, I don’t really care which one of those they choose.
Is that kind of like when the last Bush dude said: “Mission accomplished” when he thought the Iraq war was over?
Uhhh, no. “Mission Accomplished” means quite a different thing to a crew whose mission has been accomplished than does “the war on terror is over.”
The mission to eradicate terror is never over. It’s been going on throughout the history of the world. Only the players change over time.
Perhaps the most stupid words ever uttered by a government official?
Mission Accomplished…as in Saddam out of power? Yes, the banner was correct.
Tim McCorkle #7 AND OWB #6: Being correct doesn’t apply.
I took Roller’s comment as sarcasm fellas, but maybe I’m wrong
As long as the administration says that the war on terror is over; that’s good enough for me.
To: Old Trooper
Ha !!
nice sarcasm .
OT beat me to it, again. If Baracka says so, let it be so.
Hey, if the War on Terror is over, can we disband TSA and the Department of Homeland Security?
Sounds like a GREAT idea, Flagwaver!
Hopefully, they cc’d the Muslim Extremists that the war is over. Of course those fuc***s don’t usually pay attention to our e-mails.
Obamabots started telling me the War On Terror was no more within 6 months of the inauguration. Of course, at the time BHO was denying he had changed the name to “overseas contingency operations” so I had nothing to “rename” the publication.
In the 90’s the POTUS denied we were being attacked by an organized enemy, beginning in 1993 with the WTC attack, too. They ignored the enemy when it declared (openly) that they were at war with us, in 1996 & 1998. They laughed as we exploded $1000 mud huts with $1MIllion cruise missiles.
Then came Joe, and his ninja drone attacks, and told us the Taliban weren’t the enemy afterall, though his boss had campaigned on them being more dangerous than Al-Qaeda (in Iraq). But who listens to Joe anyway, unless they’re looking for a laugh, except BO, who had promised in 2008 to have Joe in the room for every important decision, and told us they’d almost certainly get it wrong on major issues, within months of being in office.
Well, at least they kept that campaign promise. Been pretty good at committing to it as a policy.
NO, the War On Terror is NOT over, even if this Administration decides not to fight back, not even if it attempts to surrender every gain we’ve made in the last 10 years, not even if it gives Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt to the enemy.
The enemy has not surrendered, nor been eradicated. The enemy has expanded its territory in the last 18 months.
The only reason the talking head at the state dept is spewing this stupidity is because billary and the rest of our illustrious “leaders” have climbed in bed with the muslim brotherhood at the direction of georgy soros, the world’s number one self-hating Jew. They are planting the seeds that the brotherhood is deserving of full American support both financially and militarily and that islamism/sharia aren’t incompatible with American values. Egypt is on the brink of civil war (another obama foreign policy “victory”). The brotherhood want control of the Egyptian military because they are American trained and equipped so they can fulfill their wet dream of no more Israel. Unfortunately for them, the military and the courts aren’t cooperating. Well, at least not yet. A few high profile assassinations will bring them around I’m sure. The occupant has hosted brotherhood leaders and soros multiple times at the White House, hence the reason they’ve denied FOIA requests for the visitor logs or when they are released, they aren’t “complete” due to FOIA exemptions. As much as I dislike Mittens, he has to be elected, cause another 4 years of this traitorous administration will be fatal for America.
@18 – Frank…Frank Gaffney…is that you?
Crimes Against Islam Land Egyptians in Jail in 2012…
An Egyptian comedian and filmmaker has been convicted of “Offending Islam” for films he made in the 1990’s. This comes on the heels of a Coptic Christian’s conviction in January for tweeting a Mickey & Minnie Mouse cartoon. These are just two of th…
“Apparently, the second part of their strategy is to look the other way and ignore all of that reality stuff right in front of their stupid faces.” Yep, their strategy is based on wishful thinking, that doesn’t hold up to even a cursory look.
5#”Is that kind of like when the last Bush dude said: “Mission accomplished” when he thought the Iraq war was over?” Bush didn’t say that, the crew of the carrier put that banner up to commerate their long voyage.
18#”The brotherhood want control of the Egyptian military because they are American trained and equipped so they can fulfill their wet dream of no more Israel.” Frankly it’s doubtful that the Egyptians are that well trained or motivated, their army has largely been used for domestic suppression for more then a generation. There was an article awhile back about their American-made M1s being poorly maintained or even trained on regulary. I doubt the Egyptian army would pose much of a threat to Israel in the open desert of the Sinai, if they chose to attack.
#21, True as that may be, you can also add the arms from Libya and soon, Syria, to the mix. Egypt, Libya, and Syria are obama foreign policy “victories” and the muslim brotherhood is balls deep in all three spontaneous “uprisings”. And CI, just how close is the muslim brotherhood to the obama administration. Well, seems like all kinds of “muslims” are or have been appointed by obama to upper management at our favorite federal agency, DHS. Just a taste: Arif Alikahn, Former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Policy Development: Now a Distinguished Visiting Professor of DHS and Counterterrorism at the National Defense University, Alikahn also served as Deputy Mayor for Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles where he reportedly derailed the LAPD’s efforts to monitor the city’s Muslim community — particularly its radical mosques and madrassas where certain 9/11 hijackers were said to have received support. He is affiliated with MPAC, which has called the terrorist group Hezbollah a “liberation movement.” Salam al-Marayati, Founder and Executive Director of Muslim Public Affairs Council Marayati is an Iraqi immigrant who drew national attention over a decade ago when then-House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt nominated him to serve on the National Commission on Terrorism. Backlash over al-Marayati’s defense of Hezbollah and other Islamic groups prompted a withdrawal of the nomination. The Center for Security Policy reports that MPAC was formed in 1986 as the Political Action Committee for the Islamic Center for Southern California, one of the largest Wahhabi mosques in the country. While MPAC later fractioned-off, one of the founders of the Islamic Center, Hassan Hathout, was a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood who also spent time in Egyptian prison. Mohamed Elibiary, Homeland Security Advisory Committee Member: He is the former president of the Freedom and Justice Foundation, which was billed to ”promote a Centrist Public Policy environment in Texas by coordinating the state level government and interfaith community relations for the organized Texas Muslim community.” He spoke at a 2004 conference in Dallas praising the “Great Islamic Visionary” Ayatollah Khomeini. Most recently he is famous… Read more »
[…] hey, the war against terror is over, right? The Taliban are rational actors and worthy of bringing to the negotiating table and given a […]