America, We Ducked a Bullet…

| April 25, 2012

Man, did America ever duck a bullet in the presidential election of 2004; and for that she should forever be grateful to a brave bunch of sailors, a group of veterans of Vietnam known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Not only did their intercession into the 2004 presidential election campaign prevent a scumbag like John Kerry from being elected president but they also kept his vice-presidential candidate, John Edwards, an even dirtier dirt bag than Kerry, if that is at all possible, from ascending to within a heartbeat of the American presidency.

Kerry was a traitor; about that there is no question. As a reserve naval officer, he traveled to Paris and engaged in negotiations with representatives of the communist government of North Vietnam while his country was at war with that government. That is unequivocally an act for which a normal American citizen can be tried for treason and executed, but most especially a uniformed, commissioned officer of the United States military. That he was not so dealt with because powerful Democrats covered for him, will forever be a chicken bone in the throats of all those Americans who served honorably in the Vietnam War. It would probably be a tossup as to who is the most hated American figure of that war, John Kerry or Jane Fonda.

So it should come as no surprise that a sleazy self-awarder/awardee of multiple unearned and undeserved Purple Hearts would select as his running-mate an equally squalid trial lawyer, who as we are now finding out, may just actually surpass his mentor when it comes to being a pure old, down and dirty, no-good, rotten son-of-a-bitch. I imagine that as greatness supposedly recognizes greatness, sleaze also recognizes sleaze. Do you suppose that John Kerry, accepting the likelihood that some Vietnam veteran patriot would not allow him to survive through his first term, wanted to inflict on America someone as equally, or perhaps even more, despicable than himself?

As we’re now finding, thanks to almost daily revelations of John Edward’s loathsome behavior, the man who would be king, John Kerry, personally selected as his crown prince, a man who may well give the future an entirely new and extremely dark connotation of the term Edwardian. Every new thing that we learn about John Edwards is base, repulsive and evil. He is a man to be held in the very lowest regard by honorable men.
Let me put this snake’s behavior to you in everyday terms that every man can understand. Had Edward’s wife, Elizabeth, been your younger sister, and he had been womanizing with and impregnating a young bimbo, while she, your sister and his wife, was fighting a losing battle with terminal cancer, would you be kindly disposed to this bowel worm, John Edwards? And if, after her death, in trying to throw up an any-kind-of-shit-on-the-wall defense, this scum-sucking lawyer invoked your sister as being a contributory factor to his sleazy behavior, would you not be having thoughts of, well, less than salutary health for this man who could well have been the Tapeworm of America.

Think about that for a moment: introduced into the healthy body of America by a flea-bag parasite like John Kerry, this even more parasitic tapeworm, John Edwards, could have brought us near death had he succeeded to the top post. And if you think John Kerry didn’t know what a slime-ball he’d picked then you don’t know the dirtball dynamics of John Kerry.

And here’s what every thinking American should take away from this: these two scumbags were the best the Democrats had to offer to lead America. That tells you everything you need to know about the Democrat Party and what they consider leadership quality.

Thanks again, Swiftees…

Category: John Kerry, Liberals suck

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Can’t disagree with any of the above on Kerry and Edwards…but then again, for me the bar is pretty low with political figures in the first place.

Yat Yas 1833

Jonn, if I might pick a nit with you. You are spelling Democrat incorrectly, it’s democRAT. If it’s possible, these two turds give politicians a bad name!?


Yat Yas 1833: not Jonn above, my friend. That’s Poetrooper.

Old Trooper

Well said Poetrooper.

My mother-in-law is a screaming lefty and the other day, the news had a blurb about Edwards on, and you could see the hair on the back of her neck start to raise and the volley of loathing and obscenity that came out of her mouth reminded me of……….me.


Why are you holding back? Come on now, tell us how you REALLY feel.

Kerry and Obama are living proof that modern American society is filled with mindless drones who can’t tell you thing ONE about how our government is set up, but threaten the flow of “free” shit from either party, and watch the peasants break out the torches.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, mea culpa. Obviously I can’t multitask!? Sorry Poetrooper, put me on a weekend work detail!



As I read your post my mind was flooded with thoughts that I wanted to write in response to your great article.

Right now, I can’t think of a bloody thing to write, since you’ve said it all.

Just one thing…….

Every time I hear, “Gin-gis Khan” (yeah, I know it’s misspelled)spoken by that Massachusetts light-weight at his Senate hearing, I want to throw up.

Frankly Opinionated

And the Rat Edwards has even thrown his “bimbo” under the bus, calling her a “Crazy Slut”. If she is that, what does it say about those who cavort with her?
This is about politicians, politicians are basically of one or the other of the two major parties. Republicans have had a sleaze bag or two, but the Democrat side has had a plethora of them. Kerry n Edwards are at the top of that dogpile.


It is spelled DAMocRAT!


Not defending Edwards – but sanctifying Elizabeth Edwards just because she’s dead and the wife of a scumbag is nauseating.


Poetrooper, I am kind of new here but I like the cut of your jib. Your post above has really had an impact on me. I will remember it for the rest of my life, just like it was yesterday. I will remember that I read your outstanding post on Christmas Eve. while I was in Cambodia, moments before I earned my 3rd Purple Heart.

Seriously, a great post and looking forward to many more.


Yup, I think you’ve said all that could be said.