Phil the Quack

| April 20, 2012

Kateser sends us a link to our buddy Cassy Chesser at YouServed Blog who writes about a recent episode of the misnamed Dr Phil Show in which the main character in the obviously fantasy show tells us that veterans with PTSD are “monsters” and “damaged goods”.

One of Dr. Phil’s guests, Matt, is a former Marine who struggles with PTSD. He speaks about how, while deployed to Afghanistan, he repeatedly stabbed an enemy combatant in the face, even after he was dead, to get his anger out. He also claims he saw “lots” of innocent people killed, including women and children. (His last name isn’t given, so it’s impossible to verify his claims of killing women and children while deployed to Afghanistan.)

After Matt, Dr. Phil featured Mark and Heather. Mark is another veteran with PTSD who admits he has violent rages, says his life has been destroyed, and is afraid of what he will do to his family. Heather’s husband, Duane, had PTSD. He beat her and set her on fire.

The common thread between all of these stories: violence. Did Dr. Phil ever stop to point out that most veterans with PTSD don’t end up setting their wives on fire or stabbing people repeatedly in the face? Of course not. Indeed, recent research has found that the link between PTSD and violent behavior is actually weak. Another dirty little secret Dr. Phil didn’t feel was necessary to point out: civilians get PTSD, too.

I don’t see what the problem is with Matt stabbing an enemy soldier in the face repeatedly. After the guy was dead, it probably didn’t even hurt anymore. But I think Matt is making it up anyway, and Phil The Quack wouldn’t mind much anyway, because it just fit the crap he wanted to scare his audience into believing. Of course, they wouldn’t give Matt’s last name – that might help us find out that he was a radar operator in some FOB who never left the wire and couldn’t have done what he says he did.

It seems to me that a real doctor (not Phil) would be more interested in reducing the stigma attached to PTSD rather than creating a scandal where none exits.

Cassy agrees;

I’m curious if Dr. Phil honestly thinks it’s helpful to paint such a negative, violent picture of veterans struggling with PTSD. I would wager he doesn’t care at all about how this affects our military.

Right now I have violent urges and I want to stab this bald turd repeatedly in the face and none of those urges are related to PTSD, it’s just me being me.

Category: Shitbags

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Email his show; that’s what I did. If he gets enough negative feedback, he may respond. Other than that, the damage is done >:(

CI Roller Dude

So let’s start an “anti fake Dr. Phil” program. He should stick to talking with Oprah and sorry fucks who need some soothing voice to make them feel better.


Glad I am not the only one who got stabby urges towards the Quack after reading this with my coffee.


you could be right about this guy being a phony. Earlier this year they did a show about a soccer mom private eye school that turned out to be completely fake.


dirty little “dr.” phil —
Rapidly approaching (if not already there) my additional definition of P.T.S.D. —
Political Terrorism: Situation Dictatorship


Just a quick bit of googlefu Phil McGraw PhD in psychology. Has had his liscense suspended for quite some time for an inappropriate relationship with a client. Now I’ve seen it was a minor…but I haven’t seen confirmed story. But hey her just threw up some halfway confirmed stories. I think maybe it’s time we show our nonvioent side and start a campaign to get his wanna be psychologist off the air.


I’ve been pondering today if he cleared this show topic with his Maker, The Oprah.

Perhaps he didn’t get the memo that She and Mrs. Obama have teamed up to “bridge the gap” between civilians and the military.

Maybe he’s doing penance in the Harpo Dungeon as I type.


It’s confirmed, at least in part. Essentially, it looks like Dr. Phil ended up hiring a former female patient under circumstances that were judged to have been an ethical violation on his part. Whether he was also banging her at the time, or her age at the time she was a patient, is unclear.

Allegations regarding inappropriate conduct were reportedly also made concerning this incident, but the board’s decision did not address those claims directly, omitting all reference to them whatsoever.


Point: He calls himself “Dr.” and passes himself off as such when he isn’t. People watching this shit assume that since he must be a Dr., he’s qualified to opine on PTS.

Fuck him.

CI Roller Dude

After thinking about this all day, I’m thinking of starting a website or blog that will be “boycott dumbass Phil and any other media assclowns who come up with shit like this”

I know I’ll have to work on the title…any ideas? I’m semi retired and I have some free time…It shit like this that really makes it more difficult for all vets to return to “normal” life.

Just Plain Jason

Hondo, you are too kind to try and search for the truth…

I would boycott him, but I have never watched his show.

Old Trooper

Phil is so full of shit his eyes are brown.


Not even worth the asswipe I used to clean up my ass on Wednesday getting ready for my colonoscopy Thursday…

I should have asked the Dr. if he saw any traces of that piece of shit in my rectum….

Stabbing would be too good in my book…

Use the blood of brave men and women to spout his crap through the First Amendment right they gave their lives to guarantee that right to this shithead…

Strap his worthless ass to a 500 lb bomb, stick the bomb on a pylon on an FA-18, send him down the Carrier Deck of the USS Ronald Reagan, let him think about what he said, then release it on top of some god forsaken tango shithole in A-Stan…



@# 13- There it is! LMAO!

In reality, McGraw earned his “salvation” via helping defend Ophra after exercising her First amendment rights on air, in a program segment about “mad cow” disease back in 1996-97(?)after Great Britain’s outbreak. That segment drove the Chicago Mercantile cattle futures market through the floor if I recall correctly…


I’m not sure but this seems to be an attempt to bring back the Anti-Military movement that was so prevalent in the ’60s and ’70s. They didn’t learn their lesson then and they are trying it again, only for the last nearly 3 decades its hasn’t worked. Even when I was in school in the 80s and 90s, they were pushing that crap at us, only to see us line up and welcome back everyone in uniform. So now they find the worst most violent ones with PTSD they can find and drag them out, just to whisper “hey they all might be dangerous!”


He is the douche of the week at Ranger Up!


I wrote to Stacey Luchs, Senior VP of communications for the Dr. Phil show (, and requested to be given the same right to speak on behalf of PTSD sufferers who do not find the fervent need to over-dramatize their lives in order to feel some sort of self-worth. No reply.


I’d question that reason even then 😉