Secret Service agents sent back from Colombia

| April 14, 2012

The Washington Post reports that up to a dozen Secret Service agents who were in Cartagena, Colombia ahead of the President’s visit there this week for the Summit of the Americas.

Donovan declined to disclose details about the nature of the alleged misconduct. But Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, said the accusations relate to at least one agent having involvement with prostitutes in Cartagena.

Prostitutes? Really? In Cartegena? I’ve been in Colombia, dude. In fact, I personally repopulated the country single-handedly in the 70s and I never paid a dime. Yeah, prostitution is legal there, but not if you’re in the Secret Service and on the US government’s payroll. And it’s not necessary. Smooth move, guys. Way to carry the flag.

Category: Who knows

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Old Trooper

Daddy’s gotta get sum!!! I don’t see the problem. Maybe some wives and girlfriends might, but I don’t. 🙂

Leslie, Ricky, and Kyle

We find this behavior from Service Agents totally outrageous.
Sadly we were even surprised that 17 Agents plus 5 SOPs could have been involved in such pathetic, unproffessional behavior.
We should have not been surprised. We were warned. So it is our own fault that we were surprised.
Stan Goff a darling of the left has been saying for years that the attitudes of a large percentage of SOPs towards women is warped. The proper word for such a pathology is Misogeny. We would simply say that such people are moral degenerates. It makes a lot of sense that being a member of the Rangers or the Delta Force would be a stepping stone to a job with the Secret Service. So we were clearly stupid not to realize that many Secret Service Agents would also be moral degenerates. For 17 agents to have been involved in this scandal is way to many to say that it was just a few bad apples. How many Secret Service Agents were present in Columbia? Was it the entire Secret Service?
Who was it that vetted and hired these Agents?
This incident shows that not only do we have moral degeneratges running the country they have hired moral degenetates to follow their orders. This incident also shows that America is unprotected! Not only are we protected by moral degenerates we are portected by STUPID moral degenerates.
The really important lesson that we draw from this incident is that if you took 10 of Americas so called super warriors from Daffta Force and or the Secret Service and put them in the Roman Collusem up against 10 college proffessors and gave each side the most modern weaponry available and three days to prepare it would be the college proffersors that would walk out alive. We have our doubts if the so called warriors could even inflict a scratch on the proffessors.
Stupid, pathetic, zombies can not be brought back to life.


“So we were clearly stupid”…..Looks like that’s about the only part you actually got right. Yep.

Potomac Bridge

When I was in the sixth grade our home teacher said it was OK if you could not name one Supream Court decsion when you were in the sixth grade. Normal people develope slowly. The vast majority of people do not really start paying any attention at all to political current events until early adulthood. Then they have a habit of paying close attention to all those things that confirm their political leanings and disreguarding all those things which contridict their political leanings.
So now we have Republicans trying to use this incident to embarrass the President as if our prostitute LOVING? Secret Service Agents were all hired since the time that the Pres. took office and that those hiring them were acting on criteria set by a Democratic admnistration.
How many more of these Agents would have taken liberties with these young women just because it was legal? Would the command structure have looked the other way if the prostutes would not have made a ruckus making the behavior of the agents public? Why should punishment stop with only those who actually took advantage of the prostitutes? For so many men to have taken part it is inconcievable to not see that there had to be a leadership that at least quietly condoned behavior of treating women like objects.
On whose side are you going to stand? Are you going to demand the firing of the head of the secret service or are you going to go along with the crowd and protect your own ass while your fellow travlers stick thier dick in other peoples asses? Are you really an elite warrior or are you just another fucking follower of Ghengis Khan with a badge and a tiny gun.


Why stop at the head of the Secret Service? Obama has yet to take responsibility for any of his fuck ups, so why not start now?


Reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be improving either. Used to be that at least a few of them would take something fairly near a valid point and twist it into nonsense masterfully enough to garner a bit of respect. No more, it seems.

tabla rasa

The interesting thing here is that President Obama is quite correctly adopting a position of letting an investigation into allegations of misconduct take its course before passing personal judgement. Too bad George Zimmerman didn’t get the benefit of such Presidential restraint. Same for Officer Crowley.

The Culture of Corruption, Indifference, and outright Incompetence from this administration is simply appalling.

Leslie Knope

Do not tell anyone that I said this.
Once the guilty parties have been charged I do not think that they should get any jail time or even fines. They should simply be demoted to the level of a Ponds Guard so that they can learn that those who do the boring routine work of life are far more heroic than those who take a bullet for the President.

Bah Bodenkurk

Leslie Knope, my favorite Pawnee Parks Department Deputy Director!


Well, it looks like the Secret Service isn’t playing around here. They’ve pulled the clearances of the 11 agents involved. (The article says “revoked”, but I suspect it’s actually an admin suspension pending results of investigation at this point.) And it seems that the 11 agents involved included 2 supervisors and 3 members of the Secret Service counter-assault team.

I wonder how many other supervisors at the Secret Service who weren’t busted in this group are going to take a hit? One or two knuckleheads doing stupid stuff I can understand as “shit happens”. But when that large a group pulls stupid stuff like this – including two supervisors – it makes me wonder if they’re getting effective leadership.


Just guessing here, Hondo, but suspect that the supers tried a cover up? Errrr, perhaps that should be worded that they tried some ineffective damage control??

Heavy drinking, guns, prostitutes, and an expense account. Gee, what could possibly go wrong.

Yat Yas 1833

Open butt, insert head. Sheesh!


OWB: perhaps. Or maybe other agents nearby heard a ruckus and simply came to help out their buddy. Dunno at this point.

That said: if what’s been conjectured/reported elsewhere is correct (e.g., that one or more of the agents tried to “stiff” a hooker), this was increíblemente estúpido. Anyone with common sense should have seen that word would get out, and that there would be absolute hell to pay. And you’d expect Secret Service supervisors (2 were involved) to have a modicum of common sense.

And the underlying behavior (messing around with the local ladies while on a POTUS security detail overseas trip) was also incredibly reckless and stupid. It’s conceivable that this was a deliberate set-up from square one.

Hell, anyone should be able to keep their trousers zipped for a couple of weeks when necessary while on an important assignment. And providing security for the POTUS in a foreign country is pretty serious business.


I sometimes forget that slang and idiom change over the years. For clarity: I’m using “stiff” above in the older sense of “not pay at all” or “not pay the full expected amount”.


Damn, looks like this may be a repeat performance of earlier activities, minus failure to pay up.

Looks like it might be about to hit the fan again. Question is, how much will hit and how far will it splatter?


Kind of well known among the adult population that those who work difficult/high stress/dangerous jobs tend to party hearty when the job is done. Got no problem with that concept. My concern is if security was compromised (as in having any security info in the room with the party) and an unacceptable level of immaturity demonstrated, then we do indeed have a problem. Or multiple problems. Like not waiting until the job is done before starting the party.


OWB: this type of behavior by members of a POTUS security detail is troubling for other reasons. If such behavior becomes a pattern, it could be used to gain leverage over one or more participants.


Indeed, Hondo. IF these were advance team members who had completed their part of the assignment, for instance, and already handed off to the next team, then we may only be looking at folks too immature to correctly handle their “off-duty” behavior.

The broader picture suggests that it may be much more complicated than one immature jerk. God help us if it turns out to be an institutional lack of security and situational awareness.

But we are looking at a generation brought up on “it’s only sex.”

Even taking that into account leaves no excuse for compromising security by giving access to sensitive documents to those not authorized to be in their possission.