5 service members confined in Secret Service scandal

| April 14, 2012

As an addendum to the previous post, the Associated Press is reporting that while the Secret Service members were returned to the States, 5 members of the military are confined to their quarters in Colombia, supposedly in relation to the same incident.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the incident with the military personnel stems from the same episode involving about a dozen members of the Secret Service who were called back to the U.S. for an investigation into possible misconduct.

Carney referred questions about the episode, which includes allegations that U.S. personnel procured prostitutes, to the Secret Service and to the military.

Carney said the president retains confidence in the Secret Service and said the incidents under investigation, which preceded Obama’s arrival, had no impact on presidential security.

So I guess we know who will eventually take the fall for this shit; some troops who apparently caught the PTSD during multiple deployments during the Bush Administration solicited the poor innocent Secret Service agents who had never stuck their penises in anything that didn’t have fingers.

Where’s the President’s continued confidence in the military, by the way?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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A dozen secret service agents, five service members, — how big was the team?


Seriously, SS agent could almost just ask for a piece of ass in the DC area and get it. Why the need for hookers? It’s not like these guys were in the ‘Stan for the last year.


Well, Jonn, his confidence in the military most likely remains unchanged. Assuming he ever had a measurable amount.

On the other hand, he almost nearly needs to remain some sort of civil to his protective detail. On accounta because, ya know, his life may just depend upon them.


Waiting to see more details come out. The only concern is the report of the POTUS reporting confidence in the USSS. When an employer says s/he has confidence in you, it’s time to clean out your cubicle.

CI Roller Dude

Shit, when I was a grunt we were expected to get drunk and fight and shit…get laid…as long as we showed up for formation sober. Hell, when we were out in the field, the supply clerk would fill up the jeep trailer with ice and beer and when we were off duty— drink it up. what’s the military coming to? (we expect the secret service guys to be perfect though)


Who do we have in Colombia other than Marines on MSG duty?

Boy is the Marine Corps in trouble if there is video and these guys like to give the “golden showers.”

Dave Thul

How long till one of those crazy congresscritters demands all secret service personnel are screened for PTSD in case they caught it from working with those Iraq and Afghanistan vets?


Lets not forget that the majority of USSS agents are former vets.

AW1 Tim

@5: Same here. We had only one golden rule: 12 hours from bottle to throttle. other than that, have at it.

If the military wants it’s men and women to act like adults, then they need to treat them like adults.

This administration has seriously failed the concept of “Leadership by Example”. In fact, I’d offer that the example of leadership this administration had put forward does nothing but encourage this type of behaviour from it’s staff.

I was an airdale. I did some serious drinking, fornicating and fighting when I was in the ranks. I also knew what was expected of me, and that if my crew wasn’t on the flight schedule that I was expected to show up for work at a given time.

This modern Navy leadership is an embarrassment to all the sailors who have come before. Our men and women in the ranks deserve better than this.


And the reason this is a “tremendous embarrassment” for the US is what exactly???

Makes me wonder what is really going on in Columbia that this silly headline is “news” and where our masters want us to focus instead.

Cedo Alteram

Yet the another black eye for the secret service. Especially with the two different gate crashing incidents at the Indian state dinner reception. This adds fuel to the fire that the SS has serious leadership issues for at least a generation(predating Bush). These agents could have been black-mailed, ambushed, or in some other way compromised by a malevolent entity.

As for the military personal, they are a tangent of this story and I think will likely be disciplined/corrected within reason.


“The U.S. Servicemen also broke curfew.” Curfew? WTF! Back in the barracks for lights out and taps?