Milboggies voting open

| April 9, 2012

We were just notified that nominations for the Annual Milbloggies are open.

Below are the categories. To nominate a blog, just write a comment and include the URL. It takes five nominations for a blog to make the Finalists.

I’m not soliciting nominations, I just think it’s important that more people participate in the process for the benefit of the entire Milblog community. I know, I sound like a collectivist or something, but I’m proud of the way the entire Milblog Community has changed and shaped the debate in this country and their commitment to the troops.


I don’t need an award, I have you guys dickweeds.

Nominate a blog by clicking a link below.

U.S. Military Parent – Nominations
U.S. Military Supporter – Nominations
U.S. Air Force – Nominations
U.S. Army – Nominations
U.S. Navy – Nominations
U.S. Marine Corps – Nominations
U .S. Coast Guard – Nominations
U.S. Military Veteran – Nominations
U.S. Military Spouse – Nominations
U.S. Reporter – Nominations

On Thursday, April 12, nominations will close.

Please make sure to read the rules before nominating a military blog.

Category: Bloggers

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CI Roller Dude

they don’t have my catagory, baldingfatretirednationalguardretiredcop


Just nominated you in the U.S. Military Veteran category.


“I don’t need an award, I have you guys”

This from the guy who routinely calls us dickweeds?
Yeah you’re nominated.

Charlie Sherpa

For the good of the cause: I think the rules state only one nomination is necessary for a blog to be considered, but that any category must have at least five good nominations in order to go forward.

At least, that’s the way I understood them.

@ CI-Roller Dude: I betcha we could come up with a whole set of humorous alternative categories!

Tally ho!


I’m shamelessly trying to get nominated, but more importantly, Neptunus Lex should be nominated. And win.


Lex won last year I believe. Which is not to say he shouldn’t win again, but I know he beat us out at one point.

Jay in Ames

You have a space in the URL for the Army entries.

Parachute Cutie

Well I don’t know what the heck is going on but I’ve attempted to nominate you guys three times and none of them are showing up. Blogs I’ve nominated in 2 other catagories are showing up. I’ll try again in the morning. Grrrrrrrrrrr


Parachute Cutie: I tried a couple of times from home, and it didn’t work for me either. Had to use a different machine. My guess is something about that site doesn’t like a particular browser setting and we both ran afoul of that.

Jonn: nominated ya. Don’t let yer head get any bigger than Barry Bonds melon as a result. (smile)


OK, something weird seems to be going on. My nomination – which was there an hour ago – doesn’t appear in the comments any more.


@Hondo – yeah, mine disappeared too


OK, Jonn – gave it 4 tries. Can’t seem to get them to accept my nomination; it keeps disappearing. Dunno WTF is going on unless they aren’t accepting nominations w/o login (though their comment form indicates you can leave comments as a guest).


Yep, I nominated TAH last night and it went through. Checked it this morning and my post was gone. Interesting.

Glad to hear your nomination is secured though Jonn. Good Luck. 🙂


Have I told you how much we love it when you call us dickweeds!!? 🙂