Sweet merciful crap….It’s Tim Kennedy as Katy Perry

| April 5, 2012

Nice cans.

Category: Politics

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509th Bob

Are you wearing your kilt again? Just askin’.


Thank you for that pure awesomeness!


There are so so many things about this video that cracked me up….thanks Ranger Up and Tim Kennedy for a great start to my day…I think I’d rather watch Katy Perry but maybe her and Tim can team up for a duet


Very disturbing and mildly arousing. Tell Tim he can come to the welcome home ceremony if he promises to wear the wig.


The flying prone position looked painful.
Were any animals harmed during the filming of this very distured video?


I just played this for my buddy who is joining the corps.

Think I’ll send him a black wig while he’s in boot camp.

Right Rev Mr. Wolf

Be sure to include a chocolate dildo with it. Gets ’em every time… he’ll be FOREVER thanking you for that one.

Just Plain Jason

I died laughing so many times at this video…Tim is awesome. I wonder if good ol sma chadlier thinks this puts out the message of professionalism he wants…


I wanna sparkle like Tim when I grow up.


Mr Wolf – already plan on sending him a box a week, some will have ‘surprises’ and some will just have a letter.

Figure that if I can make him flinch every time he sees a box in the mail for him my job will be done 😀

Old Tanker

As I said about RU’s last video….I laughed, I cried, but mostly I cried. These guys are teh awsum!!

Zero Ponsdorf

509th Bob #1: I do think he wears the kilt much of the time now… But this video is awesome even with that image in mind.


That was fun.


Miss Ladybug

Watching this last night. Recognized several of the locations: Starbuck’s just south of Anderson Mill along 183, the Chevron @ Anderson Mill & 183, and Camp Mabry. They smushed the bluebonnets! LOL

CI Roller Dude

I laughed until I stopped…then I tried to think back to why I joined the Army in 74’….I can’t remember.


LoL, Awesome!!!

SSG Medzyk

K……I am now a bigger fan of Tim than before. Anyone that has the balls to do that spoof to that level, is either fuckin’ nuts or badass enough to back it up 🙂

I think Tim is badass enough.

HA!! This should be his entrance theme into the ring!!


Right Rev…
Mwahhaaaa….I love the chocolate dildo story!!
But don’t forget…Rangers lead the way…Hoo-ahhh!!


Oh, dear sweet baby Jesus on a tricycle.

Half the shop is wondering why I’ve got tears streaming down my face. The other half is right along with me laughing their asses off.


[…] our friends over at "This ain't Hell" mil blog found and posted this parody video that you have to see to believe. Tim Kennedy, an […]