It’s Marine week at TAH

| April 6, 2012

Mary at POW Network has asked us to help her find out who this pretend Marine general is. I think the name tag looks like “Flynn”. But if anyone knows him, let us know.

Category: Phony soldiers

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AW1 Tim

I gotta ask: WTF is up with these guys all wearing pilot/NFO/aircrew wings? As someone who actually, you know, EARNED them, this shit is seriously pissing me off.

Like the CIB, Jump Wings, etc, there’s only one way to get them, and these poseurs need some serious time out behind bars for pulling this shit. It takes a lot of desire, drive and work to earn any of those awards and these assmaggots just waltz into some surplus store and buy a set.

Sorry for the rant, but I’m in some serious pain this morning and then seeing this just well…. yeah. I’d love to be able to do some pain transfer to these poseurs.


Sorry. I’m hopelessly Army, but do Marines even wear name plates on their blues, or is this just an Army proclivity?


And why wouldn’t he be authentic?

Ray Odierno ALWAYS eats at a pigeon-shit encrusted picnic table at McDonalds next to the homeless shelter and methodone clinic…right?


I just got to work and pulled this up. WTF. I almost lost my breakfast.

He’s wearing general’s rank insignia on ENLISTED dress blues, but he’s wearing a field grade officer’s cover. He’s missing a button (must have learned how to set up his uniform from SgtMaj Mailman). The eagle/globe/anchor emblem on his collar is on backwards (and it might be an officer’s emblem at that…hard to tell). I think I see an EOD badge under the wings. There’s what appears to be a Navy Cross on his ribbon rack. And he’s smoking a cigarette in uniform, in public.

Makes me wanna fwow up. He seriously needs a precision guided munition dropped on his worthless vacuous gourd.

@2 Sustainer, not when I was on active duty, except maybe for recruiters and drill instructors. Can’t remember for sure, too many brain cells that have become deceased or disconnected since I retired.


Marines don’t wear name plates on ANY uniform, except for those in certain billets like recruiters. Marines also don’t smoke in uniform in public nor do we wear Dirty Harry Wannabe sun glasses or remove our covers (hat) outdoors. A general would not be wearing an enlisted dress blue coat, he would also have earned a pistol marksmanship badge or he never would have made it past 2ndLt, he would know that the emblems on his collar are supposed to have the anchors forward, and a major general who is a Vietnam vet would have just a few more than 11 ribbons.
I think General Disarray there needs some wall-to-wall counseling.

Joe Williams

Looks like he is wearing Enlisted Combat Air Crew Wings instead of gold Pilot WSings ?


One would think a general would be able to afford top brand cigarettes, not whatever floor scraping General Analscrape here is smoking

Old Tanker

I know basically nothing about a Marine uniform but this guy screams dickweed….I do know that no Marine, or Soldier for that matter, would be caught outside uncovered…..


It looks like MG Disarray is wearing master jump wings a la the Army. Again, for all you poser wanna be’s out there, take the time and Google the uniform you are trying to pull off. We all know that you wouldn’t show up at Comic-Con without doing hours of research on your Boba Fett costume, aren’t we worth the same effort?


FWIW: here’s my guess as to his ribbons:

Top Row: NC, BSM
2nd Row: PH, unk, Navy/MC Medal or CAR
3rd Row: NSDM, VSM, VCM
4th row: RVNGC. RVNCA, unk

As for the stars on enlisted uniform: probably an honorary promotion due to his “exceptional service”. ‘Course, that service was actually humping trash cans with the local department of sanitation, but that counts too – doesn’t it?


Couple things –

First, this dickbag is missing a huge button (2nd one), either it’s not even there, or its just unbuttoned.

Second – the most striking thing about this poser is that he’s not even wearing the correct uniform. He’s wearing an Enlisted Blues jacket. Officers wear a completely different one. Here’s what it looks like:


I think you are all jumping to conclusions.

This is clearly a bellhop at the local upper class hotel and he is to required to have exactly 10 pieces of flair, but he decided to go above and beyond and have eleven….plus a couple other things.

I don’t see the problem here.

The Dead Man

@Marine 7002

Looks like it could be the Master EOD Crab or the Master Jump Wings. Can’t quite tell.


WTF Jonn, is this “Shit on the Marines Week” and someone didn’t send me the memo?

There’s just so much obviously wrong with this guy that everyone has already pointed out.

I’d love for some LCPL on HARP or whatever Marines do for local recruiting after boot/schools to come down and just blast this shitbag into the next century.

Yat Yas 1833

Cheese n Rice!?! Why won’t these worthless f¥cks do a little research? This ass bag is wearing MY blouse. A MGen’s blouse is waaay different! I give up…It makes me want to kick the shit out of this silly fuck. I’m to the point where I don’t care if I go to jail, get me a name and address and I’ll take a road trip!?!


Wow… Navy Cross….did he think no one would notice? At least he’s playing it cool, you know not wearing a MOH.

Where to begin, jeez! His collar emblems are facing outboard. Hey, is that the SCUBA bubble below the aviator wings…FINALLY! (or is it Army jump wings?) We have a winner… This guy’s rank is better than Lance Colonel – a Lance GENERAL!

This is the best definition of a walking clusterf*ck that i have ever seen! This guy is soooo much more screwy than MSG Soup Sandwich…. when do we get to vote again?! 🙂


Recruiters wear name plates on all their uniforms, EXCEPT dress blues. That’s the least of dick smudge’s problems, however.


According to the list maintained at Doug Sterner’s Home of Heros site, only three individuals with names beginning with the letters “FLY” have ever received the Navy Cross. One did so in WWI; the others in WWII.

I kinda doubt this guy is one of the WWII recipients.


As everyone else said, my first though was “A General in an enlisted mans uniform… fucking special”

I know, they were out of his size at the PX so he had to get the enlisted uniform (which is still the wrong size) so he could make that appointment at the children’s hospital…. yeah, sure.

Hell, I want to kick the shit out of him for my buddies that were in the Corps.

Old Tanker


Why are you dissing Jim Leyland like that!?


@21 lol…just sayin’. I should have pointed out that it was NOT Leyland, the asswipe in the photo was not smoking Marlboros. Don’t think it’s Leyland’s brother, either…he’s a priest.


Tanker–could Marine be a Red Sox fan?

Yeah, it’s gonna be a long season for fans of Fenway.

Yat Yas 1833

Sparky! I thought I liked you but to use Marine and Red Sox in the same sentence?!?


@23 OMG, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, perish the thought! Been a Tigers fan since I was 7, I have a couple of voodoo dolls on which I’ve stuck Yankee and Red Sox logos. I personally believe Jim Leyland has been the glue that’s held the Tigers together for 7 years and it pisses me off when I read/hear people in this area saying that we need him replaced.

But there sure is at least a passing resemblance in the photos.


It would be nice to have a photo of one of these assgoblins on the recieving end of a few bootfucks.

Old Tanker

Can’t beleive people want Leyland replaced….have they forgotten what the Tigers were like BEFORE Leyland!! Even the Lions wouldn’t have claimed to be Tigers fans….


@27 – you wouldn’t believe the shit that people spew on sports talk radio around here. I distinctly remember one guy who called in last year and said that he wanted to see the Tigers NOT make the playoffs so that Mike Illich would have a reason to fire Leyland. Go figure.


Marine_7002, we get it on the west side of the state, too. One guy keeps writing to the GR Press that same shit, if only they wouldn’t make the playoffs, Leyland would get fired. Last year, it was Leyland’s fault that they got out-pitched in the ALCS. This year, I think the guy blames Leyland because they haven’t been able to clone Verlander.


[…] As always this comes to us via This aint Hell, but you can see it from here […]

CI Roller Dude

Well, at least this dumbshit set his standards a little higher… I mean, why pose as being something like a Gunny Sgt when you can go to the surplus store and become a general?

Robert Chiroux

I think he should switch to an army general, get some pearl handled revolvers, and pose as George C. Scott.


CI–and really, who’s gonna notice those are collar devices and not shoulder devices?

Old Tanker

@32 Robert

He’ll need the Cav boots, pants and riding crop to go with it!

@28 Marine

Oh, I believe it. I’m just down the road in Jackson, I hear it all the time…I just don’t get it…

AW1 Tim

@32: They were IVORY handled revolvers. Like Patton said “Only pimps use pearl handled revolvers”. 🙂


@28 and @29 I think people must pick on Leyland because they’re too baseball-stoopid to truly study and try to understand the game. Typical Detroit sports fans here…it’s aways the goalie’s fault (Red Wings), the quarterback (Lions), or manager (Tigers). None of ’em are ever good enough (although with the Lions coming back with Mathew Stafford and Jimmy Howard proving himself, maybe even those nattering nabobs of negativism will have to find other targets for their ire). An exaggeration, of course…but not by much.

I get to the west side of the state about once a month or so via I-94. I should moon the two of you as I’m passing by.

Robert Chiroux

@35: Excellent that you picked up and me being subtle – Kudoes!!!

Robert Chiroux

@35: remove “and”, insert “on” – dsylexic


Ok, silly question time; do officers wear service stripes the way enlisted do? Just asked since he isn’t…


Okay…Now I’m royally *pissed*! This dickweed’s not wearing a 1st Cavalry patch! Back to my wife, good loving, beer & food too!

Bubblehead Ray

What…….. No Trident???? The Surplus store must have them on back order again.


@39 Casey: answer is ‘no’, they don’t. That includes “Mustangs” (officers who have former enlisted service).

Not a silly question at all.


@ StrikeFO

This photo isn’t a good example of how to wear properly wear the Officer Dress Blue “A” Uniform due to the fact that this dude was too cheap to go out a buy a National Defense Medal to get mounted with his SWA Medal and Kuwaiti Liberation Medal.


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