Following up on Camacho

| April 4, 2012

Scott Funk who manages Military Minds page on Facebook sends us an email that he also posted in the comments;

As soon as Military Minds started receiving information from Marines about his suspicious behaviour we contacted the FBI. Our sources are reporting that Brian was arrested yesterday.

Brian initially contacted Military Minds claiming to be on the verge of suicide, and he was extremely convincing. I admit we were naive and ignored our gut feeling that something was up. I suppose we just figured that someone wouldn’t actually go through with something like this, if they were aware it would be broadcast for the world to see.

We are an organization made up of combat Veterans and our only intention is to give a voice and support to our brothers that need it. We were fooled in this situation and from this point forward rigorous background checks will be made.

In a subsequent email, he amended the part where he claimed that Camacho had been arrested with this email;

I would like to amend the point about him being arrested yesterday if you are going to be posting this, as that has not yet been confirmed. You can say that Military Minds is working with the FBI to bring Camacho to justice.

Thank you for trying to set the record straight in this situation.

He promises that you can follow the events surrounding Camacho’s future on his Facebook page. I wrote back that, although it was irresponsible of them to make Camacho their poster child, it is still Camacho’s fault. I also told him that real veterans don’t mind showing their DD214s to prove their service, so they shouldn’t be hesitant to ask.

Real veterans deserve the service that they provide and they should dedicate themselves to that goal – meaning they should check their clientele as closely as the entire internet community seems to do.

I’m hoping they slap this dick in a cell ASAP.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Posers like this dick disgrace the uniform we veterans wear and they disgrace our service.
USAF 1986-2007


Good on them for claiming responsibility for their inattention to detail. Perhaps they now can move forward and make a positive contribution to our community.

CI Roller Dude

I sent this to my Marine and former Marine buddies and they laughed at just the “Boot” jacket dipshit was wearing.


#2 OWB, Camacho should “make a positive contribution to our community.” In the form of either license plates, military clothing, or gravel.


[…] discussed Brian Camacho earlier this month, here and here. He convinced the folks at Military Minds to fly him to Canada for treatment of his PTSD that he […]