Bill Ayers begging for an ass-kicking

| April 4, 2012

Obama supporter and former terrorist bomber, Bill Ayers, in an article sent to us by JM from The Blaze reports that, Ayers, who plotted to blow up an NCO Club dance at Fort Dix in 1970 complains to a crowd of adoring hippies that military members in uniform get to board commercial aircraft before him;

We’ve got a militarized society and its become so common sense that, getting on the airplane coming out here, the first thing they said was let all the, uhh, let all the ya know, uniformed military get on first and thank you for your service. And I said as I always do: let’s let the teachers and nurses get on first and thank them for their service. I mean, why is it that everything military has got to be good and everything that has to do with actual work, real work, not jobs, real work for people, that stuff gets discouraged and marginalized.

Of course, being a teacher himself, and never has he served in the military, he thinks that he deserves something he didn’t earn. Can I just say that he’s a petty, petty man if he thinks that military members are stealing something from him by boarding the plane first. He may have noticed that they all arrived at their destination at the same time, no matter when they boarded the aircraft. The little dweeb punk.

Category: Shitbags

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CI Roller Dude

what a turd sucking POS.


He plotted to blow up and NCO club — and presumably hurt or kill soldiers and their friends and family members?

And he’s still breathing…why??


“let’s let the teachers and nurses get on first and thank them for their service”

Is it possible that resident troll Joe is really Bill Ayers!?

Old Tanker

Bill, you are a spewing douchenozzle…I wish the greatest evil upon you……fucking asswipe….


Please define real work….


You know….Bill Ayers should be reason enough to impeach BHO. I’m just sayin.

By the way, anyone on this board been to Khost Province Afghanistan?


@#2- PN: Ayers & Dorne got off on a legal technicality, then Jimah Cahtah saw to it they were *forgiven* for their sins…


Well, just bless his little butthurt heart. Fucking lowlife scumbag.


A real Southern lady would say “well, aren’t you special” to people they were too polite to tell to get skullfucked. I suspect that had he been raised in the South, he would have heard that a lot.

He should be grateful he gets to ride inside the plane instead of on the wind as he deserves.


How did he know that those in uniform weren’t teachers and nurses?


Good point Bobo. Coulda been NG or reserve.


Like everyone, Bill Ayers is entitled to his opinion.

As I’m entitled to mine.

Fuck. Bill. Ayers.


He’s at least half-right; The Uniformed Military first policy doesn’t help Marines at all. So let’s get the airlines to change the policy to: Anyone with a current Military ID boards first instead.


headhuntersix: I think Senator John Glenn answered that most effectively in 1974:


He has yet to be a “former” anything, Bill is still a wannabe terrorist, in one of his interviews he has stated that he has no remorse for the bombings that he was a part of. Freaking Lost villain lookalike douche.


Isn’t this the guy who was quoted in the September 11, 2001 New York Times as saying he didn’t do enough as part of the Weathermen?

How is he NOT on the no-fly list?


Sounds like Obamaphile Bill Ayers is a jealous little bitch who doesn’t like my kind. That’s fine. When the world ends, he’ll be on the mass executions list. Veterans will be “deputized” as former Centurions were in the 1st Century in Rome. They were paid handsomely for their “trophies.” 🙂


I am REALLY getting a belly full of Bill Ayers. That was one of many, many mistakes Jimmah the Peanut made that conclusively demonstrated that he was not Presidential Metal – he was pewter at best.


One thing about Ayers that most people forget: he’s filthy stinkin’ rich. He got it the Old Fashioned Way: he inherited it.

He’s so 1% he could fly privately.

One teacher I know refers to servicemembers this way: “they were my students.” That sentiment is something that can be taught, but can’t be bought: Class. A quality Ayers will never know, regardless of his money or his murderer wife.


Nothing “former” about a bomber. Once you gain the title, you own it for life.

Is it possible to become a converted terrorist? Well, yes, but this one has made no effort to appear to anyone as if he reformed from any of his subversive, terrorist ways. He just got some additional letters after his name and was assimilated into academia. And continues to brag about his terrorist desires to this day.

Must be nice to have been born with a silver spoon in your mouth and spend the rest of your life squandering your blessings.

This is exactly the type person millions of us took an oath to protect his country from.

He and Hanoi Jane deserve adjoining bunks in a cave filled with guana. For starters. No internet. No i-anything. A short chain around their necks, just long enough to crawl out of the cave occasionally to gather a few berries. Or rancid protein. Otherwise they can subsist on whatever mushrooms grow in the cave. If they try to spend more than a very occasional few minutes outside, that chain gives them a shock sufficient enough to send them back inside the cave.

Yeah. I’m VERY tired of hearing about either one of them. Send them to Gitmo for a couple of weeks of R&R on their way to their new cave digs.


@Hondo………..Amen, for your opinion and Glenn reference

@Dave………….more like “Well bless your heart” in true Southern “F U” style.

Old Tanker

18 pewter? He’s not even casting sand…..

Major Kong

Bill Ayers is a communist traitor and terrorist. He should have gotten the silenced .22 to the base of the skull treatment a long time ago. The fact that he is still converting oxygen into CO2 is an affront to justice.

Just Plain Jason

I don’t think ayers qualifies for the title of bomber or terrorist because he didn’t have the balls to do anything himself. He always found someone else to do the dirty work for him. If he truly believed his own bullshit he would be living in Castro’s paradise not in Chicago…


Joshua: I spent most of last year in Khost working out of Camp Clark

CI Roller Dude

I think his life will be decided at his funeral….when people show up to piss on his grave.

Ne Desit Virtus

@8 Joshua, I was in Khost from Jan 2010-Jan-2011. Battalion was at Salerno but we were all pushed out. We ran a couple of small bases near the Pak border. You going?


FYIs- Pres. Carter (USNA class 47) didn’t pardon Ayers for his “transgressions” (bombings, advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. etc.))… the later Sen. Frank Church (Dem.Idaho), armed with the FBI’s COINTELPRO information, held hearings that he chaired, and got them off “scott free”(U.S. Attorney’s office No-pros). I remember the hearings, they were sickening and the results are that we are still paying for them today. No one remembers Sen. Church today (a disaster). The draft evader (dodger)- impeached President Bill Clinton (Dem.) pardoned some of Ayers pals.

Although not a big fan of Carter- he did get the Pershing II Missile and the Neutron bomb going. The Soviets pissed their pants when we would not only consider using tactical nukes on European soil, but start with overt acts. These nukes sped up the beginning of the Evil Empire’s demise. Got to give him his due on this one.

Troy Weaver

What I find interesting is nothing was heard about Ayes and his wife until Obama got elected It seems we hear them spout stupid crap every day now. Why does this terrorist feel it is safe to climb out from under his rock?


If I remember correctly after 9/11 there was an article and Ayers said that not enough were killed from the attack.

I’m pretty sure he does have his own aircraft to fly him all over place, bad part is it’s probably one Barry O gave him after being elected.


@16: I suspect that a presidential pardon for him has been siting in Holders desk since day 2 of the Obama administration.

@24: Respectfully disagree. I don’t recall OBL planting bombs or flying a plane into the WTC either. Ayers was involved with a group that murdered innocents and not only has never enounced his past, he has reveled in it.

Interesting thought: If Obama says that killing US born terrorists overseas by drone is legal, could the next President have a hellfire legally dropped onto Ayers the next time he leaves the country? There seems to be quite a bit more evidence of terrorist activities on Ayers part then most of the people we’ve taken out with drone strikes.


Actually, Beretverde, studies for the Pershing II began during the Nixon administration (1973), and the first contract was let during the Ford administration (1975). The first developmental launches occurred in 1977 – but that’s only because Carter didn’t can the system like he did the B1. Nixon and Ford started the Pershing II.

Regarding the neutron bomb: Carter stopped development of the neutron bomb in 1978 as the results of protests against the warhead. Reagan restarted development and production after he took office in 1981.


Why does Ayers feel safe now? Two words, Troy Weaver: “top cover”.


Joshua – Got back from Khost in July 11.

Ne Desit Virtus – were you in Bak or Terezayi, or down south?


MFB !@$!@$()@$^!), From a clown who has never worked and wakes up every morning thinking “today I end capitalism” for every left wing pinko who says this that has millions because of books or movies (Michael Moore). I wish them well, they could always go live in Cuba or in Venezuela. I was in Berlin during and after the wall fell. You could see the difference from socialism/communism and freedom. No one was shot crossing to the east.

Ne Desit Virtus

@34 nonsub, we were at Terazayi and we also occupied a miserable little shithole called Cherkowtah about 5 clicks from the Pak border. They were just finishing up building Bak when we left. Terazayi was pretty quiet but Sabari and Cherkowtah were like the fucking wild west. We RIP’d out with 1-26 from 1st ID. Those guys were a real piece of work

Troy Weaver

You are right on Hondo.

Just Plain Jason

Another thing about Bill Ayers, has had others attempt to kill cops but any time he has had someone threaten to kick his ass he sure knows how to dial 911. Lucky for him the police have the integrity to do their job and keep him safe.


@36. I can’t vouch for 1-26, it was another PSYOP Team with them, but as a whole TF Duke wasn’t to bad. The only exception being Douch6 and his love leaving our ass in the breeze so he could full fill the time line in his CONOP.


Ne Desit Virtus

I was at Bak with HHC. I was part of the PRT, but pushed out. Terezayi went downhill a bit after 1-26 came in – nothing they did, just the spring offensive. Everyone got lit up. 1-26 lost a couple dudes out there.


Jason–Ayers is like Fonda, et al–living proof that some people breathe only because the law currently forbids killing them.

Michael in MI

Hondo Says: Why does Ayers feel safe now? Two words, Troy Weaver: “top cover”.

Yep. Let’s not forget that Obama got his political career started at a party at Bill Ayers’ home in Chicago. Ayers introduced him to all the influential socialists, communists, Marxists and racist scum in downtown Chicago. He also got him his first influence as a ‘community organizer’ as part of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, to influence Chicago schools with socialist teachings.

So, yeah, Ayers feels safe, because he’s been best buds with the pResident for decades now.


You know the only time that I recived a perk was when my ticket was upgraded to first class for the flight from San Antonio to Dallas on my way back to Iraq in 2008. I mean if he wants a free first class ticket to Afghastan I mean I think we could make this happen.


“thank them for their SERVICE” (Bill ERRS quotation) :

I’ll thank the Civilian Nurses for their WORK .

I’ll thank US FORCES for their FIGHTING .