Unsurprisingly, Democrats don’t want you to “stand your ground”

| April 2, 2012

Old Trooper sends a link to the Fox News article which tells us that, in the wake of the public trial being held in the media everyday over the Trayvon Martin shooting, Democrats in the Congressional Black Caucus are ignoring the Tenth Amendment and they’re prepared to present legislation that forbid the “stand your ground” laws which is inforce in 30 states, with 6 others considering the legislation. the concept has in it’s roots, a couple of Supreme Court decisions (Beard v. U.S.- 1895, State v. Gardner – 1905 and Brown v. United States – 1921). But that doesn’t influence the members of the CBC, who are apparently in the business of protecting criminals;

But the sponsors are working on the measures over spring break and plan to push them when lawmakers return later this month. They claim they’re trying to prevent another killing like the one that has touched off a raging national debate about race and the justice system.

“I am tired of burying young black boys,” Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., said on the House floor. Martin lived in Wilson’s district.

Wilson, who organized a rally in Miami Sunday calling for an arrest in the case, is taking a well-traveled path in response to a high-profile case — she’s forming a commission.

It seems to me that someone who is tired of burying “young black boys” would actually do something to prevent that outcome instead of seeking to restrict the rights of property owners.

I’m sure the CBC is reassured by Bill Clinton’s call for a “reappraisal” of the law.

Meanwhile, in a link from ROS, The WRAP reports that it seems that NBC is launching an internal investigation regarding the editing of the audio tapes related to the Zimmerman 9-1-1 call;

The edited call, which aired on NBC’s “Today Show” on March 27, featured Zimmerman talking to a 911 dispatcher.

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good … he looks black,” Zimmerman said in the edited segment.

That, it turns out, appears to be only part of the exchange. The complete exchange went like this:

Zimmerman: “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.”

Dispatcher: “OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?”

Zimmerman: “He looks black.”

If you can’t find news at NBC, you can just make it up, I guess.

Category: Congress sucks, Media

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Joe Biden basically said the same thing the other day, no big surprises here.

As for NBC, its NBC. Again, no surprises.


Well, it’s a bit late – but better late than never. (smile)


Army Sergeant

Let me know if they actually try to push this. I’ll protest this bs in tshirt or out.

CI Roller Dude

funny thing…in 32 years of police work, I was suprised at how many times some idiots thought I should have backed off and let the bad guy get away instead of actually having to fight with them.


Rep Wilson really ought to pay attention to what’s going on in her own city, carried out, possibly, by some of her constituents.
What is she really upset about? Zimmerman was just following the instructions of Big Sis Nappy and the DHS, after all. “See something, say something”.

Just Plain Jason

I think that self defense is a basic human right? How far are we obligated to retreat? You know I guess the old saying judged by 12 rather than carried by 6 is coming back.


The DemocRATS don’t want to lose any more of their supporters to armed law-abiding citizens.

Also, in the Heller Case, the (unelected) US Supreme Court said that self-defense is a basic human right that predates the US Constitution.


Wilson needs to be indicted for “lack of any sense of style, and assault upon the public’s right not to see stupid shit” for her continues insistence on wearing her goofy fucking hats.

Her district obviously has more booger eating idiots and/or public welfare recipients who exercise their right to vote than any other in the state of Florida.


frankly, the stand your ground law has nothing to do with this case. the blame is going there because, ultimately, it goes to guns. Never mind the actions, communications and intent that occurred. It makes me sick that no one wants to focus on the event except the P Dept. that responded. Zimmerman hasn’t been arrested because EVIDENCE supports his story.


If the dishonorable Fredrica Wilson is “tired of burying young black boys” (or boys of any other skin color, for that matter), perhaps she should get off her undoubtedly fat ass and do something to get across to the cretins that if they are caught robbing or anything else, there’s a good chance they’re going to wake up dead the next morning.

Those “young, black boys” she whines about are more than deserving of their collective fate, as are any other color of “young boy” that wants to act as a criminal.

If the punks want to live, they should be taught to straighten up and fly right – otherwise, many will be more that happy to permanently place them in the horizontal position.


If someone tries to break into my house, I will retreat. I’ll retreat to a good supported fire position with cover, then I’ll make sure he dies inside the house (that way it is legal as I live in Oregon).


What Flagwaver said!

Yat Yas 1833

@ 12, Ditto PintoNag!

Virtual Insanity

OT but related, yesterday I filed a request to allow concealed carry on our military installation by those properly permitted to do so by the state in which the installation sits. The request is a 4-page opus, with 2 enclosures detailing references.

It is within the Installation Commander’s purview to allow carry by Army Regulation. My research brought up some really interesting stats for people using guns in self-defense, as well as th eincreasing number of attacks on US military personnel and installations in the US.

Should be an interesting process.