Have Kilt, will travel

| April 2, 2012

I couldn’t be more ready to head to the ‘stan. Sure, my feet are bleeding from overdoing the roadmarching of late, but just how fricken awesome am I going to look in this kilt?

Kilt + Caucasian Mr. T. look = TSO winning this thing all by himself.

Category: Politics

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Just Plain Jason

Headhunter just don’t look up. Just imagine the enemies suprise and horror.


Lol, I was always a sucker for the under-dog OT.


Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen…….actually I’d pay to see him get on the plane like that….”yeah this is our “journalist” please take him seriously”. I’d get fired but it would be worth it.


Holy titty fuck, is this real?


I hear he can get some really good camera gear on ebay……


Headhunter–at the very least, get on the plane first and off last, that way you don’t have to see “the goat.”

Bonus points if you can name the movie.

Just Plain Jason

Sparky I remember in country everyone saw that movie about the same time. You couldn’t go anywhere without risk of catching a glimpse of male genitalia.


Although my heritage is English, part of the family was from Northern Ireland…and they wear em too.

I recall a quote on a wall in the Military History Department of the Command and General Staff College. I can’t remember it verbatim or who said it other than he was a British Army (Highlander) Lieutenant Colonel providing advice to a potential enlistee.

It went something like this: “Aye, join a Highland Regiment laddie; the kilt is well suited for both buggery and diarrhea”.


Lol Spigot, that’s just priceless!!


Lol Spigot, that’s just priceless!!

Was me, lol.

Cedo Alteram

“Kilt + Caucasian Mr. T. look = TSO winning this thing all by himself”

I couldn’t tell if you were going for Operator, Mountain man, or Gay scout troop leader there.

#32 They didn’t attempt, his majesty’s governmnet succeeded in destroying the clan system.

#42 That is true. The modern plaids and colors come from the 19th century, their accuracy has been disputed for two centuries.

#44 Old Tanker the borderers/reviers of the Scottish/English border are an entirely different entity then the highlanders. James the 1st, who had been King of Scotland, became King of England(and Ireland) as well on the death of Elizabeth the 1st. This event is referred to as unity of the crowns. He gradually brought the wild border under control(early 17th century), long before kilt wearing became widely adapted. The borderers were lighthorse men and if I remember correctly had there own distinctive clothing.


Speaking as one affiliated with the Buchanan clan, I can say that TSO should be well prepared for traditional activities in the Stan.

Afterall why do Scotsman wear kilts?

Because a sheep can hear a zipper a mile away.