Jihadist fail

| April 2, 2012

The Duffel Blog, a SATIRE blog, has the story of a failed jihadist in Afghanistan;

“I was just coming off a foot patrol and was glad to sit down and enjoy a nice plate of… well… something. I’m not really sure what it was, it was some kind of meat I guess. That’s not the point. Anyways, this guy comes in with his AK-47 and yells something like ‘King Kong ain’t got shit on me!’ and starts spraying wildly over his head.

Everyone dropped to the floor but I don’t think it would have mattered if we had just finished our meals. The only thing he hit was the flags hanging from the ceiling. After he wasted all of his ammo in about five seconds he couldn’t get his other magazine out of his pocket because there was duct tape on it for some reason. Two guys from Bravo Company took the opportunity and tackled him. It looked like he tried to tickle fight them once they had him pinned down.”

StrikeFO wrote the piece, I think so you should read the whole thing and send him props.

Category: Satire

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I don’t know how I missed this site before, but it’s getting added to my favorites. Thanks


No no… I actually didn’t write this one… this is our anonymous “SGT B”… he’s got some serious skills (as you can see).

Doc Bailey

So there I was on my first tour and some dumbass ICDC trooper loads his entire mag with tracers. He only has to hit a target 30 meters away 5 times with 40 rounds to be called an expert. We’ve finally gotten him to use BOTH sights having varied for a while between using just the rear or front sight post.

Only dumb-ass is shooting the ground 10 meters in front of us, and it’s starting to get worrisome for our security element because his bullets are whizzing off at odd directions. He tells me that the AK is broken. My chief at the time SSG Dawsey takes the rifle standing fires three rounds center mass with only a quarter difference. It actually starts the page smoldering.

And these are the guys that we were relying on to promote security. . .

Just Plain Jason

King Kong ain’t got shit on me!

For some reason I have a vision of a chimpanzee with an AK…


Thanks for the link and glad people enjoyed it. While I did write the article, definite thanks to StrikeFO for some awesome editing skills.