John Kerry still whining about 2004
Apparently, because I can’t unsubscribe successfully from the Obama For America emails, it means that I get emails from whiners like John Kerry who can’t get over his loss in 2004;
I just think it’s appropriate that on day that’s been established to remember the veterans of the Vietnam War, I get an email from the the person who least embodies that day. Yeah, I was at the “Kerry Lied” rally which was probably the precursor to the GOE rally three years later. And Kerry sunk his candidacy for President 33 years before the election when he testified to Congress about the fantasies of his hippie brethren, threw someone else’s medal over the White House fence, and then recounted how his time in Cambodia was seared into his memory.
If “swiftboating” means telling the truth about a veterans service when he won’t, then, yeah, I guess he was swiftboated. But you’d think that after eight years, he’d shut up about it. The only worse idea than having John Kerry write a campaign letter on Vietnam Veterans’ Day would be to turn Joe Biden loose in a room full of cripples without a script.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, John Kerry
Scott is gonna be heartbroken… Kerry still doesn’t like him?
Without a doubt Kerry Lied was a precursor BTW. It was a subject of discussion. Kinda when we all hooked up.
I was a proud donor to the Swiftboat campaign!
Proud participant to the Swift Vets & “Operation Streetcorner” hehehe….FU, John F’ng sKerry.
Kerry got 3 purple hearts in Vietnam ( for little scratches) after going Navy doctor shopping so he could get out of Vietnam in 4 months. He then came back to USA, threw the medals over White house fence for press, and then went and lied before Congress- This is the only definition of a” real piece of sh-t we need to know.
Ah, it’s kinda fun to hear him continue to whine – let’s us know that his wounds may never heal. Poor baby. (grin)
And brings up a very fond memory of a great day in 2004.
One would think Another Man’s Fortune, even with Theresa, could rent a memory lapse.
@#2 & 3, ditto here. Glad to see that Jawn F’n Kerry is still butt-hurt over the election.
What a freaking jackass, I really question the intelligence of the people of Massachusetts for continually sending this asshat to the senate.
And this is the asshole that takes his yacht (bought with his wife’s millions), and parks and registers it in another state, so he can save money on the luxery taxes.
Poor baby. NOT!!
Jason–these are the same clowns who sent the drunk murdering Kennedy to the Senate for half a century. They bitch and whine about the corruption and high taxes, but like a battered wife when asked why they don’t do something about it, look surprised and say, “But he (they) loves me!”
Hell, my mother and little sister are more of a Vietnam Vet than sKerry, and they never set foot incountry. The Kerry Lied rally was a precursor to GOE. What a POS Kerry truly is.
I think Mr. Kerry does not understand the context of the term “swiftboating”.
The flashlight of true shines brightly.
His “salute” reporting for duty at the convention was the begining of the end for him.
My feeling is that Kerry got a dishonorable discharge for his actions before the Carter administration gave him and others a revised one and therefor is ineligible to be a senator.
I’ve heard that too, LarryT. And it makes sense to me. IMO, Kerry’s obviously got something to hide, or he’d have allowed full access to his military records in 2004 when this issue first came up.
As POTUS, Nixon would have had the authority to order his dismissal under Federal law and regulations in effect at the time (technically dismissal vice a DD since Kerry was still an inactive Naval Reserve officer, but they are equivalent). I think you’re likely correct, and that Nixon ordered Kerry dismissed after Winter Soldier but that his discharge was later upgraded during the Carter administration.
But I doubt we’ll ever know unless someone at NPRC wants to REALLY take a huge risk of getting criminally prosecuted for a Privacy Act violation. Kerry’s never going to allow full access to his military records. And they won’t be opened to the public for a long time after his death – 75 years if I remember correctly.
Not sure even that would make him ineligible to serve as Senator, though. The only Constitutional qualifications are that he must (1) be a US citizen for 9+ years, (2) must be a resident of the state from which elected, and (3) be 30 years old. Even with a DD/dismissal, Kerry would meet those qualifications. Unfortunately.
I find it more than ironic that Kerry finds that dirty politics includes group of men who he maligned telling the absolute TRUTH about him. He has never pointed to a SINGLE thing the Swiftboat Vets said was untrue. Inconvenient for him, yes; untrue, no. I am not sre what he thought was going to happen when he made Vietnam the center of his convention acceptance, but I am ever so glad that he is still upset about it.
Oh, and while we are on the subject of John Kerry…there is a big difference between him living in a big house and spending a ton of cash on stuff and Mitt Romney doing the same. Mitt Romney may have started out with money, but he MADE a ton of it through working and making wise decisions investing pention funds’ money. John Kerry was so poor he was living in his office before he MARRIED money; in short, he is spending what another man and his family made.
Susan: spot on – never once did Kerry try to make a logical, fact-based case in his defense. What he did was send proxies to attack his fellow sailors.
I’ll say it again: JFfinKerry could write a check today for a $100million (unless Theresa has witheld signatory and other access rights to the bank account). Instead he’s panhandling for two-bit donations.
Maybe he plans to buy a space shuttle, or a new wife? Who’s richer than Theresa and available these days?
Hey maybe he can hook up with Jane Fonda? She has to get a pretty good alimony from Ted Turner, don’t you think they would make a perfect anti-veteran couple?