Bobby Rush and his hoodie

| March 28, 2012

That doddering old turd, Bobby Rush, violates House rules by wearing a hoodie on the floor of the House to somehow end racial profiling;

First of all, I don’t know how any member of Congress thinks that they can end racial profiling by an individual like George Zimmerman, well unless they think that they can regulate thought.

Secondly, how is judging someone wearing a hoodie racial profiling? Is the sales of hoodies limited to a certain race? I wasn’t aware of that. Someone needs to tell the Old Navy people, because they’re selling them to everyone.

I wish the chair hadn’t interrupted the babbling old fool Rush because he was just getting into what the Bible says about wearing hoodies, and I haven’t got to that part yet.

And someone needs to tell Adam Weinstein, my white whale (emphasis on white) at Mother Jones, who has been making a big deal about the fact that he has a hoodie for several days now. I think he’s trying too hard to prove he’s not a white boy like the rest of us are white boys. I’ll bet he listens to Black-Eyed Peas all day long, too;

I’d give credit for sending me the link to one of you, but I got like twenty tips on this one. You guys must really want to talk about it.

And while we’re on the subject Old Trooper sends us a link to RealClearPolitics in which Democrats are charging Republicans with politicizing the shooting of poor little Traynor Martin. Excuse me, but I haven’t heard any Republicans say “He could have been my son”.

Category: Congress sucks

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Rush… a Black Panther… imprisoned for illegally having weapons… cops are “pigs”…on and on and on… Who elects these clowns?


The ‘black community’ continues to elect these folks with severe mental retardation. It was painful and pathetic listening to this mope butcher the English language.


I’m telling you, the guys who wrote Idiocracy were dead on.


“Secondly, how is judging someone wearing a hoodie racial profiling?”

I figure “racial profiling” is like “racism”, and so race is irrelevant.

By the way, does the BDU field jacket count as a “hoodie” if the rain hood is up?


What a friggin’ idiot.


When did WWH (white wearing hoodie) become illegal?


Yeah, and I’ve been wearing a hoodie sweatshirt to work the last few days as well–but it has fuck-all to do with a kid getting shot as with the fact that it’s fucking cold and I’m working nights.

B Woodman

“Democrats are charging Republicans with politicizing the shooting of poor little Traynor Martin.”

Huh?? . . Just, huh?? W-T-F, over.


Stephanie Cutter, from the O campaign at the RCP link, sounds almost as intelligent as Hank Johnson, or Bob Rush. Nah, I won’t call him Bobby, I call my 13 year old nephew Bobby, Rush is supposed to be a grown Black Panther.

Old Trooper

Just heard this morning, as I was getting ready for work, that the NBPP has upped the bounty to $1 million. Yeah, this won’t get out of hand.


I wonder if I wear my zip up hoodie down in Camden I’d be shot or called racist.


Does anyone here remember the PT sweats in the Army just prior to the PFU? Wasn’t that a hoodie? Didn’t the government mandate that EVERYONE in the Army wear it for inclement weather PT?

I wear a hoodie when I do my cardio. It’s frakking Oregon, so a hoodie isn’t a political statement, it is a health advisory.

Hoodies are as racist as carrots. The racism isn’t in a pair of saggy pants or a cold weather survival jacket worn in 90 degree weather. The racism is in the person. Though, more often than not, the racism is in the observer crying racism for every little slight they feel is racially motivated.


That guy sounds like he has had a stroke or two.


I don’t get shot wearing my hoodie around because I don’t put myself in horrible situations (or attack concealed weapon holders from behind)just sayin’