Note to Santorum: You can take our guns, you can take our lives…..

| March 15, 2012

but to get our internet porn, you’ll have to pry the mouse from my cold dead fingers…

Really? Am I becoming a Romneyian? Our choices are a lunatic, a serial philanderer, an anti masturbation fanatic and some dude with great hair and nothing under it?

Holy shi’ite.

Category: Politics

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Has anyone told Santorum that the stork isn’t real? He is definitely proof that you don’t have to have intercourse to get pregnant.


I went to the Santorum link and read about half of the post. I just about cringed, because almost word for word, it sounds like Jimmy Swaggart all over again.

Might be really interesting to put a good PI on him, or get hold of his computer.


We all know the internet is for porn and the occasional milblog.

He also doesn’t want Puerto Ricans to speak spanish. Please shut up Rick…2012 is waaaaay to important.

Yat Yas 1833

PintoNag, I did the same and it scared the crap out of me! My late father used to tell me, “Boy, you’re too dumb to be scared!” after listening to Santorum, I was scared.


YY, I haven’t paid much attention to Santorum, because what little I’ve heard of him hasn’t impressed me. None of them impress me. I am singularly unimpressed with the whole lot of them.

Oh, and did I mention I was disappointed? 🙁

Just Plain Jason

When Santorum got the Duggar endorsement I just knew then I couldn’t do it. Just remember bite the bullet and vote for the hair and hope he has enough sense to pick a good cabinet…Nobama.

Bah Bodenkurk

Rick Santorum just lost the vote of every single guy who’s ever been deployed…


I’m glad that the R’s are taking care of the important shit like birth control and monkey-spankin. I’m afraid that we will get 4 more years of the same thing. Santorum? He lost his re-election for the senate. How does he expect to win the nation?? In all I think the field is pretty underwhelming.

Cedo Alteram

It’s kinda of a turn off to hear a voice that sounds like Cookie Monster say it likes porn.

I don’t deviate to much from you on your descriptions. That doesn’t change the fact that Santorum is sadly the best of the Republican field.

3# My understanding was that he was referring to possible statehood for Puerto Rico and he’s absolutely correct in that case.

Cedo Alteram

…and oh yeah, his Porn stance is stupid.

Bah Bodenkurk

Cedo, he’s the best of the Republicans? I’d rather see Newt, Romney, Paul, Bachman, Cain, hell Bill Clinton get elected over Santorum. His radical Christianism is disturbing and frightening. He claims to live by these Christian values but doesn’t see anything wrong with assassinations of U.S. citizens without trial (and don’t get me wrong, that dude deserved to die, but not before a trial and a jury said so).

Old Trooper

Yet people (repubs) give me shit when I say that I can’t vote for any of these chuckleheads. The usual response I get is “then you are ensuring another 4 years of Obama” to which I reply “no, the GOP is ensuring another 4 years of Obama”.

It seems that as soon as one of these numbnuts gets a little headwind; they tap dance on their weiner by stating some of the dumbest shit imaginable. Are they even trying to win the election, or is the fix already in and we have a certain 4 more years of Obama? I would really like to vote for someone, anyone, to get rid of Obama, but these guys aren’t making it easy.


None of them have impressed me, but as much as I’ll have to hold my nose and take a crying game shower afterwards, I’ll pull the lever for Romney because another four years of Obama is just too frightening to contemplate.

Even if Obama does win, as TSO has stated numerous times it’s even MORE important to turn the Senate to the GOP as well as retain the house. 2-3 justices are going to retire in the next four years. Obama and a Dem Senate is just too frightening to contemplate.


Ah, porn. Just the latest entry on the long list of why I can’t support a Santorum candidacy. There is no candidate farther removed from endorsing liberty and reducing government than Rick, and he’s the worst of a piss poor lot.

And way to lose the Puerto Rican vote, especially when English and Spanish are already the two official languages and the Constitution does not designate an official language, nor is there a requirement that a territory adopt English as its primary language in order to become a state.


Old Trooper: Politics gives us precious few perfect solutions or candidates; elections are virtually always a choice between a greater and a lesser evil. And withholding a vote for the lesser of two evils is mathematically equivalent to voting for the greater evil in a two-way race. It reduces the number of votes the other candidate needs to win by one.

Yeah, Santorum seems to have gone of on a religious tangent recently. And I have to disagree, Cedo; I hope Santorum doesn’t get the nomination. After this (and several other ill-advised public statements he’s made) he’ll get his ass surgically removed, cut into small pieces, and handed back to him in the general election. (IMO, the same goes for both Paul and Gingrich – though if Obama continues to step on himself, Gingrich might have a longshot chance.)

I’ll also observe that I heard the same criticism about Reagan – all looks and talk, no substance – in 1980. He turned out rather better than that.

No, I’m not saying Romney is another Reagan. But we can’t know how good – or bad – of a POTUS he’ll make unless he’s elected. But we do know how “well” the current Occupant, 1600 Penn Ave, Wash DC, has done so far.


I will say this about that–if Reagan had run today, what would the right-wing be saying about his bona-fides? Consider that he was divorced–and to date the only president who is/was–a former Democrat, who as governor raised taxes numerous times, oversaw a massive increase in state government, signed what was at the time the most liberal abortion bill in the country, etc.,

Would the right-wing vote for Reagan today not knowing what kind of president he was? Now do I hold out such hope for Romney? While I never trust a guy who combs his hair with olive oil and a fork, I’ve got to think that he’s got SOME decent ideas that could be put to use if Congress takes a fucking hint and gets off the big government statist bandwagon.


Don’t worry about it. He declared war on porn near the end. When a pol declares war its here to stay.


“Combs his hair with olive oil and a fork”? Trying to type with one hand, as I wipe the coffee off of the monitor.
Like Sparky and TSO have said, the Senate is at least as important as POTUS this time around. And it’s important to elect enough people to overcome Senators like McLame and Grahamnesty, when it comes to blocking Baracka’s picks for SCOTUS.


Good to see Santorum focusing on the really important stuff like jobs, the debt, defecit, foreign policy etc.

USMC Steve

From the string of stupid actions Santorum has put forth particularly in the last few days, such as lecturing the Puerto Ricans that they must learn to speak English to become a state, and sooo much other stuff, I no longer trust him.


USMC Steve: yeah, he does seem to have developed a raging case of “step-on-my-schvantz-itis” recently. Has to make one wonder.

A Bear

Give me porn or give me death!

Seriously. It starts with “obscene” material. What qualifies as “obscene”? Anything the morality STASI says is “obscene”.

I wonder when Santorum will start going after “violent video games”. Just wait, he’s dumb enough to do that.

Cedo Alteram

#11 “Cedo, he’s the best of the Republicans?” Of the four currently running? Yeah, sadly he is. “I’d rather see Newt, Romney, Paul, Bachman, Cain, hell Bill Clinton get elected over Santorum.” Then your the one with the issue not me. Under no circumstance would I vote for Paul or Bill Clinton, I’d stay home. Romney is an extremely weak candidate I’d vote for him only if there was no other option. I admire Newt but he is too is unstable, he can’t remember what he promised the week before half the time. He lost me with his attacks on capitalism. I’d risk him over Romney but not Santorum. If Cain or Bachman were still in I could pull the lever for them but they are not. “His radical Christianism is disturbing and frightening.” Eh, he is no worse then a lot of others and he really isn’t that radical. “He claims to live by these Christian values but doesn’t see anything wrong with assassinations of U.S. citizens without trial (and don’t get me wrong, that dude deserved to die, but not before a trial and a jury said so).” First, it’s not assassination when you knowlingly take up against arms against us in a foreign land as a belligerent. A trial is not needed. Do yourself a favor and stay away from Paul, Napolitano, and, Greenwald. Back to my origional point, Santorum is the best of a bad lot. 13#”None of them have impressed me,…” me either. “…it’s even MORE important to turn the Senate to the GOP as well as retain the house…” That is problem though in a presidential year. For better or worse the President and his challenger are at the top of their respective tickets. If people begin to believe they can’t win, they may just stay home and not vote in any race. So who is at the top matters this cycle. #14″…English and Spanish are already the two official languages and the Constitution does not designate an official language, nor is there a requirement that a territory adopt English as its primary language… Read more »

Cedo Alteram




Cthulhu 2012… Why settle for a lesser evil?

Sometimes when I read some of the stuff like Santorum’s I just hope that the Mayans were right.


Why are you paying attention to a non-incident created by the liberal media? Santorum hasn’t done anything different than the other candidates, basically they all state that they’d enforce the laws on the books.


Two wars, $15-plus trillion in debt, $4/gal gas, 8-plus percent unemployment, and he’s worried about consenting adults boinking while other consenting adults watch.

Glad I didn’t vote for him.

Cedo Alteram

Frankly I wouldn’t blame this all on the media, but it is easier for them to label him simply the social conservative in the their narrative. That is despite he’s at least as good as Romney on economic policy.


So is Ron Paul, Cedo. But public statements from both Paul and Santorum have raised grave questions about their judgement and common sense – and thus their ability to serve as POTUS.

Bah Bodenkurk

Cedo, I don’t know if you think your comment obliterated my argument or something, because you said “BADA BOOM” and all, but you’re absolutely out of your mind if you do. You’re saying to stay away from the Constitutionalists? Why is that? Why would I stay away form the people who stand by the document that clearly states our freedoms? You know the Constitution wasn’t written to give us freedoms, but instead to aknowledge the freedoms we’re born with and identify them on paper so the government can’t take them away, right?

You seem to think I might actually vote for Clinton or something. I was hammering home the point that I would never vote for Santorum. Maybe next time I’ll speak plainly instead of using metaphoric language. My bad.

Radical is changing a shitload of what we know, and Santorum is a Christian radical. He wants to change a lot of what is American to his idea of Christianity.

What happened to that Muslim soldier who tossed grenades into the tents of his comrades? Did he get a trial? He took up arms in a foreign land against us, didn’t he? And the guy you’re talking about didn’t take up arms against us, he influenced the people who did, kind of like a chaplain does to our soldiers. He wasn’t a combatant.

Santorum is not even close to the best of a bad lot. He’s the absolute worst of any candidate in the race. If it were Obama V. Santorum, Obama is a lot more cool, calm, and collected, and despite his never-ending faults and failures and violations of his oath of office and betrayals of the American people, he would simply embarass Santorum in every debate. Santorum is too narrow minded and hypocritical, and again his radical Christianism is disturbing.


I’m not enamored with Rick but i prefer him over Plastic Man Mitt. Perhaps Rick is saying:

SO MUCH TECHNOLOGY, SO LITTLE TALENT. (Chapter from Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge).

Also, does viewing porn in your “pursuit of happiness” really make you a good citizen? a good leader? a good father? a good businessman?

Actually this is the same old sh** different century:
You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful. (CS Lewis – Men Without Chests)


Pray tell, dnice: precisely how does viewing “porn” (whatever that is), privately, make one a bad citizen, leader, parent, or businessman?

Last time I checked, we vote in Federal elections for Members of Congress and Presidents. Members of the Clergy and Pastors/Priests are selected differently.

And I say “whatever that is” in reference above in all seriousness. The McDonald’s menu (and many other types of food) have been called “food porn”. Does looking at a picture of a Big Mac count? Certain movies/games/novels have been called “war porn”. Does watching Full Metal Jacket or playing Doom count?

Then there’s the common sexually-themed “porn”. Except as I recall, even the SCOTUS can’t really define it other than to say it is “utterly without redeeming social importance” and that whether it qualifies as porn depends on “contemporary community standards”. (This leads to the absurd position that something can be “porn” in AL, but not in LA.) Oh-kay . . . so just who decides what is “porn” – and what isn’t?

IMO, anyone worrying about adults viewing “porn”, privately in their own home, has waaaaay too much time on their hands. They really need to find a job where they have something worthwhile to do. And that job isn’t POTUS – because the POTUS has many more important things to worry about than some 30 y/o guy “surfing the Internet for porn” in his basement at 10PM.

Cedo Alteram

#30 Santorum is a no where near in the same category as Paul. As for judgement, that applies much more to Romney then Santorum. #31″Cedo, I don’t know if you think your comment obliterated my argument or something, because you said “BADA BOOM” and all, but you’re absolutely out of your mind if you do.” Effectively parry you, yes I was successful. “You’re saying to stay away from the Constitutionalists?” No I didn’t. Stick with me kid and I’ll show you the way. “Why is that? Why would I stay away form the people who stand by the document that clearly states our freedoms?” I don’t know maybe you aren’t very smart. Maybe your unable to make wise decisions. I never sad I was a Santorum banner-carrier, he is none the less the best of the four we have to choose from. “You know the Constitution wasn’t written to give us freedoms, but instead to aknowledge the freedoms we’re born with and identify them on paper so the government can’t take them away, right?” Whew good thing you pointed that out numbnuts. Sounds like I’m dealing with a Paultard here, because Bud, I’m a constitionalist too. Simply you calling yourself one doesn’t make it so. Nothing you have stated here challenges a point I made…. oh yeah Badda Boom! “You seem to think I might actually vote for Clinton or something. I was hammering home the point that I would never vote for Santorum.” Then this conversation sir, is beyond you. As I would never vote for Paul. “Radical is changing a shitload of what we know, and Santorum is a Christian radical.” Um, no he really isn’t. He’s actually pretty mainstream when it comes to religious discourse in politics. This country was founded as a nominal Protestant(he’s Catholic) Christian nation whether you like it or not. You keep mention our governing document but you don’t seen to know the Anglo culture upon which is sprung. “What happened to that Muslim soldier who tossed grenades into the tents of his comrades? Did he get a trial? He took up arms… Read more »


I’m with Hondo regarding Santorum. I haven’t seen much daylight between the Rick or Mitt economic plan, but Rick’s worldview is as much of an anathema to liberty as is Obama’s.

Santorum’s narrative on porn isn’t just a silly distraction, it’s part of his larger outlook on the America he’d like all of us to live in.


We’ll have to agree to disagree here, Cedo. I personally have no problem with Paul’s views on basic economic policy and limited government. However, IMO Paul’s tolerance for racism/anti-Semitism and absurd naivety concerning international relations disqualify him for serious consideration as POTUS.

I similarly disqualify Santorum on the basis of his inability to realize that his personal views on morality have little or no relevance to a Presidential election campaign. And when presented serially, such repeat performances IMO only prove that Santorum is too intolerant – or too fixated on religious issues vice national leadership – to merit serious consideration for the office.


Stop hack the program!!!


For me it is simple… those who accuse him of being a radical Christian need to take a look at where this society has gone. 40 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade. Christians being persecuted with frivolous and malicious lawsuits, freedom of religion only applies to Muslims (and maybe Amish – just because they are not large in numbers), 1st Amendment exceptions or rather violations are applied to Muslims, as we all pay for them to spread their Koranic hatred aided with the political correctness and cowardice of the State Department, and the list goes on and on.

Then you are going after Santorum for trivial things when you have a President who not only voted for infanticide, but has done nothing if not the minimal for our troops, has ridiculed and enacted the worst foreign policy the US has had since Carter (or worse), has set the steps for the largest suicidal socialist healthcare syst. etc…

It is really depressing to see people so far gone, lacking sensible logic, and worst of all minimal humanity. It is really depressing. But again don’t pay attention to me, I’m used to being called the extremist Christian, white, pro-life mother who doesn’t want to see her children grow up in a society where it is okay for men to not exercise any self-control and not watch porn 24/7, to view women more than just a piece of meat, and where values actually matter.

I am from Pennsylvania and for those of you who say that Santorum is this or that. That he is intolerant, a radical Christian, etc. etc. Shut up! I happen to know him personally and you couldn’t be further from the truth. But then again someone here commented they would rather vote for Obama rather than Santorum because Obama was cooler, so I can only assume the crowd of readers here.