Iraq allows Iran to fly weapons to Syria

| March 16, 2012

Yeah, so I guess Iraq thinks it’s out of the war on terror these days, according to the Washington Times;

According to the U.S. official, intelligence about the Iranian cargo flights was obtained through the interception of air traffic control communications. Manifests of the planes’ cargo have listed “agricultural equipment” and “flowers.”

A high-level White House official recently spoke directly with Mr. al-Maliki about the issue, the official said.

Mr. al-Maliki, a Shiite, has been accused of tilting his government toward its more powerful neighbor, Iran, which is governed under a Shiite theocracy.

And those weapons are being used to kill Syrians by their own government. So there’s only one solution for all of Iran’s acting out. We need a regime change in Iran and apparently no one else in the region is going to help…except Israel.

Category: Terror War

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Show of hands for anyone who’s surprised, after we’ve known the connections with Iran since 2003?


Mr. al-Maliki, a Shiite, has been accused of tilting his government toward its more powerful neighbor, Iran

Okay, anyone who has been in the sandbox or even mildly interested in following events there, tell me you didn’t see this one coming.


Yep! Iran basically just let us do for them what they couldn’t do themselves in the 80’s. And will now be slowly (more than likely quickly) becoming a major influence in Iraq.



Stevie Wonder saw this coming. Every major political party serving in the Iraqi government since 2004 originated in Iran. Their friendship was documented in parts of their constitution and in the SOFA that was finalized in 2008. Hell there are 20 year old pictures of Maliki and Ahmadinnerjacket together.


Saddam would never have allowed this to happen.

Cedo Alteram

I’m not defending Maliki but even the Kurds have snuggled up to Iran since just before our departure. The administration’s inability to extend the SOFA has curtailed our influence and force a flight for patronage.