Not playing the game

| September 7, 2008

In my usual pass through my blogroll, I ran across a couple of interesting posts from two of my favorite bloggers.

D.C.Thornton found a video at Huffington Post that you should see. Apparently it wasn’t all a bunch of old white men at the Convention.

Once More Into The Beach found this video while looking for something that Barack Obama accomplished as a community organizer in Chicago;

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Imagine that…Obama spawned a Black Republican with all of his talk about Hope and Change. I’m sure these won’t be the last examples.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics

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If it’s my district, I’ll vote. That kind of status quo we can definitely do without.


As for that Huffpo thing…good for them. If you read any of the comments, their fellow blacks absolutely feel sold down the river because they logically state that Obama has done nothing as a State Senator and his US Senate status is much ado about nothing. The people int he video were “espousing nonesense…”. Um, I call black on black discrimination, I’d like an investigation…they aren’t smart blacks, they are traitors according to some of the comments. Even if you’re a black voting against Obama, you can’t win, can you?


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If Barack Obama is the agent of change he says he is, then why didn’t he try to reform the Daley “Machine” in Chicago instead of embracing it and using it as a backing force for his campaign?

And to use a Sarak Palin quote I love:
“In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers

And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change….”
(BTW, stolen from Blackfive’s Blog)