Tuesdays with Claymore

| March 6, 2012

Sez Claymore:

Clearly Limbaugh whacked the beehive over at DU. They’ve essentially stopped caring about all the other crap in the nation that their beloved Teleprompter Jebus is kicking down the road, so it’s wall-to-wall anti-Limbaugh over there.

Rush to judgement.

Probably the only man she’s ever rejected.

Attacking Limbaugh’s advertisers.

More ‘war on women’ horseshit.

“I’m sorry you’re fucking stupid.” There’s your apology.

Collective ignorance.

So much for free speech.

…oh, about 500x bigger than Olberdouchebag’s?

Suing Limbaugh?

Man in the mirror.

Pee tests for welfare.

Chevy Volt II – Electric Bugaboo

Since when is Fox News a religious organization?

Heartfelt up.

Gay doughnuts.

Demise is slightly exaggerated.

More paragons of free speech.

Don Imus: One-lunged Crypt Keeper

Questioning West’s ‘blackness’?

Now they wand AFN to drop Limbaugh too.

Yet more advertisers being collected.

Funeral crasher?

Oh good…the slut is now on tv with the bitch, the retard, the coke head and the punching bag.

The media equivalence of winning ‘honorable mention’.

Sad picture is sad.

Female vets demand Limbaugh off the air.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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My favorite so far…

7. true, but it’s as close to an apology that anyone will get from him!

he. like much of his party, thinks in terms of us vs them.

I remember there was a meeting where Obama or Biden was trying to reach a compromise with the GOP & I think it was Boehner who said it could be some kind of trap! You don’t often hear people who are supposed to be representing the same country speak in terms of one side trying to trap the other in some kind of negotiation!!

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. This has been the model of leftist agitprop since the 2000 elections. In every sense of the word, they have used compromise as a bludgeon in which to bash conservatives, to the point that when they caved, Republicans once again found themselves in the minority and facing Pelosi’s gavel as Speaker. Do DU’ers even read their own shit before they post it? Doubtful.


Law school is normally three academic years. That’s a total of twenty-seven months. Discounting the fact that she could get condoms for free from Planned Parenthood, There is a CVS pharmacy within walking distance of Georgetown Law School which sells condoms for less than $1.00 each.

Now a little basic math: $3,000 (her figure for the cost of borth control during law school) divided by the 27 months duration of law school gives you a result of 111.1.

So my basic question would be if she is having sex almost four times a day when does she go to class or study?


Wasn’t Don Imus that fool that called some women’s basketball team a bunch of “nappy headed ho’s”? The hypocrisy from the libtards is truly mind numbing.

Yat Yas 1833

@1 Claymore, I’m afraid I must disagree. “Man in the Mirror”! The people at DU are scary. They claim to have no idea what Limbaugh is talking about!? A week ago they were disrespecting a recently deceased man and today they’re posting all sweet and innocent.


Yeah, and they love to pull out that “public figure” meme…so I guess if Rush had called Nancy Pelosi a whore and a slut instead of the co-founder of a “reproductive rights group”, it would have been okay?


Did not Ms. Fluke make herself a public figure when she agreed to star in Pelosi’s dog and pony show?
And, Obama’s idea of compromise is to have the opposition show up, then agree with him and have a presser to announce that they agree with him.


Did not Ms. Fluke make herself a public figure when she agreed to star in Pelosi’s dog and pony show?

Agreed…and more to the point, there are videos of her popping up on YouTube where she’s addressing forums and the like as an activist for her cause. Doesn’t that launch her into the role of public figure? Or is it pubic?


And, unlike the President, she’s been published in a college paper, so I’d say she fully qualifies as a public figure.

Just Plain Jason

I like the Allen West thing, they really run with that… They call it some kind of satire, I call it just plain silly.


Please excuse me while I go hyperventilate over “hes one sad, pathetic human bean” re: LTC West.

Stoopid should be terminal.


Fortunately for the gene pool ROS, it occasionally is, hence the Darwin Awards. 😉


Darwin isn’t working fast enough…I’d like to see an open season called on them one of these days. 😉

Just Plain Jason

It is difficult to read past the first post in most instances, because they just spiral into stupidity. The best ones are the, “and the they all applauded” posts. Those crack me up, some self richeous knucklehead will post a story looking for applause. I love when one special interest rubs up against another…two groups of self richeous jerks going at it is hilarious. The wait you can’t force everyone because I’m in that group! Starts and boy their little society breaks down fast.


Darwin needs a size 7.5 Vibram administered rectally in order to expedite his vocational endeavors.



“You volunteer to work in a job that requires drug tests (I did it for years). Nobody volunteers to go on Welfare.”

I blame Claymore for my spike in bp.

Just Plain Jason

Ros after reading that I about died….


That was literally the last thing I read.