Bomb squad sent to Rush’s house

| March 1, 2012

According to the local news, a bomb squad has been summoned for a suspicious package at Rush Limbaugh’s Palm Beach home;

Probably one of those crazed veterans. Couldn’t have been an actual opponent, because they’re all for elevating the debate.

Update: It seems the “bomb” was a package sent by a listener as a business opportunity.

Category: Breaking News

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Smokey Behr

It’s not crazed veterans, it’s those insane pro-lifers sending him a message about his support of abortionists and Planned Parenthood.

Oh, he’s against PP? Then I’ve got no clue. Ask Pelosi, Lautenberg, Jackson-Lee, Speier, or Boxer; they might know.


Judging from recent events, this would have to be the work of violent sluts…..


Apparently there was nothing there.

AW1 Tim

Damned Amish………


Probably a case of Two If By Tea.


Quick, President Obama! Apologize to calm things down!

CI Roller Dude

Did Rush ever get through re=hab?

Old Tanker

@6 malclave

I just spewed beer all over my phone!!!!! You win the intertubes tonight!!!


Agreed, Old Tanker, the winner for tonight.


Yep. One more in agreement.


@ #8- UT OHHHH….Typo’s r Us?