Other Afghan voices
Martin Kuz of Stars & Stripes takes a look at the Afghans who didn’t take part in the overblown protests about the burned Korans;
“People are upset about what happened because it is our holy book,” [Rustam Ali] said. “But I believe most of the protests were being caused by people from Pakistan, Iran. They are using this opportunity to take advantage of Afghans who are not educated and telling them to cause this violence.”
Ali fears that the fallout over the desecrated Qurans offered a preview of the turmoil that awaits after coalition forces leave Afghanistan. He does not know if his shop will survive for another generation.
“We still need help with everything,” he said. “When the Americans leave, I am worried there will be a civil war.”
Yeah, I’d like to think that Rustam Ali is in the majority in Afghanistan, but somehow I believe that the loud voices and rock throwers will rule the future of Afghanistan. Rustam Ali and his like-minded denizens should pull together and keep those outside influences from controlling his fellow less educated Afghans. But the people in that area of the world aren’t known for having much influence over the more irrational voices.
Category: Terror War
Screw all these Afgans who didn’t support us unconditionally. These reluctant business guys are part of the problem, too. They won’t fight for the country with us. These mopes are pussies compared to our own founding fathers. Ya’all need to read the koran a couple of times to understand why. We will never be able to go into a muslim country and exchange values with them. Islam is the all and the be all for them. They have declared war on us for being on their territory. That’s according to their koran. We need to be out of there. And when we are safely gone we need to bomb the shit out of their infrastructure. Of course aid is cut off the day the last American is gone and never resumed. They hate you because you don’t believe. Can’t you guys get that through your thick skulls? We don’t need to be sacrificing our guys for their beliefs and losing more of our guys because we don’t quite live up to their belief system. Get out, bust their good shit to get even then quarantine them in every possible way until they are busted and starving. Or you can suck their dicks forever. It’s called dhimmitude. Read the koran or be forever in darkness.
“But I believe most of the protests were being caused by people from Pakistan, Iran. They are using this opportunity to take advantage of Afghans who are not educated and telling them to cause this violence.”” Duh. These crowds are whipped up by sympathizers or people who are actually the enemy!
I doubt Iran because this is primarily in the east where they have little influence. There is a combined terrorist network based in Kabul, it is headed by the Haqqanis. it’s purpose it to discredit the government through terrorist acts, since they have no hope of overrunning the Capitol, at least today.
Here’s some other voices in Afghanistan, members of our ‘host and allied’ government:
Members of Parliament called on Afghans to take up arms against the American military, and Western officials said they feared that conservative mullahs might incite more violence at the weekly Friday Prayer, when a large number of people worship at mosques.
“Americans are invaders, and jihad against Americans is an obligation,” said Abdul Sattar Khawasi, a member of Parliament from the Ghorband district in Parwan Province, where at least four demonstrators were killed in confrontations with the police on Wednesday.
Standing with about 20 other members of Parliament, Mr. Khawasi called on mullahs and religious leaders “to urge the people from the pulpit to wage jihad against Americans.”
So, the apology didn’t work?
#3 Eh, there has been a quasi-antiISAF coalition from the Parliament’s seating. Their stance hasn’t changed, they have been pretty consistent over the years. Its what has been going on beyond that we should be taking notice of.