Sharia Law comes to Pennsylvania

| February 24, 2012

So this atheist dude dresses up for a Halloween parade as Zombie Mohammed and gets assaulted by a Muslim man, Taaliq E. and caught it all on video. The Mechanicsburg, PA police arrested the criminal and thought they had an open-and-shut case. Until the case got to trial in front of Judge Mark W. Martin, himself a Muslim and a military veteran.

Martin wouldn’t allow the video of the assault in the trial and then dropped the charges against the defendant because of a lack of evidence of an assault. The he began to lecture the victim on Islamic Law (which isn’t relevant in this country).

But here’s a local news report;

Me? I wouldn’t have dressed up like Zombie Mohammed, neither would I have dressed like the Zombie Pope like another character in the parade. But everyone has the right to do or say what they want in this country.

I’ve seen Muslims assault non-Muslims for merely disagreeing with them. You can watch the videos of the assaults in my YouTube channel. And I’ve watched the police let them get away with it. But this was in court, people aren’t supposed to get away with shit in court. This is the United States of America and we’re all equal under the law…you know, the whole blind justice statue swinging a sword thing.

Here are some links if I didn’t summarize it well enough for you.

Jihad Watch

Opposing Views

And here’s the 36-minute audio of the trial;

Thanks to Old Trooper and Valerie for the links.

Category: Legal

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I think that statue is of Ginsburg.


sounds like someone needs to be calling the state Bar with a complaint of judicial misconduct


That’s not actual application of Sharia but it is shitting all over someone’s 1st Amendment rights. It was, in my opinion, an instance of a judge’s sense of empathy with a defendant causing a miscarriage of justice.

As an aside I have to say that, from the perspective of an atheist, I get so irritated when I see some antisocial sack of shit acting the fool, like this clown. More so when it’s presented as an “act of atheism”. It makes us all look like complete tools.


Sadly the judicial review board in PA won’t review what are considered errors in a ruling. That being said in my 17 years as a police officer I can’t remember ever seeing such a travesty and abuse of judicial power. This Judge Martin needs to censured, removed form the bench and dis-barred. He is clearly incapable of executing his duties in a fair and impartial manner.

AW1 Tim

I’d say that some enterprising young journalist might want to start peeking around into the judge’s contact’s with the local mosque as well as his “standing” within it. The good judge’s finances and those of his mosque might also be a good place to take a gander. He, at least, most certainly has to file an income tax report and THAT ought to be available for viewing since he’s a public employee.

Another thought might be for folks to start filing requests for the revocation of the tax-exempt status of any mosque that allows for any non-religious activity on it’s grounds. Once you cross the line from religion to politics, it’s my understanding that the tax-exempt status can be reconsidered by the IRS.

Anyway, that’s my 2-cent’s from the bleachers. 🙂

Regardless, this judge is a douchebag and needs to be removed from the bench toute suite before he causes any more damage.

If the victim was smart, he might want to consider a civil-rights complaint against the court and the judge, and perhaps a civil action against both the assailant for the injuries, and the judge for enabling the attacker to get away with it.


If a Catholic had jumped out and attacked the Zombie Pope, he’d be cooling his heels in a jail cell for assault.

As much as I hate to say it…this is one veteran that needs to have an FBI file.


Every Sept 11 i put an effigy of Bin Laden (might have to change it since he got wacked ) in the back of my pick-up hanging from a scaffold . And i’d like to see the first Muslime Bastard who has anything to say about it , try to do something about it…let em friggin try ! In fact this year it will be Mohammed hanging from that scaffold.


Awesome! I’ve got my Halloween costume for this year! With one one the largest Somali populations in the US, we can see if this happens elsewhere. Almost as good as driving around with NSDQ on 3 October.


@Winter…my guess is you will be somewhere around the T/C Metro area. LOL

Cedo Alteram

Another immigrant from a primitive culture who can’t understand our advanced civilization. Stop letting these people come here in the first place. Hey Moe here’s a start for you, you don’t have a right not to be offended.

There is so much wrong with this case, from First Amendment violation, to the justification of said(his culture or “essence”), dismissing evidence with no rational, the defendent’s ignorance of the law or his clear bias. He is simply not qualified to hold his post.

What does the judge’s time in Islamic countries have to do with any of this? It is irrelevant. Our culture prevails here.


So since the judges official ruling is that the “first ammendment doesnt give us the right to piss off other people and other cultures” does that mean I can have everyone who calls me white devil, honky, white trash, jew boy, stupid mick, etc etc, arrested for hurting my feelings? Will the police roll out the mobile hug unit for any time I’m pissed off? Will my Fire Dept send me to a critial incident stress debriefing anytime someone in the heavily muslim or black neighborhoods I work in says something not nice to me?!

I would like to call shenanigans now.

Old Trooper

Supposedly, ignorance of the law isn’t a defense, at least that’s what they tell us whiteboy/cracker/infidel types when we’re standing in front of the judge.

@8: Come to my neighborhood, there about a dozen just across the street from me, and that’s a small concentration compared to other areas in my town. (I live in the T/C Metro area)


As another atheist, I’d like to say that I really don’t care what people wear for Halloween or Mardi Gras or any other holiday for which people wear costumes.

How about a little perspective here. This guy put on an outfit during parade. It isn’t like he’s running for President of the United States while whining about the devil and proclaiming that he’ll make his decisions based on his superstitions.


Looks like someone came home with a case of Stockholm Syndrome or its lesser equivalent.

Bah Bodenkurk

I about lost my mind when I first heard about this yesterday. This judge needs to hang up his robe forever, because clearly he will not uphold the Constitution when it goes against his personal bias, which a judge is ALWAYS supposed to do.

By the way, here’s the contact information for this guy’s court:

I left them a voicemail last night. I’ll be calling back on Monday morning.


The judge is out of his mind, plain and simple. There may have been some “legal” reasoning to dismiss the charge against the assailant, but there was absolutely no justification for calling a crime victim derogatory names and chewing their ass. Then to not even say a word of admonishment to the the assailant about how civilized people conduct themselves is beyond infuriating. The assailant probably deserved a $50 fine, an ass chewing, and some training on how things are done in the free world. I will also say if the atheist tries to sue the guy, he won’t want me on the jury. he was being a horses ass, and you should never be surprised when people respond when you are trying to evoke their strongest passions.


What’s sad about all this, is that Zombie Mo didn’t whip the guys ass when he came at him. As my lawyer, TSO, knows, self defense is an amazing way to run with a story.


If nothing else, the victim should appeal the ruling on the grounds of conspiracy and judicial misconduct. I say conspiracy because the judge was conspiring with the defendant through religious means to disregard evidence and witness testimony. Personally, the judge should be thrown in the clink over this.


Impeach him and frog march his ass up Independence Boulevard.


OK OK…SO if the 1st Amendment doesn’t protect the speaker from retribution, does this mean that I can body slam OWS members? cause they sure do piss me off. and ANSWER, and Code Pink, and World Cant Wait? They all piss me off. This is a whole new concept we should explore.


[…] in hiding for ruling against Zombie Muhammed February 29th, 2012 The DC Caller reports that Judge Mark Martin has sequestered himself and his staff because of death threats he and his office have received from […]


The First Amendment does indeed protect speech that offends others. Any Muslim could parade with a ‘Death to America’ sign, and expect to be championed by an American court if he’s even touched by an American citizen. Not only is this judge guilty of gross miscarriage of justice, but he is blatantly playing favorites because he knows that, politically, he and his co-religionists can’t be touched.


I thought it was forbidden in the Koran for a muslim to take the side of a non-muslim against a muslim. thus, the Koran disallows the muslim judge from taking the side of the non-muslim.


Anyone defending or advocating Sharia law has rocks in their head and a death wish for America.