Vote for Amanda

| February 21, 2012

Mark Christianson, who is the founder of, the place that got me hooked on the internet back at the turn of the millennium, wrote and asked for your help.

His daughter, Amanda, founded Cleats For Kids which has been submitted to Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy ‘Choose to Matter’ contest and she’s a few hundred votes behind from winning a trip to London, if I read all of that stuff right. Here’s her Facebook page related to the charity.

I know you dickweeds hate to click on stuff I tell you to click on, but this time do us proud and click on the “Vote” link at the top of the page on the first link in this post and help Amanda get a trip to London.

Category: Who knows

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Parachute Cutie

Done. And I clicked on your adds, too! Now I’m taking the rest of the day off.

Old Trooper





Clicked only because you called me a dickweed…but I’ll be damned if I let you have any of my next batch of home brew.


Tried to click – got an Access Denied message. Boy, did you make me feel like a fecal clump this morning!

Mark Christianson

Sorry gang, maybe you guys crashed the server, we’re pressuring them to get it back online asap but all voting has been halted across all projects due to the situation. We’re crossing our fingers its back quickly.


I couldn’t get it, but isn’t it nice to know us dickweeds do the right thing when prompted! 🙂 I’ll keep trying and I will post a link on my FB, too.

Mark Christianson

Its back up! VOTES BACK UP!

Zero Ponsdorf

Finally got in and voted.


This dickweed voted, had trouble with the math question though. My mom always taught me 1+1=3 or 4 or 5 or…


Vote early, vote often… well get your friends to vote because it only allows one vote per name/e-mail
Now where is the mother ship (short bus) parked?


Done deal.

I successfully completed the math problem, does that mean I’m qualified to work on a flag-level headquarters staff if I ever get recalled to active duty?


You know that’s not possible, Marine–and that you can’t count to 21 unless you’re naked.


Jonn not ALL Infantrymen are lacking braincells. 😛 BTW I voted.


Done and done.


@14 That’s why I can’t balance my checkbook! 😀



Yat Yas 1833

Mission accomplished!



Bubblehead Ray

Dis dickweed did done Dat deed 🙂

Yat Yas 1833

If Amanda wins, is she gonna bring everyone a t-shirt?

Mark Christianson

LOL, shirts from the London Olympic gift shop.. I can only imagine the markup!


[…] from, just wrote to tell us that you guys came through for his daughter, Amanda, last month when I asked you to vote for her charity. She’ll be going to the 2012 Olympics in London thanks to your clicks. I […]