Found: VoteVets’ IRS Form 990

| February 20, 2012

Who is up for some crowd-sourced research?

I’ve already gone over this with a fairly fine-toothed comb, but maybe someone can find some things in it.  For instance, at one point they claim they spent like $5 million in grassroots and direct lobbying (Page 2, part 4B), but then later on they list no expenditures for lobbying.  As near as I can tell, 90%+ of what they did amounted to their TV commercials.  I will have more on that later, but maybe some of you will see something else in there.


Heh, nice to see myself in one of their videos, arguing with Beeker, now our sort of buddy on some things.

Category: Politics

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Sounds kinda fishy…I might look up county tax records, personal property etc… to see how it measure up against those getting paid.

Cedo Alteram

Hey TSO, I’m not somekind of Ulpian of nonprofits like you are, my math is also horrible, but what do you think of these?

Written as seen.

Am I reading this wrong? They had 10 million plus dollars, by the end of May 2011 it’s just under 6?

Seven employees with a voting board of three? I’m guessing Stolz, Smith, and that guy who’s name started with an M. Wasn’t he the interim chair when Stolz was deployed?

“Salaries , other compensation , employee benefits… 455,826.” I know that isn’t divided evenly amongst seven, but still that means an employee at VotVets costs about 65,118.

Under Section B. policies. The first question is “10a Does the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates'” The X is checked no. Which is what I always figured, despite adds in Missouri and other locales, this entity is based purely in DC.

Possibly scratch what I wrote above about salaries(must proof read in future). It says President Stolz, Secretary Schemltzer, Treasurer Granato are the three board members/officers. Stolz brings down 101,000 plus is compensated by “other related organisations” another 11,000. Schemltzer gets 65K with another 7K for the same reasons as Stolz. Granato is 55K plus another four thousand, again same.

There is a line about compensation for officer, trustee, and directors. Below that though there is another line for other salaries and benefits which is 198,167. That’s about 50K split four ways. I’m sure that is for the other four people.

They gave 200,000 dollars to “Patriot Majority Pac”. On their website it says “the Tea Party is over”. I guess that the Pac came into existence post 2010. Those post 08′ commercials most likely origionated there.

I’m positive I fucked up somewhere or I’m missing something, or I can’t read this return correctly. I HATE your job TSO nearly as much as I hate VoteVets.

Doc Bailey

TSO I must admit ignorance when it comes to Tax issues. What exactly is a 990 and what are the stipulations.


A 990 is the tax retrurn for a non-profit entity. In order to maintain the 501c3 status, this must be filed in every state where there is any kind of operations. Even the American Legion Posts must file.