Veterans’ share of the budget not being balanced on our backs; $13B

| February 19, 2012

The Military Officers Association of America reports that military retirees will absorb over $13 billion in the Defense Department budget through increases in our healthcare costs which will be passed on to all ranks at every age, including those over 65 years old;

TRICARE Prime annual enrollment fees for retired families (currently $520) would rise as high as $820 starting October 1, 2012, and rise to as much as $2,048 within five years, with fees based on military retired pay amount.

TRICARE Standard beneficiaries would start paying a $140 annual family enrollment fee and a slightly increased deductible ($320) starting Oct 1, with the enrollment fee and deductible rising to $250 and $580, respectively within 5 years. These would be flat fees for all Standard beneficiaries.

Retirees and family members age 65 and older would start paying an annual TRICARE For Life (TFL) enrollment fee of up to $135 per person starting this Oct. 1. This fee also would be graduated based on retired pay amount, and would rise to as much as $475 per year within 5 years.

Pharmacy copays for retail and mail-order brand-name medications would more than double (from $12 to $26) starting Oct 1. Copays for non-formulary medications that currently cost $25 would also more than double, to $51, and availability would be mostly restricted to the mail-order venue, with only limited retail access. The brand-name and non-formulary copays would rise to $34 and $66, respectively, within 5 years.

See, that’s why Panetta took over the Defense Department…he’s a hitman who’ll take the blame for these massive hikes during the election season to deflect blame from the president. Panetta doesn’t need your vote to keep his job. Now where are those fuckers who told me four years ago that Obama would never do this? Where’s fucking VoteVets and IAVA? They put the President in office, so where are they with that blather about how Obama is the best thing that ever happened to veterans?

I got in a pissing contest with IAVA’s Reickoff yesterday on Facebook over his pointless blather for a parade, but his lack of support for veterans’ healthcare. He pointed to some IAVA bullshit about “How the budget cuts will impact you“, not a word of condemnation of the current administration for their blatant screwing of veterans to the wall.

Thanks to ROS for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Shitbags

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Jesus H. Tapdancin Christ, and I thought I was getting hammered on prescription co-pays.

Old Trooper

Raise your hand if you didn’t see this coming. Everything that comes out of Obama’s yapper has been proven to be 100% pure bullshit.


How much you want to bet he doesn’t show up at either the VFW or Legion national conventions this year?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Well, yeah. Elections have consequences. Talk to Germans who were alive in 1945 about that concept.


Jonn thank you for taking on IAVA, I was among one of the first to sign up for that organization, and I was one of the first to burn my membership card as soon as I figured out what they were all about, they were all about Paul Reickoff getting elected, and not giving two shits about issues that really affect the veteran community. Case in point this parade horseshit. None of us wants that Shit, we care about having to pay out of pocket for programs that Washington himself set up with the pension system. Personally, I think this might turn out to become our generations version of what happened to the bonus marchers in 1932.

Army Sergeant

So is this a done deal, or can we still fight it?


No, no, you guys are looking at this all wrong. The President said that he won’t balance the budget on the backs of veterans and that’s still absolutely true.

$13 billion dollars is nowhere NEAR enough to fix this trainwreck he made.


@# 6- Unless the SCOTUS rules “Obamacare” unconstitutional? Not very likely at all now that the framework is in place and operating full steam ahead.


So where are those anti-war groups? Oh right, they hate the military and veterans that aren’t psycho. Once again democrats in the pentagon screw the troops. So much for supporting the troops.


Although I do not agree with the cuts and that vets are absorbing them…as a vet who does not have a service oriented issue and who makes more money for eligibility and is self-employed, I offer that it is still a whole lot less for you to be covered than I have to pay at the moment. I just got a 32% increase in my premium and the deductible is also higher. This means for me that I have to cut out something from my monthly expenses to cover it because like a lot of people, I am making 1/3 what I used to. Just some perspective. And I know, some of you who retired don’t have day jobs, but it’s still cheaper even if it’s not right.

USMC Steve

Has this already been signed into law?