Empathy Army

| February 19, 2012

Several of you guys sent us this link to the story about the Army making guys wear fake boobs and fake preggo-tummies so they learn to empathize with pregnant female soldiers who have to take PT.

The Army is ordering its hardened combat veterans to wear fake breasts and empathy bellies so they can better understand how pregnant soldiers feel during physical training.

This week, 14 noncommissioned officers at Camp Zama took turns wearing the “pregnancy simulators” as they stretched, twisted and exercised during a three-day class that teaches them to serve as fitness instructors for pregnant soldiers and new mothers.

Army enlisted leaders all over the world are being ordered to take the Pregnancy Postpartum Physical Training Exercise Leaders Course, or PPPT, according to U.S. Army Medical Activity Japan health promotion educator Jana York.

I noticed that there were no females wearing the pregger-suits. I’m pretty sure that women who have never been pregnant don’t know how it feels either. But, of course, it’s only the men who have to wear the suit, because men can’t feel empathy without being humiliated and emasculated.

McQ also comments on the practice at Blackfive.

Category: Military issues

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Country Singer

I was a bit less peeved by the story when I discovered the guys were saying, OK, this shows that women CAN PT post partum…so on the good side, this means less time relaxing on profile after Junior pops out.

CI Roller Dude

Haven’t you figured it out yet? White Males are always at fault, even if they never did anything wrong.


I can’t wait to see all the women doing PT or ruck marches with the same amount of gear as men being graded to the same standards!

Oh, who the fuck am I kidding.


God forbid the Army makes sure people know what they’re doing, that is totally against normal Army regulations.


The poor dears look horribly “emasculated”.

Frankly Opinionated

And for their empathy training, will women wear a sweaty, gritty, nutsack, chafing the inside of the thighs?


POG’s gonna POG.

B Woodman



This will backfire in reality, and require even more empathy training in the future. What did these soldiers learn:

1. Women can PT while pregnant.

2. Women can PT post-partum. PT may even be alleviate post-partum depression, so it’s good for them.

3. Women who aren’t pregnant can certainly PT and test to the same level as their male counterparts.

The feminazis are going to shit themselves when they figure this out.


So, when a soldier is pregnant, they will be expected to take part in the same PT program as the rest of the unit because a man wearing a pillow knows it’s not that bad. Does the Army realize that pregnancy involves a little more biology than a simple pillow on the belly? But, hey. I guess it is cheaper to teach NCOs that prego-PT is okay rather than pay women for the medical problems that PT can cause their babies later.


When I saw this, I thought (and then hoped)that someone had taken an Onion article seriously. This is highly disturbing.


Pregnancy was definitely up there on the list of problems I saw when I was in the military ten years ago. It was basically an epidemic. It tended to get worse whenever a unit had to deploy somewhere. I know at least one girl from my small town who went into the National Guard out of high school and got deliberately knocked up when she found out that she was going to deploy to Iraq.

Glad to know that the solution to the problem is to teach men to have more empathy. This is the left’s response to everything. “The problem is not (fill in the blank, pregnancy, or whatever), the problem is YOU!” Yep, the problem is always the person pointing out the problem.


As an NCO, why am I supposed to care? Aren’t they on profile for the duration of the pregnancy?


So, how do they emulate post-partum Cesarean-style?

Even the notion that a fake gut and boobs mimic pregnancy is absurd. It’s ridiculous when Maury does it, and it’s bullshit that the Army is doing it.


DAMMIT Frankly! How about a spew warning.


# 10 Flagwaver: the men get it. Likely they’re fathers. The women pushing it don’t get it. They don’t do children.


What would make much more sense would be for all male members of the Army to stick their nuts in a vise so that they would more clearly understand mammography. At least that one is required for ALL female personnel simply because they happen to be female.

What is next? Just how many optional activities is everyone expected to “feel” in the name of sensitivity? Smoking dope? Hang gliding? Getting tats? Homosexual sex??


I’ll take another tat! How about blood tags for the entire Green Machine? But this is seriously too much! How about making every female Soldier carry a damn M240B all over creation, full weight, ammo minus tripod. How is that for fraking sensitivity?


Now that Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is officially out the back-door…Bawaaaaahaaaaaaaa ha ha…stop…. my ribs!
The attack on the front door is at hand. In an effort to allow the Warrior to understand the plight of someone attempting to get out of a deployment, or for that matter get sent home from a deployment they must “assume the position” of the expectant mother. The next logical step is to have some hairy assed bug eater just back from a 13 month deployment- slap him on the ass and take him shopping. The next conflict we have…I think I’ll just sit it out. Next fucking thing you know we’ll have a “Womb-ded Warrior” program.


Un-fucking real.

Liam B.

I’ll wear the friggin thing, and still pass the APFT. Sensitivity? If a female is pregnant doesn’t she get some sort of profile that attends to her physical limitations? I’m 11B and no females, so never had the issue.

B Woodman

All I can say, if any young’un asks me about military service, I’ll tell them, one, repeat 1! only term of service, then GET OUT. It’s gotten WAAAYYY to PC to be an effective trooper in any branch of service any more.

Doc Bailey

Dear Christ,

Someone please please PLEASE tell me this is a joke. Anyone? Please for the love of all that is holy, tell me this is a joke.

Yat Yas 1833

I’m glad I’m old Corps! This NCO would unpin the chevrons on my collar and hand them in.


13: You’re supposed to care because a pregnant Soldier becomes non-deployable, and for a time, unable to perform all but the lightest duties. Yet that Soldier is still filling an MTOE slot and cannot be replaced. But they still have to be considered for promotion with their (deployed, working) peers. Dealing with a pregnant Soldier was one of the hardest things I’ve dealt with as a NCO. It’s even worse on the officer side of the house. My unit (div hhc) had a overwieght LT that was flagged. The first day back from redeployment leave, she shows up at the commanders office with paperwork showing she was pregnant, demanding to be promoted to CPT since she couldn’t be flagged. Listen to pilots talk about having to deal with their pregnent counterparts. Can’t fly for almost a year, but still has to be promoted with their (deployed, flying) peers.
Instead of slapping pregancy bellies on leadership, the Army should temp assign females to WTUs and freeze their career progression. No TIG TIS increases while on light duty. If you have 9 months TIS when you get knocked up, it freezes at 9 months until you’re cleared for duty.


I’m inprocessing at a large installation for the first time since I was a Private. One thing I’ve noticed is the abundance of pregnant Soldiers walking around post. We have an E-6 who is inprocessing with her husband. I don’t have a problem with it, they should be able to start a family just like those of us who are not dual military. I do have a problem ,though, when I walk into the Shoppette for coffee after PT and see three lower enlisted females in maternity ACUs but without wedding bands (admittedly that doesn’t mean much–I’m married but have never worn a ring). As I left I saw another walk out of the Commissary. A unit is in the middle of deploying, so I wouldn’t be surprised if many of those Soldiers wanted to avoid going to an exotic place. Many of the 11Bs that just arrived are slated to go. I’ve been projected for a light Infantry unit since last April and found out last Wednesday that I’ll probably be headed to an Armor unit in another brigade to go play Army overseas again. I’m looking forward to it and just don’t understand the thought process behind being pregnant for nine months and tethered to a child for 18 years just to avoid a nine month vacation on a relatively safe FOB or rear area. #22 B Woodman, The level of PC is ridiculous at best. We seem to get more formal training on sexual harassment and tolerance (of gays, Muslims, etc) than we get on our MOS’. I’ve been away from the Infantry for a short while and hope I’m wrong, but in recruiting we had “safety stand-down” or training days on average once a month during which we could be certain we’d get some kind of class on embracing everybody and not offending minorities or women. #25 J.M., The promotion system is another matter. I’ve been getting more involved in my potential promotions and recently read the 2010 Infantry SFC board analysis. One thing that stood out was the fact that a fairly large number (6%… Read more »

USMC Steve

And of course that is wayyyyyy more useful than forcing the crack troops to wear full rucks and have to do everything men do to the standards of the men, given that it is the way the real world works, particularly in combat, in the military. I would have categorically refused the order and requested mast, as well as writing all my elected officials. We all know how much the military loves the CONGRINT.