Private arrested for larceny

| February 18, 2012

Radar sends us a link to an article from KOMO News which reports that Private Nicholas A. Solt has been arrested for the theft of more than $600,000 worth of sensitive military equipment which resulted in an entire infantry company being locked down at Joint Base Lewis-McChord that NSOM mentioned last month.

Solt has been charged with:

• Selling optical and targeting equipment of a value more then $500 without proper authority, a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 108

• Larceny of military property, of a value of more than $500, a violation of UCMJ Article 121

• Unlawfully enter a government building with the intent to commit a criminal offense, a violation of UCMJ Article 130

• Wrongfully communicate a threat to kill an individual, a violation of UCMJ Article 134

• Violation of a general order wrongfully possessing drugs and drug paraphernalia, a violation of UCMJ Article 92

• Wrongfully possess anabolic steroids, a violation of UCMJ Article 112a

If convicted on all charges, Solt faces 59 years of confinement, total forfeiture of all pay and allowances and a dishonorable discharge.

From the looks of his Facebook page, he needed the money to buy more tattoos. He’s safer in prison than he would be in the barracks, though (CNN link);

After learning of the thefts, the Army decided on January 4 to put members of the Army’s 4th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division on lockdown, preventing soldiers from making phone calls or leaving the unit’s barracks or unit office.

The unit has been home from Iraq since September 2010.

Category: Shitbags

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What rights exactly did he serve to protect for me that I am denying him? You really might want to rethink that stupid statement, Stevie boy.

And why exactly did you decide to start a conversation in a topic that has been dead here for nearly 5 months? Not a bright move there either.

When your brother is exonerated (which is highly unlikely, as we who have served know because we have like been there, done that) we will be the first to apologize for overreacting. On the other hand, your defense of the indefensible, while touching, will bring your immediate apology for attacking us when he is convicted, right?

You will pardon us if we do not hold our collective breath. We know that his chances of skating on these charges are somewhere between nil and zero. No, we do not like thieves. We particularly do not like thieves who deprive our brothers in arms of mission essential equipment. Depending upon just what kind of sensitive the equipment is, your brother, the one you are so quick to defend, just may be a traitor to his country.

We especially do not like traitors either in or out of the military.

But thanks for playing today. Come back any time, especially when you have grown enough of a pair to prove your manhood in some way other than impregnating females.


According to this article, dated 9/11/12, “It is prosecuting a third soldier, Pvt. Nicholas Solt of Slatington, Pa.”

And the stuff stolen “Previously, Solt was the only suspect the Army publicly identified from its investigation into a plot to steal and resell equipment that included the latest rifle scopes, laser sights and night-vision goggles.”

Not looking good for Solt.


Ah yes, the, “I was gonna, but…” excuse.

Tell me, stevie, were you a “poolie”? Had you gone into DEP, or had you just stuck your head inside a recruiter’s office one time and left when the recruiter prospected you and found out you were NEE?

Yeah, I’m a former recruiter. I can smell bullshit over the Internet, too.


@42–Sounds more to me like he’s still awaiting trial, but is no longer in pretrial confinement.

Which IIRC, won’t count towards time served if/when he’s convicted. Then again, when you’re looking at 59 years (although he won’t get that much, but 20-plus is certainly possible) what’s a couple of months?


He ended up getting 10 yrs at Leavenworth where he since got in trouble with another inmate for homosexual activity (both nicknamed the “button pirate twins”) after being caught after lights out one night. How ironic.

Hack Stone

The Button Pirate Twins? Sounds like the name of the next boy band to sweep the nation.

Button Pirate Twin #1: “Argh, matey! Be that barnacles scraping my mast?”

Button Pirate Twin #2: “No, they be hemorrhoids, matey.”

Yat Yas 1833

stevie-boy, why don’t you just go crank that skank you knocked up and leave the discussions to the adults here. As a Marine, I’ll defend and support a brother Marine to the bitter end, UNLESS he proves himself a thief or a liar. Your “little brother” has proven himself to be both. As for you, your pissy little attitude proves you don’t have what it takes to earn the title, United States Marine.



I agree, and further…I submit that no Marine would support a thief, brother or not…Marine or not. And that’s as it should be.

Now if a proven theif goes on the straight and narrow, proves themselves a valuable citizen and human being, shows that it was a once-off fuckup. That’s one thing. The incident can, and should, be forgiven. Not forgotten…but forgiven.

If, on the other hand, they steal critical “stuff”. If they show a history of remorseless theft. If they show no real interest in changing their ways, I don’t care who they are, brother, Marine, or whomever, they should not be forgiven. Because that tells the thief that stealing is ok. It’s all good.


A buddy of mine, well used to be. He didn’t take anything. Published his name with accusations of such things without any print stating that anyone else was accused. His life was ruined as a soldier living with people like you. All here say and think the facts are what are they read. You are all idiots.
The actual people behind the incident have been brought to justice. But Nick has to suffer because you guys are sheep?


And all this pride in being a marine or serving, and still you only take the side of the facts you believed you to be true. He did not take this stuff. I know as matter of fact. You dont deserve to fight for the country with your head high if you slander this soldier and base your judgements of his honor on high school non sense. Learn something you inbred fucks.


According to what he is saying inside prison walls, he did EVERYTHING they said he did


Old Trooper: What is the Kansas Gravel Academy? i’ve tried to look it up but i find no information.


@Jasmine, the gravel academy is fort Leavenworth it houses the united states disciplinary barracks (military prison)

2/17 Air Cav

Looks like somebody ate a whole baker’s dozen of sux donuts all by himself. Now his tummy hurts.

USAR Grunt

Was Little Nicky convicted, or not?

2/17 Air Cav

@62. Two other clowns were, one of whom received 10 years. There is no update that I could find on this story in months, as it regards Solt. I can’t find anything since he was charged. Clearly, the commenter whose tummy hurts purports to have an update but he or she provided no link. This case arose with the arrest of one guy, Solt. He was IT for months. Later, two others were charged and Solt fell off the radar.


Yes he was charged and is now serving 10 years at ft Leavenworth’s JRCF