Life of Duty: Warrior Wives

| February 13, 2012

The Life of Duty folks from Brownells and the NRA pay tribute to those who have the toughest job – waiting at home while out of the communication loop.

Category: Military issues

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Here’s an interesting article by the wife of an active duty Soldier (she refers to him as “Hubs”) (Yech..) who maintains that Guardsmen and Reservists “aren’t real Soldiers”, and their spouses are “not really Army wives”. Needless to say, she’s under a lot of heat.

As a Reservist who spent a year in Iraq, I can tell you that my family’s angst and worry was not prorated to “one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer”.

By the way, the “440 Reservist non-real Soldiers” in my unit, HHC 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, controlled 5 Sustainment Briagdes that resupplied all units in the field during the surge in 07-08, and lost 20 Soldiers, some of them “non-real”.

I’m sure since they weren’t “real Soldiers”, their families only felt grief for one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer, and since they are not on an active duty installation, they needed to turn to “non real” sources around them for grief support in putting their “non real lives” back together.

I’m sure it’s not what the majority of active military feel,but it’s amazing how arrogant and out of touch one bone-headed spouse could be.


I never did quite understand how my wife handled me being deployed. Worrying has got to be worse than being there.


Sustainer: yeah, she’s a ditz. I wonder if she’d have the guts to make a statement like that at the funeral of a RC Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine who came back in a box.

But the attitude isn’t exactly uncommon. Some people seem to think that folks who weren’t kicking in doors in Afghanistan and Iraq didn’t really “serve in combat”, either.

Yeah, right. Go ahead and tell that to the NOK of those killed by insurgent gunfire or IDF on the Victory Base Complex or the US Embassy compound in 2007-2008.