Occupy CPAC

| February 9, 2012

We have several friends who attend the Conservative Political Action Conference every year, most notably, our buddy, the fetching Skye at Midnight Blue, so we’ll be paying particular attention when the “Occupiers” make their planned move against the CPAC gathering in DC. David Keene at the Washington Times writes;

The Occupiers have some experience in disrupting conservative gatherings in the District. Last year, they furiously tried to close down a conference run by Americans for Prosperity and injured an elderly attendee in the process. This year, they are bragging that they are coming to CPAC prepared “to physically assault” speakers and, presumably, attendees.

Press reports of their planning meetings reveal that they are preparing counterfeit credentials to get some of their people into the conference itself, and there is some reason to believe that their union allies may have moved early to reserve rooms for many of them in the main conference hotel.

I actually feel sorry for any Occupier who tries to confront the tenacious Skye. They may leave the hotel with their genitalia packed in ice, in a small plastic bag.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Old Trooper

If they’re out to be considered “victims”, I’m sure that several people in attendance would help them realize that dream.

B Woodman

Too bad I’m just a working stiff, trying to make ends meet. I’d love to go myself for two reasons: 1- To disrupt (define that however you will) the OWS “Occupiers”; 2- And to become an “occupier” myself. I’ve read reports that the first “C” in CPAC no longer stands for Conservative.
To quote Capt Malcolm, “I aims to misbehave.”

AW1 Tim

I’m right there with you. I’d love to come down there too.

FWIW, there may be some homegrown security planning to show up too. I got an email from “Gathering of Eagles” about this whole situation, with the underlying hint that any and all who might be able to should consider showing up to lend a hand.

I’d think it would be right interesting to see these hippies run into a wall of greybeards like they did in DC at the 1st GoE event.


Woodman…amen to the C no longer standing for conservative.



I hope it’s live and in full color, too!


Just the threat of a bunch of “crazy vets” there to meet them is a worthwhile effort.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

“This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.”


@#7 kudos to the Hunt for Red October reference. And, I hope there’s lots of video.
Strange that the AFL-CIO would side with the Occutards. Nah, what the hell got into me. This makes perfect sense. The unions love them some working folks, as long as they’re paying union dues. Anyone else, meh, not so much.


Anyone else find it interesting that the occuturds were moved out of their park just in time for a new mission? Coincidence, right??


Poobah–good reference to a shitty movie. Damn, why can’t they make movies as good as the book?

And Up, it’s not that strange the unions (especially the SEIU, et al.) would side with the occutards. Look at the SEIU website–straight up 1930’s Marxist rhetoric. The AFL-CIO and Teamsters ain’t much better.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

“Poobah–good reference to a shitty movie. Damn, why can’t they make movies as good as the book?”

Conversely, novelizations of movies are generally not as good as the movie–they’re thin on elements that make a good book.

They’re different art forms, with different conventions and styles. Crossovers seldom (if ever) work.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Am I one of the few guys historically literate enough to understand that we’re in the 1850s all over again? We’re headed for Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo.

Marooned in Marin

Was there today and will be there the rest of the time, didn’t see Skye there, I guess she wasn’t able to make it this year. Did notice a lot of security around several of the lawmakers, and one of the Washington DC Police were there. Nothing happened today, there was some thought that the hippies were going to crash a Citizens United blogger event with Andrew Breitbart, which focues on a film coming out in the spring exposing the Occupy squatters.

Tomorrow is the day the Union thugs are planning to protest at noon and around 5 p.m. It’s also the day three of the Presidential candidates are going to speak (Romney, Newt & Ssantorum). I’ll have camera and video ready, and bringing soap for hippies.


The occupiers of DC were spared my wrath as I was unable to attend. However, the scourging of the Philly occupation is ongoing.