Big Gay Brad nominated for Nobel Prize

| February 9, 2012

Someone sent us a link to the story that The Movement of the Icelandic Parliament which nominated Private Bradley Manning for the Nobel Prize. Well, why not? They gave Arafat one and he murdered lots of innocent people. Manning only inspired the bloodbath of the “Arab Spring”.

According to journalists, his alleged actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements, shed light on secret corporate influence on our foreign policies, and most recently contributed to the Obama Administration agreeing to withdraw all U.S.troops from the occupation in Iraq.

Yeah, numbnuts, the withdrawal from Iraq was agreed upon years before Manning released any documents, but, please continue;

The documents made public by WikiLeaks should never have been kept from public scrutiny. The revelations – including video documentation of an incident in which American soldiers gunned down Reuters journalists in Iraq – have helped to fuel a worldwide discussion about America’s overseas engagements, civilian casualties of war, imperialistic manipulations, and rules of engagement. Citizens worldwide owe a great debt to the WikiLeaks whistleblower for shedding light on these issues, and so I urge the Committee to award this prestigious prize to accused whistleblower Bradley Manning.

Yeah, if he was Icelandic and released the same level of classified documents, your government would be charging him with treason, Birgitta Jónsdóttir, et al. But because it’s about America, it’s whistleblowing. Manning’s treason didn’t spark any discussion about America’s involvement in other countries…that discussion has been an ongoing process since Stalin incarcerated Russia.

But, yeah, since the Nobel Prize has been turned into a giant punchline over the last several decades, go ahead and give it to the little drama queen for throwing a hissy fit because his boyfriend dumped him. Seems fitting, actually given the recent set of recipients.

By the way “The Movement” is a political party and consists of three members out of the 63 members Icelandic Parliament, the Althingi, so it’s hardly a “movement” other than the name.

Category: Shitbags

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“By the way “The Movement” is a political party and consists of three members out of the 63 members Icelandic Parliament, the Althingi, so it’s hardly a “movement” other than the name.”

Judging by the shit they put out, I believe their movement can be properly classified as “bowel.”


When everyone has access to the internet, every dumbass idea will eventually float to the surface.


Just craziness… I don’t even know what to say.


Hmmm. Actually, this makes more sense than did issuing it to BO. At least this kid DID something! Yes, it’s a serious stretch for normal folks to consider his actions anything other than treason, but he did go beyond talking about it.

Still wondering why a beauty pageant entrant who has wished for “world peace” hasn’t also gotten one of those prizes. They have done perhaps more for “world peace” than some of the actual recipients.


I think of people like Mother Teresa and MLK to worked their asses off for years to make something better. Here we have a (alleged) treasonous act perpetrated by someone sworn to protect classified information that had potential to harm others just dragged and dropped onto a disk and sent off to a site dedicated to leaking secrets… I’m totally sure the end game there was just peace.


In today’s world there is no way Mother Theresa would ever be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Catholic Nun.

Old Trooper

The only award Manning should get is life in front of a firing squad IMHO.


“his alleged actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements”

I highly doubt that.


“his alleged actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements”

What if I was to say that the ousting of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq and its new democracy were more of an inspiration for the Arab Spring than anything else.

Country Singer

What did you expect from a country whose greatest cultural contribution to the world in the last 30 years was Bjork?


How surprising is this? After all, they gave one to Obama. I think it’s pointing out the obvious how little the Nobel Peace Prize means anymore and hasn’t for quite some years.


This so called prize became a joke the day they gave it to Jimmee Cahtah.


I loved the time I spent in Iceland, a great place, with some of the friendliest, hardest working people in the world. That said, there was always a strong LOONEY left/socialist/fairy tale believing contingent. That same left wing group always complained about the US Military presence, but loved it when we would fly out in our more capable helicopters and pull off a rescue they couldn’t perform. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have the heart, they just refused to spend the money they should have. You have to remember, one of their coast guard cutters with one 4 inch gun fired warning shots at a British frigate during the cod wars! That takes some fortitude!


“his alleged actions helped motivate the democratic Arab Spring movements”

Yeah because we all know that the Arab Spring is going to turn out peachy. I’m going to laugh my ass off when in a decade it turns out the “Arab Spring” really just made things worse.


Adam, you really think it’ll take a decade? I think things will turn to shit a whole lot faster. Egypt seems to be in the express lane to another Islamic “paradise”. And, Libya’s off the news so maybe they’re riding with the Egyptians.


That statement about him being responsible for the “Arab Spring” should be entered into evidence at his trial! Whether that is thought of as good or bad, there is proof that at least someone in the international community feels the results of his actions.



The kind of “peace” Bradley Manning supports, I don’t want.

I could be wrong, you know, but I have never believed that there is peace in a shallow grave.


I read somewhere that the Nobel nomination committee may launch an investigation into the peace prize awards over the last 3 years, which may result in those prizes being revoked.

Doc Bailey

Oh Jesus tiddy fucking christ! This is just going too fucking far. (i apologize to the savior) What next, Osama is given a God damned standing ovation at the UN? Mahmood I’maJackass is given a blow job by broadway? C’Mon people his actions caused people to fucking die! Am I the only one that seems to remember that?