The great Jack Rabbit round-up of 1934

| February 3, 2012

I am woeful in American History that doesn’t deal with some war or another.  But today I have been watching a 2 hour special on the dustbowl, and I just saw footage of this:

Holy Shitload of Rabbits Batman. Are you kidding me with these things? I know Claymore has declared a fatwa on all squirrels, but damn. I’ll take squirrels 6 days a week from swarming jack rabbits.

Category: Politics

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Newsflash, TSO–I spent (or is that misspent?) several years of my youth in SE Idaho, as well as going to prototype there. Every 6-7 years, for reasons I forget, the jackrabbit population out there quite litterally explodes, then dies down.

Google “bunny baseball” sometime.

A couple of the staff guys (students weren’t allowed to drive to/from site) left a bit early one evening. As we crossed over a small hill, we found out they had rounded up and killed enough rabbits to make a “speed bump” across the ENTIRE road. No getting around it.

And nobody cleaned it up. The streak of fur and crap just got flatter and wider as the summer went along.

Oh, good times.


I still have yet to partake of rabbit. Eaten other odd stuff, such as alligator, horse, angler fish, but not rabbit.

I heard that if you eat just rabbit meat alone that you can cause some unpleasant health effects due to negative calorie intake with your body using up more to process the meat, than it provides for you.

Crazy footage though.

Doc Bailey

funny thing, now a days you can kill as many Jack Rabbits as you can shake a stick at. Dear God don’t you dare kill even one cotton tail. Used to be Rabbit was Rabbit, and it was good eatin.

Jonn Lilyea

Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath” was the best book I’ve ever read.


My family is still out in OK. Hell, my grandmother got nicknamed “Dusty” when she joined the WAC because of the stories she used to share.

Jonn, I agree, what a story…