Tebowing Marines
I’m only posting this picture because it’ll send Joe running for the exits screaming “The Christianists are coming!!!”
Category: Military issues
I’m only posting this picture because it’ll send Joe running for the exits screaming “The Christianists are coming!!!”
Category: Military issues
God help us if Tebow ever decides to start doing “Downward Facing Dog”!
Not sure who they’re worshipping here, Tebow or that other guy….
Where did this happen at??
Unless I miss my guess, judging by the emblem on the field, Mile High Stadium (and NO, I’m not going to call it Invesco Field.)
Marines perform their version of ‘Tebowing’ before the Broncos-Jets game on Nov. 17. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)
Damn, I’m good.
They’re not ‘Tebowing’. They just got out of recruiter school and are praying they can make quota for the length of their time on the street.
Semper Fi
Makes as much sense as planking….
Oh, no! Marines petitioning the Great Sky Faery … WHAT is the world coming to?
That other guy? Would that be God? Joe as much as Yinz like praying to the O, most of us tend to believe in this Creator that has Dominion over all things. Gee I just realized I described George Soros for Liberals.
“surely goodness and Mercy shall follow me all of my days”
“Thou preparest a table before me, in the presence of my enemies.”