Pot POWs?

| February 1, 2012

John sent us a link to a website yesterday called “Veterans For Weed” (and then it shortens the name to the acronym “VFW”) which is supposed to advocate for veterans who have been arrested and imprisoned for consumption and the possession of marijuana. And, yes, that’s their logo above. Before that, the image was a tribute to Missing and Imprisoned POWs who remain unaccounted for.

On their website, they explain;

We love Veterans. And the PoW flag has just as much meaning to us as anyone else. Hemp Solo himself fought in Vietnam in two tours, and only knows too well what it was like to lose comrades in battle. It is because of our love of Veterans, and the flags that represent them, that lead us to making this site. What you declare a desecration, we declare exercising the very freedoms that Veterans fought for.

If you’re here, and you’re angry, then perhaps you could understand the anger we feel when men, good men, who fought in wars, end up in prison for possession of a drug that for all intents and purposes should be legal.

Yes, veterans imprisoned for breaking the law by choice are just like those who are held in foreign countries against their will, while executing their sacred duties. “Should be legal” doesn’t mean “is legal”.

And there’s nothing disrespectful about embroidering your pot head flag with words like “stoner soldier” and “semper high”.

The VFW is also a little miffed about them stealing their acronym according to Stars & Stripes;

On Monday, the real VFW (they’ve held the copyright on the acronym for more than six decades) sent the Milwaukee-based pro-marijuana group a cease-and-desist letter, calling their use of the acronym misleading and illegal. Officials said they’ll move ahead with more serious legal action if the other guys don’t drop the three-letter-name on all communications, web sites and other products.

This organization only serves to perpetuate the myth of drug-addled veterans who can’t adapt to civilian life without illicit self-medication. It seems to me that anyone interested in veterans’ well-being can find other ways, like promoting employment, or rehabilitation from drug use. This narrow-minded self-serving crap only makes things worse, pirated imagery aside.

Category: Shitbags

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Same guy? Very “interesting” page…


He was neck deep in the shit protecting the innocent peoples of Kalifornia. Check out this blog entry: http://www.myspace.com/sergeantspliff/blog/218856976

Sergeant Spliff

56, nice try asshole. Don’t forget my battle-buddies PFC PuffnStuff, SPC Stoned, CPL Crunk, 1SG Fiend, CPT Kush, COL Cannabis, or General Ganja motherfucker. WEED NATION: POT POWS YOU ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN


I have read some of posts here on this topic and have I something to say to the people for pot. If you think lighting up a joint is harmless you haven’t been watching the news about all the murders in Mexico. It’s because of America’s appetite for drugs that causing havoc down south. Also, think about the lives lost getting your dime bag into your hands. It’s also goes hand in hand with other crimes associated with drug smuggling like human trafficking. I really don’t care for your arguments for legalization but it’s just tells me your basically a unproductive person with nothing to contribute to society. If you are a veteran with a pension from the government than you should be buying food and necessities. If your using due to PTSD I suggest you sit down with a VA counselor. Other than that I suggest you pull yourself by your boot straps and get it together.


There’s a plethora of NCOs and officers in the Weed Nation. Sounds like too many chiefs and not enough rank and file potheads. Then again, I guess that if my rank were imaginary and all I had to do was sit around, listen to Ziggy Marley, and watch How High all day, I’d wanna be referred to by a military rank and stoner term too.


Back to the article, I guess my biggest problem is that the POT POW flag detracts from the actual POW flag (as I’m sure is the biggest problem with most). Absolutely poor taste. I remember in Basic we had a POW flag next to the door out of the bay, we had to say “thank you” every time we walked past it. I doubt many stoners have such reverence for their “POW’s”.


No squadron or command I’ve ever served under has ever given me more than 6 hours notice before a piss test.

Shit, I don’t think I’ve even gotten that long–and no leaving the boat once your number was announced.

And where I work now, if you’re given an order to provide a random FFD (Fitness for Duty) sample, you have TWO HOURS from the time you’re notified until you have to provide it.

No excuses. You refuse to provide, you no longer have a job, and you are barred from having another job at ANY nuke plant in the United States, EVER.

But Spliff, go right ahead and do your “wake and bake” shit, while I pull down six figures. Every time some shitbag like you rips a hit, my job security is that much more assured.

Sorry to harsh your mellow there, fuckstick.


Some things have changed, but some things never will. It’s a new century, but there are still scuzzballs out there.

Ahhh. Pet trolls are soooo entertaining. But in spite of the distractions, the original point remains the same – the use of someone else’s image is absurd.



But, he gave up a promising career in the NFL for his hobby, and at least made it through law school…
http://weednationsoldiers.com/spliff.html (sarc off)

On topic, the VFWU’s logo does denigrate the service of those who never came home. Comparing the plight of POWs/MIAs to convicted criminals serving time in prison is idiotic at best.

I’ve never touched the stuff, but I’m the rare exception to most of the people I know. Family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, it seems that everyone besides me has at least tried it or is an occasional smoker. I’ve yet to know a true stoner whose life revolves around the drug; met a few but none of them were interesting enough to get to know better.

My feelings on legalization and the sometimes harsh sentences handed down for possession are mixed. On the one hand, you break the law and you face the consequences. On the other hand, rampant prison overcrowding and overworked police could find their burdens lessened somewhat if minor drug offenses (possession of a small amount of marijuana or paraphernalia) were punished with small fines in lieu of jail or prison time.

One thing I debated about in a corrections course a while back was the effects of legalization. I don’t know if many potheads think about this, but I can see sentences becoming much stiffer for today’s dealers if they continue to ply their trade in a market where the drug is legal. Similarly, I would guess that the price would go up to a degree due to taxation and other costs. Imagine a world where a casual user can buy a bag of pot at the local store along with a six-pack and a pack of cigarettes. That would be great, right? Now imagine a dealer getting busted selling untaxed marijuana to a person under the legal age to buy it; or a $2/ounce federal tax and proportional state and local taxes.

The government is going to get theirs one way or the other. “Pot POWs” are going to exist whether or not the drug is legal.


@61 Hey man not all of us had our jobs and everything handed to us are entire lives. It’s a tough world out there and if cheefing a little bit here and there helps you get through your day then so be it.. I have been to known to wake and bake but I live a stressful life and had to work for everything my entire life.. Daddy didn’t give me a damn thing. It’s easy to be born on the top and say the hell with everybody else NHSparky


When did he say his job was handed to him? When is ANYONE’S job handed to them? Strike that, I’ve known rich kiddies who get everything handed to them. Choosing to not smoke pot and work on one’s career isn’t “being born on the top”. Having discipline, work ethic, training, and the will to wake up everyday and get to work, that’s what’ll get you places.

Daddy didn’t give me anything either- but ya know what? The military gave me money to go to college amongst other things, and I worked for it.

Everyone’s life has stress, either bad or good- it’s how you handle it that defines you.

Doc Bailey

I have known guys in certain support units, the really bad ones, that could get wind of UPL. As I said before it is in fact possible to pass a piss test, but it requires going into a fluid overload for a sustained period of time, which is incredibly dangerous.

I don’t care though. Trolls like this asshole tap in to a very deep desire to do grievous bodily harm. He has no idea how amazingly offensive his words are. He kind of laughs it off in a “chill out bro” sort of way and in the processes convinces me that Pot should not ever be legal. It also convinces me that he has fried whatever empathy he might have had. That me owning or not owning a POW/MIA flag somehow makes me a hypocrite for finding this offensive proves this ability to think logically is also fried. Thus far I have never seen Pot make anyone (including myself because if we’re being honest I’m in College) anything other than an obnoxious selfish asshole.


All you guys sound like obnoxious selfish assholes I bet MR. 6 figures doesn’t think he should pay more taxes because he is making mad bank. I always read everybody insulting Obama on this site because he wants to help out the poor and spread the wealth a little but all you people want to screw over the poor. Typical waking up on 3rd base and thought I hit a triple republican thinking.

Doc Bailey

@64: No Nuke is ever handed the job. My dad had to go through the school the washout rate was about 60% if I remember correctly. Then after he got through all that he had to face down Hyman G Rickover himself and give a passable answer as to why this piss ant little Ensign though he was good enough to serve on one of his boats. No. Being a Nuke is hard fucking work. That cush job is earned, and I will never begrudge a Navy Nuke.


EducatedOG sure babbles like it isn’t. Sparky wasn’t “handed” anything, much like the rest of the posters here. I’m sure that you and the rest of the Occutards think so, after all, no one can earn anything, it’s got to be “handed” to them.
Go back to the park, light up and try for one of those exotic STD’s, EducatedOG.

Scouts Out

We had one guy in my troop named we’ll call Joey Roma, who was rumored to be a habitual cokehead. The rumor I heard was that he was in good with tbe UPL NCO and would always get enough notice before a piss test to get the white powder out of his system. Supposedly coke exits the body faster than pot so it’s harder to catch. I don’t know if thats true, but I’m willing to buy it. Roma ended up getting kicked out after he got arrested off post running a cokehouse/meth lab. He had been in about 4 or 5 years at that point and I can’t imagine he was clean that whole time.


I have to agree with #58. These druggies only care about their own personal high. They never think about where their drug comes from. They never pay attention to anything buy where they are getting their next fix. It doesn’t matter that the marijuana industry in South America supports terrorism, that it supports the murder of innocents, that it supports people who hate America. In my National Guard unit, we got notice of when our piss test was going to be. It was posted and called a DRILL DATE. 10% of the unit got their cup every drill during Saturday morning first formation. It was completely random, with one guy getting his name picked three drills in a row. You don’t get better notice than that. 30 days notice of when the next random piss screen is. And we still had guys who popped hot. Guess what happened to them? First offense was posted to their permanent record and they were given mandatory classes. The next month, regardless of number being drawn, they had to do it again. A second time meant full Article 15 and a loss of one or two stripes. Third, they were lead out of the armory in cuffs by MPs and taken to state where they awaited a full courts martial. I only witnessed that happen once in my nine years. Sergeant Shit-lick and Cocksock, I don’t know where you are getting your ideas about service, but I am pretty sure it isn’t from America. When I was on a desk after my injury in the sandbox, I had to process the reduction in rank of a guy who pissed hot over there. Besides being a major pain in the ass, it was worse for the guys wife. “I’m sorry, Ma’am, you lost about $500 a month because your husband smoked a joint in a combat zone.” All that aside, I do feel that it should be legalized. Legalized and taxed the fuck out of. Why pay a foreigner for drugs when we can pay the government. My mother smokes marijuana with pipe tobacco for… Read more »


Uh oh, I think I hit a nerve with the cheeba heads. Must suck knowing you can’t even get a fucking job at Lowe’s without having to pass a whiz quiz, and God help you if you actually had to, oh, I dunno, SHOW UP CLEAN AND SOBER ON A DAILY BASIS, lest you find yourself blackballed from an entire industry.

And yeah, I’d love for you to make it to the Week 3 Academic Board of Power School.

Royal Highness

Fuck you flagwaver, I know exactly where my chronic comes from. I am a Pot Patriot, I only smoke homegrown American pot, that employs American workers, just like my truck. I only smoke the finest Kentucky Blue. It goes down smoother than all the other midwest brands and the stuff from California. Get a clue Flag fag, smoke good pot, buy American.


Interesting. All that most here have suggested is that those who want to violate the law simply take responsibility for their actions. If it’s worth the risk to smoke dope – well, that’s your decision.

Time for y’all to quit whining about the consequences you face for making your own choice to take the risk. But then, taking responsibility for yourself isn’t really one of your strengths or you would not be here acting as if we are responsible for your choices. It’s easier to live in lah-lah land and blame others.

Doc Bailey

@73: See I’ve heard that argument before. Doesn’t seem to account for the drug submersibles (yes they are now making fucking submarines to get the drugs in) or the myriad of other things happening. Hey we could talk about Arizona which is having something of a small insurgent war going on, or the Northern Mexican providences where the police and even Army need to be called out regularly.

No I’m sure your need for weed has nothing to do with that. Hey wanna know something else funny? Guess who used to grow a shit ton of weed? The Taliban. Any guesses as to where they get most of their funding to kill Americans. That’s right asshole. You.

So like, chill out, its not like what your doing is causing any harm man. Its not like people are getting abducted, murdered and sold into slavery all along the drug pipeline. Its totally chill bra.


I guess Royal doesn’t know that half the shit grown in Mendocino County is grown by illegals. Poor dumb fucker.


@Doc: I live in Southern Arizona about 2 hours or so from where BP agent Brian Terry was killed. I can tell you that we see TONS of marijuana come through here and we get to deal with the insurgent war all the fucking time. Its gotten to the point where some of my friends who live closer to the border than I do have to be careful where they walk their dogs. The wake and bake shit birds are a huge part of the problem. They dont see anything wrong with a little weed and encourage the shit we see down here on the border.

Royal Highness

76- then buy your shit from the other half. I don’t dig on northern cali crunk, like I said before I know EXACTLY where my weed comes from, and it’s grown by the same guy who makes my hooch. BLUE KENTUCKY, what part of that don’t you understand? Pot Patriotism, LEGALIZE IT!

Doc Bailey

@78: and again, you seem to fail to realize that Kentucky is having its own problems. Strangely enough in the 80’s and 90’s they were suffering the same problems. Indeed its kind of like a bad episode of Justified.

And again, you seem to think that any of us toke up on a regular basis. I can only speak for myself. I did it one time and never again. Why? because it was pointless, stupid, and it made everyone around me pointless and stupid.

You try hard to justify your selfish habits. You try to explain away the very real damage you cause. Try all you want. You’ve only proved your ignorance.


@Doc: With any luck Royal Retards hooch maker will screw up the mix and he’ll go blind so we wont have to read this senseless drivel anymore.


As someone who has a family member with a medical dope card, It is my informed opinion that morons that advocate legalization should be drug facedown to the town square, and slapped repeatedly until the stupid leaves their bodies. Of course with nubs like Royal it may require a 2X4

high speed isnt a complement

SGT Spliff- a hero of the canadian army.

Royal Highness

79 Dude I’m pretty sure stupid was a pre-existing condition for you long before you decided to get twisted that one night. Didn’t you say you were in college? How’s that GPA looking?

Royal Highness

Instead of Stoner Soldier, the should have wrote ARMY of stONEd


You know, Royal, it is a weak mind that must resort to vulgarity when in a legitimate conversation. As you had not posted before, unless you were using a different name, then the remarks were not aimed toward you. However, if you wish to take it personally, then let me ask you this:

Where does the cash you spend on your habit go? You pay your dealer, but who does he/she pay for the drugs? Who transports those drugs and from where? Who grows those drugs and where? Finally, who is in charge of that growing operation?

You say that your drug comes from Kentucky, but how do you know? Do you purchase it directly from the growing operation? If so, then perhaps it is a private grower. However, who else does that person sell to? Children, perhaps? Where does your grower get his seeds?

You say, “Get a clue Flag fag, smoke good pot, buy American.” I say, get a clue and sober up before making your arguments.

I am all for legalization of marijuana so that the government can tax, legislate, and run it into the ground like they have beer and cigarettes. However, you seem to see some insult in that. What, did you believe that the government should open it so that everyone can grow gardens of marijuana and puff it with the unicorns and Easter Bunny? If you believe that, then you should probably sober up and look around at the country a little more.

Personally, I have never smoked marijuana. Nor have I injected, swallowed, or snorted anything not prescribed by a doctor. The only true vice I have is that I drink a beer with my brothers and sisters every week or so and a nice glass of red wine with dinner for the heart benefits.

Does this make me better than you? Probably, but I am not one to judge. What it does make me is able to comprehend things a little more as I do not have an altered perspective.


Yes, because Kentucky is such a great example of how we should all live…

Yat Yas 1833

@85 Flagwaver, thank you! Living in Arizona, I’ve seen what the drug cartels have done to America as a whole and Az in particular to get pot to the people who would use it. Shoot outs on I-10 and I-17, etc. This is happening in Az, Ca, NM n Tx but wait ’til it’s happening Ames,Ia or Winnfield, Ka! This sh¥t has got to stop!


Hey now lol, I have some kinfolk that live back there. Just because they just barely got running water and indoor plumbing and possess a combined IQ of 70 doesnt mean its a bad place to live.

Actually, there are some rather nice places to live back there. If I could put a bid on my grandfathers farm when my grandmother pass I would but yeah I do agree there are some really crummy places to live in Kentucky.


Hey…Kentucky is just a warmer version of Maine. Same drug problems, same inbreeding, and anyone with $100 and a running car has already left.

Sorry Tim. Nothing personal.


Sparky: Royal probably likes getting his weed from the backwoods of Kentucky because if he gets on all fours and squeals like a pig he gets extra dope.


My son, the deputy, refers to the county he works in as Mont-tucky. There’s reasons for that, and it ain’t the scenery or the number of high-tech businesses.

Sergeant Spliff

Hey TAHers, or is it just Haters, it’s your boy Sergeant Steven J. Spliff coming at you live from staff duty in beautiful Fort Carson. We’re about to enter the witching hours here and I thought I’d get a little high to make 0900 come that much quicker. Can’t smoke a fat blunt though, I don’t wanna be smelling like herb when my relief comes in the morning, or in the unlikely event that the SDO shows HIS SORRY FUCKIN FACE. So how do I get around the conundrum? Pot Brownies. That’s right. POT BROWNIES. Give ’em try sometime. WEED NATION…!!!

Doc Bailey

Riiiggghhhttt. You’re a real High Speed NCO. . .

is there any other better example that Pot is anathema to the Army? The retards that love, and indeed need to smoke show you why we as a society would not fare well if it were legalized, and also painfully makes plain why criminal activity is always near to weed use.


Hmmmmm…sounds like a command sweep would be a good thing.

Doc Bailey

I had half a mind to try to call the Carson SDO, but really that’s more trouble than its worth.


Highly doubt just about everything coming out of Sergeant Spliff’s keyboard. In his myspace page he refers to himself as Jerome, now Steven, claims to know when his number’s up for random piss tests. All smells like bullshit IMO.


#95 and 96,

“Sergeant Spliff” is nothing more than a wannabe internet hero. If he is indeed active Army and carries himself in the same manner he does here, he is a PVT (either new to the Army or newly demoted). From some of the links above, he is a graduate of law school and a former college football player who was a first round NFL draft in 2000. Of course, with wannabe comic book “heroes” backstory is everything, and military service is a common theme.

So, Spliff’s story has all the elements of a successful superhero: he’s an athlete, highly educated, and one of our nation’s heroes in uniform. If he didn’t spend all his money on pot he might be wealthy as well…


Too bad the piss test will catch “Sarge” spliff and then he will become just another loser hanging out at the Bus station