Vietnam Draft Dodger opens his idiotic yap

| January 30, 2012

By now everyone has likely heard about Bruins goalie Tim Thomas declining to go to the white house because he disapproves of Obama. Frankly, I would have just gone, only because he was representing the Bruins, but whatevs. Then this assmonkey decided to open his piehole:

Look, if this cretin wants to stand outside the White House and spew his drivel, that’s free speech. But standing up the president? All that does is show that Thomas has the class of a swamp rat.

What’s worse, you know Thomas would not have done this with the liberal Democrat Bill Clinton in the White House. Truth is, he felt free to dis Barack Obama, because Obama is black.

Assmonkey here also wrote a book about his experiences in Viet Nam Nebraska and Canada.

In 1969, Jack Todd was twenty-three and happy beyond his dreams. He had left behind a hardscrabble youth in a small Nebraska town, had an exciting and enviable job as a reporter on the Miami Herald, and was wildly in love with his beautiful Cuban-American girlfriend. As the war in Vietnam drew closer, he assumed that he would fight, as the men in his family had always fought, though he was increasingly troubled by America’s role there. His oldest friend had just returned from Vietnam and was already showing signs of the war-caused trauma that would destroy him; he had seen and done things too terrible to describe. He begged Jack to dodge the draft, to go to Canada. Nevertheless Jack entered the army and completed basic training. On leave before his departure for Vietnam, he agonized over a momentous decision. By now deeply opposed to the war, he crossed the border into Canada, leaving behind his family, the girl he loved — and his beloved homeland.

Now one of Canada’s most successful journalists, Jack Todd is a remarkable writer of great power and vibrancy. It has taken him thirty years to come to terms with the guilt and shame of desertion, to break the silence, to tell this controversial, important, profoundly American story. In a dark century, when many “only obeyed orders,” he chose not to. This is an intensely moving personal story told with passion and literary verve, as well as an eloquent account of a tortured time in American history. It is hard to put down, and impossible to forget.

Yeah, you loved your girlfriend so much you ran away. And now you’re going to lecture us on how to act? Really Dick? Here is his email, perhaps you could write to him and suggest he engage in autofallatio with himself until he asphixiates, however unlikely that is:

Category: Politics

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i just emailed him, thanking him for his service. oh wait…

Doc Bailey

a man with the nuance of a troll. Funny how the race card always gets played, even funnier that people remember Clinton as a president everybody fell over themselves to give a blowjob to. while its possible some people hate Obama because he is black and some people really did want to suck off Clinton, in reality, that’s not how most people feel.


Personally i’m not a Bruins fan, I honestly think Milan Lucic is clinically retarded. However, after what he did, I can say that I am a Tim Thomas fan. The guy is a cut above the rest, and I highly doubt race had anything to do with his decision.


Same here, Redacted.

Jonn Lilyea

“It has taken him thirty years to come to terms with the guilt and shame of desertion…” but, I see he hasn’t overcome the root of his problem. – that being he is a coward, physically and intellectually. My heart pumps purple piss for him.


Jesus, yet another “noble soul” who fought through his demons, and then made the only decision one with the delicate sensibilities inherent in people like himself can make, he decided to quit on his country, his family and himself? Well, that’s so touching, the only thing I can come up with is, FUCK HIM and the horse he rode to Canada.
And, America is better off because shitstains like Todd left. Stay gone.
And, if I happen to run in to Tim Thomas, anywhere in the middle of the mitten, I’ll buy him a beer or three.


Todd had choices and now lives with them…he is constantly reminded that he did the less than honorable thing (ran away) and it is obvious in his writing. His shame is cloaked in his rhetoric. Fuck him.


THAT is sig line material ritch thare….”Well, that’s so touching, the only thing I can come up with is, FUCK HIM and the horse he rode to Canada.“. This ass hat is nothing more than scum sucking, bottom dwelling garbage…Oh wait! Is this clown a friend of Bill “The Assassin” Perry?


It took buttmunch 30 years to come to terms. What terms? He surrendered unconditionally. Still, it took him 30 years to realize that.

So he’s mentally challenged, in the extreme, as well an award-winning Canadian journalist. Doesn’t say much for Canadian journalism.


Typical liberal drivel, do as I say, not as I do. Integrity must not be in his vocabulary.

Doc Bailey

I have to ask, in all seriousness why do these idiots think resisting takes more courage than ya know actual combat?


It’s a means for them to justify their own cowardice so they can live with it. They value nothing more than they value their own lives. Just a tad selfish.

Yat Yas 1833

I sent an e-mail but I really don’t expect an answer. Someone who stands on principle is a swamp rat but deserter is a…what? Scum bucket? An Asswipe? An aids infected asshole? A lily livered chicken shit? A coward? I think so.


I’m sure Mr. Thomas cant read this guy’s bullshit over the glimmer of his Stanley Cup ring. Fuck this nut case.


I am on everyone’s side with this, he made a choice and dodged the Vietnam war, he will live with his choices and doesn’t need other people who don’t truly know why he dodged the war calling him rude and disgusting names. I’m sorry but, once you guys know the true reason why, comment. Don’t comment if you don’t truly know.


TJ: perhaps you should offer that same advice to Todd, before he makes an ass of himself in public by spouting off before he knows the “full story”.

Oh, wait – that was over 2 years ago. I guess you can’t do that, can you?

Does the term “hypocrite” ring a bell with you? If not – IMO maybe you should look it up. Then look in a mirror.

However, thanks for reviving a dead thread and getting it fresh attention. I don’t think I’d seen this one previously.

Toasty Coastie

Oh looky!
Another troll who is bummed that the post count is to low, so has to come in and resurrect a TWO YEAR OLD thread.

Hey Puppet…go sodomize yourself with your own head. There is NEVER EVER EVER a reason to DESERT ONE”S COUNTRY during WAR TIME!

You must be his child coming in here to defend such a smegmatic slimey piece of excrement.

Quite the cajones you have coming here to a MILITARY BLOG filled with VETERANS and CURRENTLY SERVING MEN AND WOMEN.

Go back to your primordial swamp, donkey and gargle with leeches.

When you’re done you can come back here and apologize for being a piece of over-privileged online sock puppet trash for disrespecting those who actually fought for and defended your right to be a Space Goat.

Pinto Nag

So you’re “on everyone’s side with this”? Let’s be charitable and just call you a fence-sitter, shall we? Got news for you, Dude — we aren’t kind to people who come on here and play that game. You’ve come to a military blog to excuse the actions of a draft dodger. Your verbal and mental footwork better be up to par, because that’s not going to work out well for you.


Yep. This fuckstick is gonna be tap dancing on a landmine if he doesn’t cut his losses here in a minute.


Can I sell tickets n popcorn for the tapdance on a landmine event? lol


As long as I get a 10 percent cut of the proceeds….sell away.

2/17 Air Cav

What is this, Lazarus Day at TAH? First Sallada and now this. Who called the hockey player a cretin who has the class of a swamp rat? Who said the hockey was merely racist? Hey, I hope I don’t offend you with this question but–have you always been an asshole or is this a recent development?

HS Sophomore

I guess it must be National Gravedigger’s Day or something.

A Proud Infidel®™

T.J, for the third time today:


Yo, T.J. – I don’t CARE what his motivations were. Just like Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning – what I see is dishonorable actions, which I condemn. What little unicorn hopes and fairy dreams sprinkled with pixie dust any of them had, doesn’t matter: and because they did what they did, they deserve, and will receive, their due abuse. Is that clear enough?


OH, tj,tj,tj, you stupid, stupid little twit. I know why Todd ran away, because I knew someone else back in them there Olden Times who ran away to Canada the very minute he got this draft notice. And he was a doctor, specializing in cytopathology (cellular pathology), not some POG with no skills, but he just assumed, like the jackass he was, that he would be sent into combat and get shot at instead of being sent to Bethesda or Walter Reed.

He ran away for the same f#*#king reason that Todd ran away: HE WAS A REAL-LIFE FUCKING COWARD WITH A BRAIN THE SIZE OF A PEA AND THE INTELLECT OF A DOORKNOB.

So do me and the rest of the world a favor and jam your opinions as hard as you can, right up where the sun don’t shine. If I see your imbecilic crap again, I will show no mercy. And you really don’t want to be on the receiving end of that, you moron.

A Proud Infidel®™

Seriously, T.J>, Ex-PH2 and the other ladies of TAH will tear you up like a Pride of Lionesses on a prey animal, they show NO mercy AND they’ve been sharpening their claws for the past few days, push their button and they’ll go into a feeding frenzy on you, but hey, you’re already a proven fool, so I’m making some popcorn!


Yep….This gon’ be good. Let me pull up a chair, light up my pipe and enjoy the festivities.

A Proud Infidel®

BRW, T.J., I’m a three year AD Army Vet that came back into the Service after a NINE YEAR break in service KNOWING that doing so would get me deployed to the Middle East, SHIT, that’s the main reason I came back in, and I’ve done two tours over there. Over here, you’re not unlike a poodle barking at Honey Badgers, and you’ll get shredded accordingly, many a fool has tried to bluster, bully, and intimidate us, and all of them have FAILED!

You lose.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

I dont see anywhere in the above that says “or until I decide to act like a kid running from a case of the cooties”

3/17 Air Cav

Anyone notice that TJ is backwards for JT…….Jack Todd


If this guy had ever been to the PI, he would have dropped the Cuban girl in a NY minute and said, “I will fight any one, any where at any time … I just want 2 weeks leave in Subic at the end”.

Any friggin’ questions?

Did not think so!

Carry the ef on!



Does the game of “Smiles” mean anything to you?


I have Marilyn’s card!


Special jeepney rides to Bo. Baretto, tacos and lumpia at Via’s, and the mojo.

Oh, the memories after a pitcher of that…or rather, the lack of memories.


Hi ya Team Mate!

We have the same coach I heard!

Stand by tomorrow is going to be fun.


Crap, Im Jonesing for lumpia