Crybaby liar

| January 30, 2012

JAGC dropped off a comment in the previous Matthis post that I should go back and check the HuffPo article, so, cuz I always do what you guys tell me to do, I did, and lo and behold, I got the personal treatment from Matthis hisseff’;

So I replied, but the comment is awaiting moderation. Firstly, I’d like to point out to Matthis and any other casual obseerver that I have more friends on freaking Huffington Post and that comment above is my fifth in my entire history in Ariana’s clown car ride. The other three comments was when some retard on HuffPo was trying to defend Ballduster McSoulpatch’s fakery. But he has 11 people who like him on HuffPo and I have 15…one of whom is a former girlfriend of his. I don’t even have a column and I have more fans than he does. Why is that? because he’s a rebel who doesn’t need friends?

What would I have to gain by altering his records? There are people in our small community who served with Matthis in the Army who would be calling me out if I was wrong.

Bueller? Bueller?


I think it’s cute how suddenly I’m the personification of everything that’s wrong in the world. But I’m not the one lying about my military records, am I? In fact, there was a whole shitload of people who left IVAW because he was claiming that he was an Afghanistan veteran and they knew he wasn’t. But there he is telling the HuffPoers that he is…again. Somehow by calling me an “ultra-cons­ervative ‘tea partyish’ blogger” that makes him right and me wrong. but I’m the divisive one.

And most of the people on this blog would argue the “ultra-conservative” part with him, I’m sure.

Lilyea has prior gone to such extremes as trying to have me expelled from VA hospitals and educationa­l programs.

Darn tootin’ I have, and I’ve never stopped trying.

however, because the VA, unlike Lilyea, knows for a fact that I have never lied about my service and deserve the special care I receive from them as a Veteran of Afghanista­n and elsewhere.

Until I can get through that thickskulled VA IG’s office to investigate your narrow ass. Then you’re going to have a whoppin’ bill to pay. The VA not dumping his ass is not proof that he deserves care, it only means that they’re too lazy to do the leg work required to evict his ass. Remember the story I tell about the VA paying out millions to thousands of fake POWs? They even have the Chippendale SEAL on a monthly benefit. Their incompetence is not evidence of his veracity. But every dog has his day.

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Misanthrope, that’s a big word for a dropout, no account fake ass POS like him! I say that now that Stolen Valor is back on the books, we need to have his ass prosecuted!


He just hates that you’re always there to burst his bubble and expose him as the fraud that he is. His desperation to be a “Afghan war vet” celebrity amongst the far left is as pathetically transparent as his frustration in the knowledge you’ll never let him. You rock, Jonn.


Or the knowledge that he will never amount to anything, no matter how hard he tried to portray his happy ass as a poster child for the disgruntled veteran that he isn’t…


He fails to mention in his drivel his own father’s support of you. Odd, that……

Doc Bailey

Well John, I will say this, you do go after him like a dog after a meat bone. And I grab a beer and cheer you on every time.

Him accusing you of Libel is actually rich, because, he does that every time he speaks about the military. I posted my own comment, but I doubt that it will make it up. Not that I care anyway.


He’s fighting facts with name calling, I stopped doing that in the 3rd grade….


It looks like he took down his comment too. I’m assuming there was a pile on and he doesn’t want anything for people to anchor rebuttals to. I’ll take the opportunity to quote his own article:

“It’s the nature of digital information to stick around and be inconveniently discovered later on.”


@ #8 – Like a cat covering over shit in a sand box, LOL!


I served with Matthis during our initial entry training at Fort Meade, Maryland. The guy was a slimeball then, disobeying our drill sergeants, skirting responsibility, and generally carried himself like he was too cool to be there. I wasn’t impressed then and just sickened to read this latest bs.

I wasn’t aware of this guy since training until ironically enough another classmate of ours linked one of his videos on Facebook, citing her disgust in his actions.

I applaud your efforts, thus blog brought a laugh to me on an otherwise boring Monday at work!

El Marco

the VA make a mistake? Say it ain’t so!

Doc Bailey

seems said comment has been removed. Interesting. I am also interested that such people who have no contact with or understanding of what it means to be a Soldier, feel they are fit to comment with complete “understanding” on this subject.


The VA paying posers is another of those victimless things, right??


“Firstly, I’d like to point out to Matthis and any other casual obseerver that I have more friends on freaking Huffington Post”

What are you, a 13-year-old girl!? Got more friends online, huh? Congrats on winning at being a total looser there, Lily.


You’re both stupid. Matthis has 68 regular fans and 11 fans of his comments…making him STILL the biggest looser on the Huffington Post.


It doesn’t matter how many digital friends Methis has, that’s still more friends than he has in real life. I fully believe that if he wants to ne a poster child, he can be a poster child for the Stolen Valor Act….

Doc Bailey

@16: And yet, he’s still a Crack smoking re re.


This is funny! And on PuffHo no less!


Oh – how impressive! Having 68 friends on a national pub!! wow.

Old Trooper

@14: It’s loser, with one “o”; what are ya, a 13-year-old girl?


Since Matthis has complained that Jonn is trying to discredit him by attacking him personally, I’ll just talk about the article itself. The whole essay seems like a giant exercise in ego stroking, designed only to be a vehicle for complaining about America, male dominance, and the military. Look at the premise. Why is this remarkable? “War porn” exists for the same reason we’re on Saw XLIV or something. It exists for the same reason someone made a movie called The Human Centipede. And it exists for the same reason why even the even the most minor of accidents result in hours of delays as people slow to rubberneck. Depicting this as some sort of addiction that plagues the American military is not very remarkable. Humans don’t stop being humans when they go to war? You don’t say… The same goes for the notion that war porn is some perversion that exists because our military seeks some sort of dominance narrative. You want to see a dominance narrative? Here you go: This isn’t just exclusive to men. Here is an article on the subject of women being advised to marry men who love them more than they love their perspective husbands: Check out the comments. Some women see this as an attempt at setting up a perverse power dynamic in the relationship. So even the male dominance narrative does not hold weight, in my opinion. Look, if someone wants to claim that because our country holds itself to a higher standard, we shouldn’t accept this sadly routine behavior, then go ahead and make that claim. But don’t couch it in terms of a diseased country and a diseased military. This is something pervasive to human society. Speaking of which, noting that other countries have rules against this sort of behavior, as if that makes them somehow superior, strikes me as a very specious argument. After all, where a certain type of behavior does not exist, there exists no reason to prohibit that behavior. It works kind of like the stickers telling you that you probably shouldn’t attempt to… Read more »

Cedo Alteram

That… is… so… awesome… Jonn.

What’s funny is despite him posting on the HuffingtonPost, you most likely pay him more attention then anyone else, your his needed foil for attention. Whenever someone googles his name, you appear. Still most of the feud seems to generate from his side, I don’t think you spend all that much time contemplating his next move either.

Your the Reed Richards to his Dr Doom, where ever he goes you disrupt his plans.


Funny how Chiroux claims to confront criticism head on, but the comment section has been mysteriously disabled…

Anonymous in Jax

I’m a little late in seeing this post because I just had a baby, but I have to say that Matthis Chiroux is one of the few things that I seem to agree with Jonn about. I was a fairly involved member of IVAW, but I started to get really sick of seeing and hearing Matthis spew all of his BS. I was so happy the day that he officially left IVAW….I was only sad that he was the one who decided to leave, rather than IVAW kicking his ass out.

This is the 1st I have heard of him acccusing someone of altering his records. Is that a new development or has he been saying that from the beginning?

Anonymous in Jax

Thanks, Jonn.