US plunges in “Press Freedom Index”
I guess you probably won’t read this in too many places, which is why I’m writing about it. In George Bush’s last year, 2008, Reporters Without Borders ranked the US in 36th place in terms of the freedom of our media in relation to the other nations. Somehow, RWB credited the fact that we were at war in two countries with that lack of freedom – without really explaining how the wars affected our First Amendment right.
Them in 2009 and 2010 we shot up to 20th place. RWB explains that was because of the “Obama Effect” whatever the f^ck that is. So they report today that we’ve fallen to 47th place. RWB says;
The United States (47th) also owed its fall of 27 places to the many arrests of journalist covering Occupy Wall Street protests.
Many? How many? And why didn’t they factor in the “Obama Effect”? Or has it become the “Obama Reverse Effect”, now? So we’re tied with Argentina and Romania, another way we’ve squeezed our way into the 3rd world rankings in the past few years. All this despite the fact that we’re only in one war compared to the two wars we were in 2008.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
So these jackasses are saying the OWS protestors who were arrested were actually reporters?
Who knew?
No bias there in our media.
Maybe these assclowns should spent a week reporting in Moscow.
It is truly amazing the things that folks can conjure up which other folks will pay them to do. Like manufacture data which serves no useful purpose whatever. Well, unless obfuscation, redirection and such silliness is a useful purpose.
Freedom in their minds means they’re free to spew total bullshit and not get called on it. When that happens, doubleplus ungood!
Hmmmm adjustable standards make for GREAT grading standards. I’m curious, whose #1? Oh wait I know France. They can do no wrong.
Side note, do countries that Value privacy rank highly? I’d bet not, why? because the Reporter’s job is all about breaking Privacy.