Having Some MORE Fun at John Kerry’s Expense

| January 25, 2012

Many, or most, here won’t care, and it didn’t rise too high on my radar until Rurik sent Russ Vaughn’s link along.

First The Photo I Google Fu-ed:









A Fifth Purple Heart?

Vietnam Vets Can Only Hope that it was one of them, seeking long-overdue justice for the rest of us, that John Kerry finally encountered. The pompous pol, who famously ran on his dubious combat record and who also famously vilifiedhis fellow warriors, showed up at the White House sporting a broken nose and two black eyes.

Disclaimer:  Rurik and Russ were my co-bloggers at Old War Dogs for a while, but no money changed hands.

Category: Geezer Alert!, John Kerry

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He has 3 so it would be Number 4



At least he was doing something awesome; playing hockey. He’s still a major league tool, but even the worst scumbag has one good trait.


Dang, Russ Vaughn lives….I wondered what happened to him after OWD….Hooah, Russ!


Oh, I forgot to add, maybe the MRS caught him lieing about something to her? LOL!


Thanks, Zero. That last should have said Mrs. sKerry…:D


Its all good, Zero! No worries, bro.

Toothless Dawg

@ Zero – A few Veterans Day’s ago I was at the Wall with some GoE members and vets when JF’nK was scheduled to speak. Afterward, as Kerry was leaving, Uncle George Samek (Long Binh)used his bullhorn and shouted at Kerry, “I disown you as a Vietnam Brother”. John F’n Kerry’s response to Uncle George and the other vets present … an extended long bony finger displayed from the back window of his limo. Unfortunately no camera grabbed that picture for posterity.


Yes it would be fun to run into John Kerry, but I would rather run into Bill Ayers.


What do you tell to someone with 2 black eyes, nothing you already told him twice

Toothless Dawg

@Zero #12 – Yessir, I was there for most of them. GoE1 was one hell of an experience!!!


I sure hope it was actually a Vietnam Vet who blackened sKerry’s eyes. That sorry piece of shit. And GoE was quite a gathering of patriots. Am proud to say I helped in the coordination of it and and somewhat in the Kerry Lied rally. .


Cold? Some of us remembered to bring coats. Others of us felt the need to wear idiot crap like canvas sided combat boots for sentimental reasons. Not sure the toes have thawed yet.

My fondest memory is listening to the chants of the crowds – on one side of the street it was, “What do we want,” etc from the whining children in an assortment of stupid costumes while the grown-ups across the street were chanting, “USA, USA, USA,” and proudly waving US flags.

Hanoi Jane was said to be so scared of the patriots that she refused to come out of her bus!

sKerry is still trying to figure out why we don’t all love him, or at least vote for him anyway.

You knew he was a Viet Nam vet, right???



Add me to that GOE list as well, too. Otherwise, except for participation on SwiftVets I’d never got to meet and work one heck of crew.

Just Plain Jason

This is even better than Tom Brady having explosive anal warts… I wonder if the hockey story is a cover story for him trying an Al “happy ending” Gore, or maybe he tried to tell one of his famously funny jokes to one of my fellow Iraq Veteran brothers.

Doc Bailey

must’ve gone two rounds with a hooker he wouldn’t pay. Wanting to be all Kennedy like, I wouldn’t put it past him.

Jonn Lilyea

For the record, I was at the “Kerry Lies” rally, too. I remember the MoveOn clowns who tried to disrupt it from the safety of the other side of the barricade. I think the most poignant moment for me was the little, old Vietnamese dude in the back screaming “Kerry Lies” louder than anyone else.

And GOEI was the moment that TAH exploded onto the internet.


He looks like he had cosmedic sugery. he isn’t even Irish though he is trying to look the part.What a jerk.


I don’t think Herman Munster was Irish…Green, yes. Irish, not hardly.