Gordon Duff misses Hitler

| January 17, 2012

At his latest shit-for-brains missive for shit-for-brains, Gordon Duff at Veterans Today tells his readers that they should “Kill Democracy Before It Kills Us”. he begins with this brainless paragraph;

More than that, fascism, which I was taught to hate as either a form of socialism or corporate control was actually an almost ideal economic system, free trade, workers rights, corporate profits soared, standard of living continually raised, never any debt and no need for police state laws.

Yeah, i suppose that whole Gestapo thing was just a figment of the dissidents’ imagination. It wasn’t just Jews who wound up in concentration camps, if I remember my sixth grade history class correctly.

Fascism had nothing to do with race laws, oppression of Jews or any of that. These policies were totally separate and are now subject to open warfare among historians, some of whom say “it never happened.”

Yeah, we know what you think, Duff. And the world is still flat out there in Duffenberg But he thinks we should ignore the devastation that fascism brought to most of the world should be ignored and pay attention to the economic policies. Never mind that the economic policies were based largely on government military spending that kind of spending that Duff and Ron Paul seem to detest.

Then Duff buries himself in trutherism and conspiracy bull shit which are always just below the surface of his wild rants. And, of course, his audience is equally deranged;

Mustafa Rahman:
EVERY American needs to really take this article to heart and WAKE UP…. WE NEED TAKE ACTIONS TO CLEAN our dirty laundry…

Yeah, I’ll bet Mustafa has no agenda beyond making America a better place.

Thanks to TSO for the link.

Category: General Whackos

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So, the Duffoon is a holocaust denier? That figures. Fascism had nothing to do with race laws? Fascism enabled the enactment of the race laws.
And, then he goes with the old stand-by, “some of whom say “it never happened.” That would put you in the back pocket of Achmedinnerjacket, Duffoon. That’s totally not a surprise.

Old Trooper

I know that the holocaust happened. Don’t ask me how I would know this. Jonn knows how I would know, but that’s about it. Just take my word for it.


He has a point, though his argument is pretty stupid and buries his only good idea.

Yes, a society ruled by one fair and just person is the best option, but it isn’t feasible. To argue that and bring in Nazi Germany as your evidence, when there are hundreds of better options to pick from in History, is fucking stupid. Fascism is like anything else, its a tool and a system that can be used for good or bad, just like our Democracy. Democracies have more tools in place to halt abuses both foreign and domestic though, and even though ours is a warped version of what it once was I still think we started on the right path.

Old Trooper

@3: “a society ruled by one fair and just person is the best option,”

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

UK submariner

Breathtaking – I come from a small shipbuilding town (Clydebank) that was bombed flat by the Luftwaffe and ‘misunderstood’ Adolf in 1941 killing 641 of its citizens. Come and look at the memorial next time you’re in your supposed ‘Scottish homeland’ Mr Duff or attend Rememberance Day ceremonies in November anywhere in the UK. Better still why don’t you address a British Legion gathering of second world var veterans and read out the shite you have just posted about the Nazi good guys who we as a country lost 320,000 servicemen and 64,000 civilians fighting. How can this man even begin to believe the evil crap he posts?

AW1 Tim

“Mustafa Rahman:
EVERY American needs to really take this article to heart and WAKE UP…. WE NEED TAKE ACTIONS TO CLEAN our dirty laundry…”

I suspect that, considering Duff’s writings and audience, by “dirty laundry” he means “dirty juice”.

That whole response reeks of the “Germany Awake!” posters of the 1930’s…….

yeah, I can see where that whole website and it’s followers are headed: right over to Stormfront, where they’d fit right in.

Frankly Opinionated

The Duffoon posesses a brain that keeps right on firing long after it was emptied of what little it had.
Gordon Duff is sniffing some really strange substances.
Does he goooooogle up his name- Gordon Duff, or that of his page- Veterans Today; to see how he stands in the real world? He probably doesn’t like it that we, here at TAH, have him pegged as a “no-brainer”.
Someone tell me, he is NOT in any position that would enable him to influence anyone about anything, is he? I mean, even shift supervisor at the city sewage plant would be over his head.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Gotta love this tidbit from a comment by “Excalibur” at the link:

“I believe that one effective way to refresh society following a beneficial ‘coup’ of sorts would be to IMMEDIATELY REMOVE FROM OFFICE AND ANY SENIOR POSITIONS IN SOCIETY – anyone who has attended a college or university of advanced education.”

I guess he’s pining for the days of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

Yo, Excalibur: yes, it really IS your fault that your life sucks. “Da Man” ain’t holding you down; you want a look at who’s holding you down, look in the freakin’ mirror.


Speaking of Fascism, has anyone who knows anything about history seen any similarities to what President Palpatine, I mean Emperor Obama, has been doing? Except, unlike the Nazis, he is actually targeting the rich who could help the country out.


Another John Gill wannabe. “Fascism/Communism would have worked if only I had been in charge.”

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

@10: I got that reference instantly. Nerds Rule, Muggles Drool!


@OT Perhaps the deniers are simply waiting to outlive those us of who have firsthand knowledge that the death camps existed. They can deny all they wish, but some of us know they are lying, and will continue to share that knowledge with any who will hear it.

This might be a great time to tell any of you who have not taken the opportunity to do so that a visit to the Holocaust Museum in DC is entirely worth your while. I seriously doubted that advice, but made the visit anyway. Wow. Just wow.


First blog i have come across with so many advocates for the NDAA Bill. Patriot Act, TSA, Sub Urban drones, Censorship and Communism .. Don’t tell me The Federal Reserve is cool, the Rothschild’s did not have two US Presidents assassinated, AIPAC is the best thing since sliced bread and the Jewish lobby don’t run congress.. You have a lot to learn about Fascism


Oh, look, at #13, a Screeching Paulbot. A bird with good plumage, but an empty head.

Yat Yas 1833

Would someone PLEASE explain #13 to me?!? Ok, I went to a Hispanic funeral today which meant lots of food and booze so I’m a bit drunk but where does all this come from? either that jack off is drinker than me or I’m not drunk enough. He must have had a Paulbotomy, there’s no other explanation for such stupidity.


YatYas1833: you got him pegged. Either naturally, through chemicals, or due to surgery, #13 is a fakking idiot.