Birthers and Imbeciles – but I repeat myself

| January 9, 2012

Every now and again someone slips through the electronic field I have set up around my Facebook page that is supposed to keep Birthers, lunatics, Yankees fans, and episcopalians out. It’s like a bug zapper for the mentally deranged. But, the damn thing keeps breaking and I still end up with batshit crazy ramblings and links to shoddily researched crap. Case in point, the link I keep getting to this horseshit:


Amazing foresight on Congress, no? I mean, shit, 6 years before he was elected, he was a friggin nobody. Let’s look at this rock solid proof.

Congressional records show that on eight separate occasions over six years, between 2003 and 2008, legislators attempted to eliminate or change the definition of the “Natural Born” eligibility clause of Article 2 of the Constitution in order to remove restrictions and, thereby, create legal justifications supporting Obama’s unlawful candidacy for President.

We now know what members of congress knew about Obama’s ineligibility, and when they knew it.

In a recently produced documentary, Carl Gallups, a senior pastor at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church for more than two decades with a ten year professional background in law enforcement, presents documented evidence showing that members of congress submitted repetitive, coordinated proposals to alter the ‘natural-born’ eligibility clause.

Um, who?  This is where I would forward you to his wikipedia page to document all the shit that this guy has done, but unlike say “Star Wars Kid” dude doesn’t even have one.  But, nonetheless, let’s push on.

The moron writing here lists 8 seperate attempts to amend the Constitution in this regard.  I won’t go through all of them, but some are interesting.

1. On June 11, 2003, Rep. Vic Snyder, D-Arkansas, introduced House Joint Resolution 59 (HJR 59) which attempted to Constitutionally change the understood historical definition of a ‘natural-born’ eligibility for the U.S. Presidency in order to “permit persons who are not natural born citizens of the United States, but who have been citizens of the United States for at least 35 years, to be eligible to hold the offices of president and vice president.” The resolution did not make it to a senate vote at that time.

I’m going to go out on a limb, and suggest that it didn’t make it to the Senate largely because it was introduced in the House, and not the Senate.  Also, it had 6 cosponsors, never had a hearing, and was DOA.  But those Dems were incredibly crafty, since they managed to get half of their cosponsors to be GOP, including Rep Issa (R-CA) who even now is carrying on with his Obama perfidy by masquarading as a conservative by doing things like hounding the shit out of Eric Holder.  Sneaky man!  Look out, The Daily Pen is on to you!

4. Then, just two months later, on Sept. 15, 2004, House Representative Dana Rohrabacher, R-California, submitted HJR 104, which audaciously attempted “to make eligible for the office of president a person who is not a natural born citizen of the United States but has been a United States citizen for at least 20 years.” Rohrabacher’s fallow resolution attempted to completely ignore the Constitution’s requirement that a president had to be a natural born citizen. The resolution was rejected on its face.

Another crafty Republican who managed to sneak one by us.  Mind you, it had zero cosponsors, went nowhere fast, but his “fallow resolution” was meant for better crops later of something.  Dude is so undercover that he had this to say just last year:

According to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, the Republican Party’s “primary goal” for the next 1.5 years is not to reduce federal spending, pay down the ridiculous federal debt or cut taxes, the party’s three chief public policy themes. 

 No, Rohrabacher is arguing that “getting America on the right path” has to be temporarily set aside to accomplish a higher calling: the defeat of President Barack Obama.

That is some damn fine undercover work on Dana’s part, foreseeing that he would need the Constitution changed, but also attacking Obama constantly. But, it didn’t throw off those hounds at The Daily Pen.

Just one month later, on Feb. 1, 2005, Rohrabacher submitted a revised version of her previous resolution in HJR 15 which would require only 20 years of citizenship to be eligible for the office of president.

Yeah, see Dana is a man, not a woman.

Liberal democrats in Congress were in an obvious array to push against this long-standing Constitutional mandate at the time, coincidentally, when the first unnatural born presidential candidate, Barack Obama, began his political career at the national level. Why? Who or what was pulling their strings?

See, the problem here is that neither Rohrabacher or Issa are either liberals or Democrats. So, you didn’t make a very strong case. Added to it, as memory serves, weren’t they trying to make this change for someone else? Maybe a former bodybuilder from Austria that just happened to then be the Governor of a large state in which they both resided?

Consider this very carefully, sons and daughters of vintage America. Barack Obama, an illegally appointed president under suspicion of violating the U.S. Constitution, actually engaged personal contact with eight sitting supreme court judges who were actively considering pending cases regarding his ineligibility as president, in covert meetings, without the presence of any opposing legal representation. The suspect was allowed to meet alone with very authorities who were presiding in law suits against him, who have the supreme legal power to dismiss, overrule or uphold these lawsuits with binding jurisdictions, without any record of the content or accounting of attendance of those meetings, and without any representation of those filing complaints against him.

Yes, ye sons and daughters of this vintage Republic of ours, ponder that!  The President of the United States met with the Supreme Court, before he was even sworn in.  It’s almost as if he was like every President who preceded him in that regard.  Astonishing, no?

Wait, what case was it they were considering?  Oh, that’s right, there wasn’t one.  In fact, find me a case that addresses those issues before the Supreme Court.  No, go ahead, I’ll wait. 

The birthers haven’t even come close to getting the case heard in the Supreme Court, much to the constant dismay of Oily Titz, and the glee from folks like me who think she just makes the rest of us look bad.

Is there no limit to the degeneracy of this current political roster into which they will descend in order to acheive their psychotic agenda and control over the blood-ransomed freedom, value and power of the only true decent and prosperous people of humanity?

Dude, step away from the bong pipe, and do some research.  It’s less hazardous to your health.

Category: Politics

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Living proof that lunatics aren’t confined to one political ideology.


Yankee fans?


Yeah, I get them too. And the krazy krap from WorldNUTDaily as well. What is WITH these lunatics???

They’re actually quoting some Baptist preacher from Hickory Stump or whereveritis, as incontrovertible evidence???


hey now! my grandpa was a baptist preacher from hickory stump!


Warning: it’s just a question, so please don’t kill the messenger!

So, what is it on his birth certificate that he doesn’t want us to see? He (or whoever is paying for it) certainly have spent a bunch of $$ to keep it hidden.

Is there another reason for hiding it other than simply his arrogance – “you asked, so I will NOT show it” sort of response?

I dunno.


Same reason why he won’t show his college transcripts or financial records, methinks.

Do I think he’s an American citizen and eligible to be president? Yes. Do I think there’s something in his college records which could be embarassing? Definitely.


i agree sparky.

2-17 AirCav

TSO has much too much time on his hands.


@5 – He has released the birth certificate, first the short form and then the long form when the State of Hawaii exempted state law for it’s release.

The birthers are claiming that it’s a forgery.


Well, not to change the subject…but lets. Does anyone here have any connections to Aberdeen PG? A great job has come up in my area and it IS who you know.

Obama is a loser…and when TSO is around, you know a law dude’s research is solid…just sayin’.


@10 CI You are welcome to believe what you want about the authenticity of the succession of documents released. I must go with the forensic document folks (at least the ones I know personally) who have examined them.

Every day that passes we seem to have more reasons to not trust him/them/whoever. Hit him with everything we got works for me! Although, picking a few for concentration of effort might be a more efficient way of dealing with him.


What do you ahve against episcopalians?


Take two…What do you have against episcopalians? (See, I fixed the typo there…)


@13 – I’m not passing judgement on their authenticity, though I have no reason to doubt Obama was born in Hawaii.

I was merely mentioning that it has been released.


And how many people wiki’d “Star Wars Kid”?


Second what #16 Susan said… Whats wrong with Episcopalians?

2-17 AirCav

@11. Now you’re talking. Those not-in-recess recess appointments are something. The czar and czarina appointments w/o Congressional oversight were something too. The presidential declaration of unconstitutionality of laws instead of vetoing bills are right up there too. And then, of course, there’s the outright refusal to enforce certain laws. All outlandish. All an arffont to the Constitution he swore to uphold. Yet, it seems, more folks complain about Tebow’s open expressions of faith in God than know about–let alone understand–Obama’s assaults on the Comstitution.

2-17 AirCav

Freudian slip? Commie-stution?


“an illegally appointed president”? Um, last I looked, he wasn’t “appointed”, unless they think the Illuminati appointed him.
But, I agree, the czars and czarinas, the “recess appointments” that weren’t recess appointments, Fast and Furious, not enforcing laws that he just thinks don’t need enforcing, the New Black Panthers, there’s more than enough out there to hammer the jackwagon on.


Aye do has me sum of dem der neked pic’s of his mama….but, I digress….*cough*


Maybe the people trying to change the “natural born” clause were just hoping for President Schwarzenegger, in an attempt to fulfill the prophecy that is Demolition Man.

2-17 AirCav

Actually, malclave, I believe the reference to natural born had nothing to do with where someone was born but, instead, had to do with how someone was born. My theory is that the Founding Fathers were averse to caesarean section and, consequently, wanted only presidents who were squeeze-born.
(See, with a modicum of effort anyone could write for Veterans Today!)


And all this time I thought it meant without pain killers.


I’d rather deal with a birther than a Yankmes fan.



So, having just gained independence from an Empire, the founding fathers wanted nothing to do with anything reminiscent of Caesars?

Makes sense. One wonders what they would think of Caesar salads.